Finance and Administration Policies & Procedures

Non-Regular Rank FacultySample Offer Letter 1

Last updated: June 18, 2015

(Note-Department letterhead should be used for offer letters)

(Insert Date)

(Insert Name)



(City, State ZIP)

Dear (insert name):

I am pleased to offer you a (insert full-time or part-time) non-tenure-track appointment as (insert rank) in the Department of (insert department). Your annual salary will be $ (enter amount) OR This appointment carries no remuneration. This offer is contingent upon a minimum enrollment of eight students in each section.

This is a (insert 9, 10, 11 or 12 month) non-tenure-track position that will begin on (insert date) and end on (insert date). (Note-NRR appointments should not exceed 3 years). By accepting this appointment you agree to the “General Terms and Conditions of Faculty Appointment” in Attachment A and to the “Specific Terms and Conditions of Faculty Appointment”in Attachment B.

Ifyou find this offer to be satisfactory as presented, please indicate your acceptance by signing, dating, and returning the original letter to (insert name and address).

This offer will remain open for ______(insert # of days) from the date of this letter. If we have not received your signed acceptance by(insert date) we will assume that you have not accepted this offer. If you require any additional time to consider this offer, please contact (insert name).

Again, we look forward to your joining the University community and to working with you in the future.




(Department Name)

I have received, reviewed and understand the terms and conditions of employment contained in this letter, Attachment A (“General Terms and Conditions of Faculty Appointment”) and Attachment B (“Specific Terms and Conditions of Faculty Appointment”).


(Signature) (Date)


General Terms and Conditions of Faculty Appointment


Letter Date:(Date)



  1. Eligibility for Employment

Your offer for employment is contingent upon providing, prior to your first day of employment, official documentation of degrees earned. An original official transcript of your terminal degree must be submitted to comply with credentialing guidelines of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Our receiving the transcript by (insert date) would be much appreciated. Please request that the institution from which you received this degree send an official transcript of your academic record to the attention of (insert name and departmental address).

Your offer for employment is contingent upon satisfying all Federal employment eligibility requirements, including any necessary work authorizations, successful completion of pre-employment background investigations that include a criminal history background check, degree (education) verification and employment history verification. You will be sent an electronic notification to complete the form.

  1. I-9 Requirements

The University is subject to Federal guidelineswhich require that an individual’s eligibility for employment be verified. To do so, a U.S. Government Form I-9 must be completed for each new employee. You will be sent an electronic notification to complete the form.

  1. Getting Paid/Taxation

Faculty members are paid monthly on the 25th working day of each month. The Direct Deposit Payroll Authorization Form authorizes the University to deposit net pay directly into a checking or savings account at any bank or savings and loan association within the continental United States or to certain credit unions, including the University Federal Credit Union. A statement showing gross earnings, itemized deductions, and the amount of net pay deposited is made accessible to the faculty member each month via Duke@Work. The University requires participation in the Direct Deposit Payroll System by all faculty members. All amounts paid by the University to you may be subject to taxation both for reporting and withholding. Any amounts subject to withholding will have taxes withheld in accordance with federal and state law. If you accept this offer you must complete the direct deposit form and tax forms electronically in order to receive payment. These forms can be accessed through Duke@Work.

  1. Benefits

You may be eligible to receive certain benefits provided to employees of Duke. You are responsible for making all decisions and for taking all actions relating to such benefits, within established time frames and deadlines. Please note that moving and relocation expenses are not part of the Non-Regular Rank benefit package. (Note: if the appointment does not offer benefits omit this paragraph).


Specific Terms and Conditions of Faculty Appointment


Letter Date:(Date)



  1. Duties & Responsibilities

Your duties and responsibilities will include the following (insert duties).

  1. Workload Assignment

Your teaching load will be(insert number)courses for(insert semester)semester for a total of(insert number)courses for the academic year. These courses will be(list courses).

List all other work assignments.

NOTE: If the appointment will be for multiple years use Sample Letter 2 for years 2 and 3 of the appointment to inform the faculty member of their new salary and duties.