Student Teacher _Collin Grogan_Grades ___7-8____ TeachingDate ____Oct. 29, 2009___
Subject: Group formation games/activitiesStandard(s): Standard 2: Movement Concepts: Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 5: Responsible Personal and Social Behavior: Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Performance Objective(s)/Indicator(s)
Psychomotor: N/A
Cognitive: TSWBAT learn and reiterate why teamwork is important when asked by the teacher to do so. (7.2.1)
Affective: TSWBAT work as a group and listen to other students ideas. (7.5.2)
Equipment Needs:12 blindfolds
Time / Instructional Activities (Detailed)1:40
If Needed
2:00-2:05 / Introduction: See introduction below
Non-verbal communication
-students will not be allowed to talk
-students will line up in order from shortest to tallest, youngest to oldest, by birthday during the year, and by alphabetical order of first names
Non-visual communication
-students will be blindfolded, THEY CAN TALK
-students will line up in order from shortest to tallest, youngest to oldest, by birthday during the year, and by alphabetical order of last names
Nametag grouping
-students will be given a nametag and only using yes or no questions will find who has a related word on their nametag
Activity: Pick and Choose
-Students will be divided into two teams
-for 2 minutes the students will try to throw tennis balls into buckets placed at different distances away assigned different point values
-half of each team will be designated to retrieve the tennis balls and the other half will be throwing the tennis balls from behind the baseline
Closure: See closure below
Introduction (Set Induction): Today we will be learning to work together to reach a common goal. What is leadership and what kinds of people do you see that is in a leadership position? Why is it important that we learn to work in groups and use teamwork? What other kinds of things can you learn from working as a group? What other kinds of things do we do that require the use of teamwork and leadership in our everyday lives?Organizational Plan (How will students and equipment be organized?):
Skills to be Taught / Teaching Cues- Leadership through presenting ideas to solving problems
- Teamwork to accomplish goals
-don’t be afraid to tell everyone your idea(s)
-listen to each other’s ideas to find out what works
-don’t be afraid to be wrong
Closure: What kinds of things did we learn/go over today? What were some of the activities you liked best? Did anyone find these activities difficult? What was hard about these activities? What was easy? Why do you think we do these kinds of activities? Why is it important that we learn to use teamwork and learn leadership skills? Is it important to listen to other people’s ideas for solving problems even if they are wrong? Why or why not? Who had fun today?...... Dismiss students.
H:\205 Team Activities\Lesson Plan Model.doc