Facilities/Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes / Date: April 08, 2016
Time: 11:00am
Location: Manzanita
Conference Room/Multi-Purpose Room
Members Present: Errin Bass, Laureen Campana, Greg Elam, Doralyn Foletti, Craig Johnston, Dave Keener, Tim Nesmith, Dorothy Pimentel, Jim Retemeyer, Karin Rodts, , Brian Sanders, Laurie Sylwester
Guests: Ryan Brady, Doreen Bass, Mike Fabry, Jeff Fitzwater, Sarah Mitchell, Ron Martin(Kitchell), Mary Wisehart
Absent: John Black, Casey Deal, Margo Guzman
See attached agenda
Recommended for Vote
January 22, 2016 Record of Meeting for Safety and Facilities Committees were approved as presented with one correction:
Facilities Committee – Measure E Construction Update paragraph 6: Change questioned to inquired
TOPIC: Student Safety Concerns/Issues
Discussion:Errin Bass stated there have been student concerns on safety in the parking areas and asked about installing surveillance cameras. There are rumors of recent thefts. However, Greg reported no formal reports have been filed through Security or Student Housing. Regarding camera installation, Greg stated there is insufficient Wi-Fiand no existing networking in the parking area to support the technology. Responding to a question on monitoring, Greg stated camera footage is archived for about 30-days and is reviewed only if an incident warrants. Campus Security monitors the parking areas on a regular basis throughout each day.
Brian reported John Black will be performing a campus security assessment. The issue of cameras will be discussed when he is on campus. Further, the District continues to work on a plan to transition door handles that can be locked down during an emergency. The inventory has been submitted to the District.
It was reported we are lacking signage outside Manzanita at the disabled parking area that directs students to the accessible double doors.
A need for a first aid kit at the information desk was brought forward. A kit was not put in Manzanita after the remodel move-in. Doreen stated she has a list of kit locations and biohazardous buckets across campus.
Action items:
1. Review and install appropriate signage outside Manzanita
2. Obtain First Aid kit for Manzanita / Person Responsible:
Terri / Deadline
TOPIC: Health & Safety
Discussion: No Report
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
TOPIC: Security & Fire
Discussion: Greg reported 6-criminal and 12-events year-to-date. Building coordinator training has been completed. Fifteen employees have been trained; 2-per building. The process will be implemented in fall semester 2016. A coordinator will assist with any event until security arrives. Supply bags have been prepared and will be distributed. Building equipment and evacuation routes were reviewed. Evacuation drills are also planned for fall semester.
Action items: Finalize building coordinator plan and schedule evacuation drills. / Person responsible:
Greg Elam / Deadline:
TOPIC: Risk Management
Discussion: Dorothy reported the audit from Tuolumne Co. Environmental Heath was complete and passed with a few small corrective actions. The CA Environmental Reporting System of Hazardous Materials report (CERS) is underway. This report does not include classrooms. There is a plan to engage a chemical hygiene specialist with ASCIP to perform an assessment at both colleges. Heat training is required now for facilities, security and athletic staff.
Action items:
None / Person Responsible: / Deadline
TOPIC: Measure E Update
Discussion: Ron reported the plans for lower level Manzanita and Pinyon renovations are in DSA with an anticipated approval in June with bids occurring during the summer. Construction will likely begin in September. The committee reviewed a staging map for Manzanita which identified those areas under contractor control during construction. Public walkways will be maintained. All picnic tables will be moved. Location for the food trailer was identified. Culinary and Snack Bar areas will be vacated beginning May 2nd after graduation. Beverage coolers will be relocated into the Bookstore. POS for the food trailer will be inside the Bookstore. Hazardous material removal will begin May 23rd at 4:30pm. Work will take place during the evening hours for 3-4 weeks.
Dorothy will forward the insurance forms to add the food trailer to the District’s policy.
Action items:
None / Person responsible: / Deadline:
TOPIC: College Facilities Projects
Discussion: Dave reported the Oak roof and HVAC system are the scheduled maintenance projects this summer. Renovation options to the Oak floor are being investigated.
Action items:
None / Person responsible: / Deadline:
TOPIC: Tennis Practice Wall Proposal
Discussion: Guest Jeff Fitzwater presented a proposal for a practice wall to be constructed at the tennis court area. There are some donated funds available through the CC Foundation toward the project. The committee discussed construction material as it related to sounds and possible disturbances to surrounding classrooms. In reference to a question on the existing asphalt cracks, it was felt the cracks were not bad at this time and would not hinder construction. It could be addressed at a later date. Doralyn stated the Classified Senate supports the proposal. Jeff reported receiving positive community feedback to the proposal.
Conclusions: It was determined a free-standing wall would need to go through the District construction process as plans will need to have a desk approval through the DSA.
Action items: Committee members should meet with their constituent groups and surrounding faculty to inquire about possible noise concerns. / Person responsible: / Deadline:
TOPIC: CC Fitness Trail Signage and Work Station Repair Proposal
Discussion: Mike Fabry reported on the progress of renovating the PAR course. The course was constructed in 1990. The committee had discussed possibly closing the course during fall semester due to deterioration. Instead, a committee is working on improvements. The name of the course will be changed to Columbia College Fitness Trail due to possible copyright issues. The committee reviewed the PowerPoint on the current condition of the stations. Mike reported cost estimate for wood signs would be about $150 each and metal signs about $250 each. Each sign will describe 3-levels of fitness. There will be 18 stations; 4-stations per pod. District Facilities will cover replacing the directional signs. Initial estimates for signage replacement is $8000-$14,500 with additional supplies of $6500. Better estimates will be obtained once the design has been finalized. Committee discussion followed on fundraising and recognizing sponsors on the signs.
Conclusions: The committee approved by consensus to move the project forward to College Council and the President for approval.
Action items: None / Person responsible: / Deadline:
TOPIC: Music Practice Room Proposal
Discussion: Music student Mary Wisehart presented a proposal to add sound reducing materials to the practice rooms located in Cedar and Aspen. Mary reviewed a PowerPoint on the current state of the rooms. There is noise disruption to the adjoining faculty offices. Additionally, students residing in the dorms are unable to practice. Mary stated both professors Rod Harris and Daryl Hollinger are in agreement. Mary has obtained a rough estimate of $7,200 for the sound reducing material. The committee discussed the various materials available as well as timing.
There is no dedicated funding available to purchase materials at this time. After discussion, should funding be identified, it was suggested material be installed in 1-room as a test. Mary was advised to work with Facilities and the Office of Arts & Sciences.
Action items:
None / Person responsible: / Deadline:


There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 12:40pm.

Record of meeting respectfully submitted by Terri L Isaman, Executive Secretary

Facilities/Safety CommitteeRecord of Meeting • April 08, 2016

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