1. The Platt Amendment was a treaty that allowed the United States to build military bases in which country?

  1. the Dominican Republic
  2. Cuba
  3. Haiti
  4. Colombia

2. According to the Fifteenth Amendment, citizens were not supposed to be restricted from voting based on their race or previous status as slaves. In spite of this federal law, southern states passed their own laws aimed at preventing African Americans from voting. First, poll taxes and literacy tests were required in order to vote. Later, states began passing "grandfather clauses," which stated that people who could not pass the literacy test or pay the poll tax could vote if they, their fathers, or grandfathers had been allowed to vote on or before January 1, 1867. Why were grandfather clauses enacted?

  1. The use of literacy tests and poll taxes had prevented whites from voting.
  2. Grandfather clauses were a fair way to decide who had the right to vote.
  3. African Americans advocated the use of grandfather clauses.
  4. Southerners realized that literacy tests and poll taxes were unfair for poor people.

3. Who was Robert La Follette?

  1. A Wisconsin governor during the Progressive Era who pioneered reforms including the income tax and the direct primary election.
  2. A Civil Rights leader during the 1950s and 1960s who participated in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  3. A Populist Party leader who advocated abandoning the gold standard for currency and ran for President in 1892.
  4. A robber baron industrialist whose questionable labor practices were a major impetus for the Progressive era reform movement.

4. In which Supreme Court decision did the Court uphold the policy of "separate but equal," which allowed racial discrimination?

  1. Plessy v. Ferguson
  2. Dred Scott v. Sandford
  3. Wabash v. Illinois
  4. U.S. v. E.C. Knight Co.

5. The Progressive Movement was characterized by

  1. politically active farmers who were united by a platform to abandon the gold standard for currency.
  2. constant civil disobedience on the part of activists determined to secure equality for African Americans.
  3. efforts to better American society through reform, expanded democracy, science, and government regulation.
  4. the belief that the United States should involve itself more actively in foreign affairs and become expansionist.

6. Which organization, formed in 1909, worked to end racial segregation and fought for equal rights for ethnic minorities?

  1. the American Colonization Society
  2. the National Women's Suffrage Association
  3. the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  4. the American Temperance Society


•Suffrage for women
•Child labor laws

Which of the following was also a notable accomplishment of the Progressive Era?

  1. Truancy laws
  2. Civil rights
  3. The New Deal
  4. Election reform

8. Which of the following was a form of violence used by the Ku Klux Klan against African Americans?

  1. bribery
  2. boycotting
  3. extortion
  4. lynching

9. Woodrow Wilson promoted a new policy that would modify antitrust laws, revise tariffs, and reform American banking and currency. What was Wilson's new policy called?

  1. the Great Society
  2. the Square Deal
  3. the New Freedom
  4. the New Deal

10. Why did President McKinley believe it was important for the United States to become involved in Cuba's interests prior to the Spanish American War?

  1. He wanted to protect American economic interests in the Caribbean.
  2. He wanted to defeat the Spanish in order to gain more land.
  3. Cuba was a strong ally and a potential trading partner of the U.S.
  4. He promised the Cubans defense against any foreign enemy.

11. Alfred Thayer Mahan influenced United States policy by writing about which of the following views?

  1. A country needed a strong system of alliances to be secure.
  2. A country's greatness depended on its naval power.
  3. A new system of labor was needed to take slavery's place.
  4. A stable economy was important for any democracy.

12.De jure segregation occurs when local, state, or national laws require racial separation or allow segregation. De facto segregation, or "segregation in fact," is when racial separation happens even though the laws do not require or allow separation. De facto segregation can happen through social practice, political acts, economic circumstances, or public policy.
Which of the following promoted de jure segregation in the 19th and 20th centuries?

  1. the Reconstruction Acts
  2. the 19th Amendment
  3. Jim Crow laws
  4. the Civil Rights Act of 1875

13. Booker T. Washington delivered a speech in 1895 known as the "Atlanta Compromise." What was one of the arguments that he made in his speech?

  1. Racial segregation and discrimination should end immediately.
  2. African Americans should work towards economic security before trying to achieve racial equality.
  3. African Americans should have the right to vote.
  4. The government should pay African Americans for the injustices they suffered under slavery.

14. During Woodrow Wilson's term as governor of New Jersey, he implemented many progressive reforms such as a workmen's compensation law, a commission that regulated transportation and public utilities, and electoral reform. Wilson's accomplishments as governor helped him to

  1. be elected president in the 1912 election.
  2. become the CEO of a large corporation.
  3. become a U.S. Senator representing New Jersey.
  4. be nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

15. One result of American imperialism is that many developing nations became "banana republics." A banana republic was a nation

  1. that developed a successful export-based economy.
  2. that was conquered by the U.S. and annexed as a territory.
  3. whose government was controlled by U.S. companies.
  4. whose constitution was based on the U.S. Constitution.

16. In the United States during World War I, public outrage against the Germans swept the nation following

  1. the German invasion of Poland.
  2. the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  3. the sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania.
  4. the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

17. Which of these actions did W.E.B. DuBois take during the civil rights movement?

  1. He helped found an organization to improve the conditions of African Americans.
  2. He was a lawyer who argued against segregation in Brown v. Board of Education.
  3. He allowed himself to be arrested for sitting in the white section of a bus.
  4. He began a movement to convince African Americans that they should return to Africa.

18. Which of the following was one of Triple Entente until 1917?

  1. Turkey
  2. Russia
  3. Czechoslovakia
  4. Spain

19. Which of these territories did the United States acquire as a result of the Spanish-American War?

  1. Hawaii
  2. Panama
  3. the Dominican Republic
  4. the Philippines

20. Which treaty ended the Spanish-American War?

  1. the Treaty of Paris of 1898
  2. the Treaty of Ghent
  3. the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
  4. the Treaty of Versailles

21. Why did the United States decide not to participate in the League of Nations established by the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I?

  1. Germany was allowed to be a member nation.
  2. Congress was concerned it would override American interests.
  3. The organization supported Communist expansion in Europe.
  4. President Wilson was not in favor of the organization.

22. What was the impact of muckraker journalist Ida Tarbell's History of the Standard Oil Company?

  1. It led to better working conditions for women and children.
  2. It led to the breakup of the company as a monopoly.
  3. It led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act.
  4. It led to the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.


•poll taxes
•literacy tests
•grandfather clauses

The box above lists methods that southern states used to prevent African Americans from doing what?

  1. voting
  2. working
  3. owning property
  4. going to school


Which of the following best completes the chart?

  1. the Dominican Republic
  2. the Philippines
  3. Jamaica
  4. Haiti

25. Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle was intended as a criticism of the capitalist system; it

  1. led to improved living conditions for the working class.
  2. helped to rid the United States of "wage slavery."
  3. led to improved working conditions for women and children.
  4. led to greater oversight of the meatpacking industry.

26.In the 1800s, the Triple Alliance united Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. At this time, France and Russia feared that Germany's power was growing too great and formed their own alliance. They were later joined by Great Britain and the alliance between these three nations was known as the Triple Entente. The countries of both the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente agreed to the mutual defense of all the nations in the alliance, and that an act of war against one nation would be considered an act of war against the whole alliance. Each nation felt that this system of alliances would ensure peaceful relations among the nations of Europe.
The map and passage above could most likely be used to answer which of the following questions?

  1. Why were so many nations caught up in the fighting of World War I?
  2. How was the United States able to remain neutral for most of the war?
  3. How did nations such as Poland and Czechoslovakia come to exist at the end of the war?
  4. Why did Germany feel it could safely invade Belgium and France in 1914?


The White Man's Burden
The United States and
the Philippine Islands
by Rudyard Kipling
Take up the White Man's burden—
Send forth the best ye breed—
Go, bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait, in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
Take up the White Man's burden—
The savage wars of peace—
Fill full the mouth of Famine,
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
(The end for others sought)
Watch sloth and heathen folly
Bring all your hope to nought.

Above are two stanzas of "The White Man's Burden," which was published after the United States acquired the Philippine Islands. The poem argues that the natives of the Philippines

  1. had helped the United States in the past.
  2. were not able to take care of themselves.
  3. were threatening to other nations of the world.
  4. had valuable resources that were being wasted.

28. Which nation rejected the Treaty of Versailles, negotiating its own peace agreement with Germany in 1921?

  1. France
  2. United States
  3. Japan
  4. the Soviet Union


Which answer best completes this diagram?

  1. Senators are elected by a convention in each state.
  2. Senators are selected by each state's governor.
  3. Senators are elected directly by each state's voters.
  4. Senators are selected by the Speaker of the House.

During World War I, the War Industries Board was established to shift the United States to a wartime economy. To accomplish this, they fixed prices and wages, set industrial priorities, and converted factories to producing war materials. Over 20 percent of the nation’s production shifted to meet wartime goals. It was a defining moment of federal power; during this time, the government assumed many functions that it continues to have today.

30. Which of these best demonstrates that the U.S. government grew during World War I?

  1. The government wished for economic production to grow during the war.
  2. The government gained responsibilities that it would keep after the war.
  3. The government declared war instead of having war declared on it.
  4. The government allowed labor unions to exist even during the war.

31. In 1902, Secretary of State John Hay negotiated a treaty with Colombian Foreign Minister TomásHerrán in which the United States was granted permission to build a canal in Panama, which was controlled by Colombia at the time. The U.S. Senate approved this treaty, but the Colombian government did not. What did the United States do after the rejection of this treaty?

  1. The United States assisted in a Panamanian revolt against Colombia, and Panama became an independent country.
  2. The United States declared war on Colombia.
  3. The United States imposed a trade embargo on Colombia.
  4. The United States started to build its canal even though it did not have approval.

32. A member of the Socialist Party of America, which of the following men was convicted of espionage after giving a speech that was considered an attempt to obstruct military recruiting?

  1. Eugene Debs
  2. Woodrow Wilson
  3. Grover Cleveland
  4. Bill Haywood

33. To which idea did Susan B. Anthony devote her life's work?

  1. gaining suffrage for women
  2. achieving equal pay for women
  3. the Civil Rights movement
  4. helping the urban poor

34. Which country's isolationist policy prevented it from becoming a member of the League of Nations?

  1. Belgium
  2. the United States
  3. the Soviet Union
  4. France

35. Which is true about Progressive leader Jane Addams?

  1. She fought against the Prohibition movement in the U.S.
  2. She established Hull House for poor immigrants in Chicago.
  3. She wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  4. She was the first female to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

36. Which person founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and was a strong supporter of the Back to Africa movement which encouraged African Americans to move to Africa?

  1. Frederick Douglass
  2. Booker T. Washington
  3. Marcus Garvey
  4. W.E.B. Du Bois

37. Which treaty granted the United States permission to build the Panama Canal?

  1. the Treaty of Paris of 1898
  2. the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
  3. the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
  4. the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

38. One of the contributing factors to America's initial decision to enter into World War I was the Zimmerman Note. What were the contents of this telegram sent from Germany?

  1. Germany's war secrets promised to the Mexican government after the United States entered the war.
  2. Germany's proposal that upon an alliance with Mexico, it would ensure the return of Mexican land lost to the United States.
  3. Germany's threat that upon a Mexican-American alliance, it would no longer engage in trade activities with Mexico.
  4. Germany's insistence that the Mexican government refuse to assist the Allies with financial or military aid.

39. Which African American leader during the Progressive era believed that African Americans should attend vocational school and work to improve their own communities at the local level?

  1. Frederick Douglass
  2. Booker T. Washington
  3. Marcus Garvey
  4. W.E.B. DuBois

40. President William Howard Taft's foreign policy encouraged American investment in foreign countries and increased trade. What was the name given to Taft's foreign policy?

  1. dollar diplomacy
  2. big stick diplomacy
  3. shuttle diplomacy
  4. missionary diplomacy

41. One reason the United States was interested in acquiring Hawaii was that trade with Hawaii had become quite important. What was Hawaii's primary export to the United States?

  1. corn
  2. cotton
  3. fish
  4. sugar cane

42. The term Great Migration is used to describe the mass movement of southern blacks that occurred in the early 20th century as they moved to which area?

  1. the North
  2. Africa
  3. Canada
  4. the Great Plains

43. Which term best describes journalists who worked to expose abuses of corporate power, thereby gathering public support for regulation and reform, during the Progressive Era?

  1. unionizers
  2. trustbusters
  3. suffragists
  4. muckrakers

44. President Theodore Roosevelt was very interested in the conservation movement that had evolved during the late 1800s. Which of the following best describes Roosevelt's role in the conservation movement?

  1. He promoted recycling programs and encouraged people to consume less.
  2. He created new laws to reduce the amount of pollution emitted from factories.
  3. He expanded the national park system and supported government policies that managed natural resources.
  4. He became interested in renewable sources of energy and worked to increase energy efficiency.

45. The______, created after World War I, was ineffectual in preventing World War II due to its lack of real power.

  1. European Union
  2. United Nations
  3. League of Nations
  4. North Atlantic Treaty Organization

46. In the early 1900s, there was a movement to increase patriotism in the United States. Some states began patriot education programs in their schools. However, at the outbreak of World War I, United States' participation the war and patriot ideas were strongly opposed by some

  1. socialist organizations.
  2. Southern congressmen.
  3. New Deal supporters.
  4. Whig party members.

47. On March 25, 1911, a fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City. 146 garment workers died because they were unable to escape from the upper floors of the building. What impact did this fire have on the garment industry?

  1. Groups worked to end child labor.
  2. Groups called for the break-up of unions.
  3. Groups lobbied for a national minimum wage.
  4. Groups advocated safer working conditions for factory workers.

48. Even though the 15th Amendment had granted African Americans the right to vote, many African Americans were prevented from exercising their right to vote during the late 19th century. What is the term used to describe this practice?

  1. disenfranchisement
  2. emancipation
  3. vindication
  4. solidarity


Gentlemen of the Congress ...
We entered this war because violations of right had occurred which touched us to the quick and made the life of our own people impossible unless they were corrected, and the world secured once for all against their recurrence. What we demand in this war, therefore, is nothing peculiar to ourselves. It is that the world be made fit and safe to live in; and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression. The program of the world's peace, therefore, is our program; and that program, the only possible program, as we see it, is this:
Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas
The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions
Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety
A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims
—Woodrow Wilson

The speech excerpt above outlines part of President Wilson's plan for peace following World War I. What was Wilson's plan for peace called?