Student’s Name:

Student’s Grade:

Parent’s Name:

Telephone (Home):

Telephone (Work):

Emergency Contact: ______

(must be able to be reached during program hours)

Allergies or Medical needs______

Additional info ______

Mon. # ___ Program ______

Tues. # ___ Program ______

Wed. # ___ Program ______

Thurs. # ___ Program ______

Fri. No Programs due to Winter Activities


We ask that you contribute what you feel you can to assist Wings in covering the costs of programs. $20.00 per program is suggested.

Please do not let an inability to contribute the suggested amount keep you from enrolling your child in multiple programs. RCS is a state license facility. Enrolling your child for child care assistance through the state will ensure availability of necessary funds for after school programming.

□ I have applied for subsidized after school child care and have been approved.

□ I have applied for subsidized after school child care and am awaiting approval or was denied.

□ I require assistance applying for after school child care.

□ I have enclosed $______for my child’s program.

Please make checks payable to:

Wings Community Programs


Readsboro Central School

Session III (2014-2015)

Jan. 12 – Feb.13


Welcome back and Happy New Year. I hope you continue to enjoy and support your Wings Community After School Programs. Lots of great programs… a few old, a few brand new!

We do our best and welcome all suggestions for future programs for your children.



Please remember that RCS is now a state licensed afterschool program. Any one unable to pay the $20.00 program fee is required to confidentially fill out an application for child care assistance to help recoup state money to assist with quality afterschool programming for our community. We welcome questions about this procedure and have the required paperwork on hand.


*Wings* fee structure is intended to encourage families to contribute what they can afford. *Wings* suggests a contribution of $20 per program (a little more than $3 per day). We realize that when your child enrolls in multiple programs, and/or you have more than one child enrolling in programs, the suggested contribution may not be possible.

Please contribute what you can to help *Wings* cover the cost of running after-school programs. Our primary goal is to have children attend after-school programs. Please do not let the suggested contribution deter you from enrolling your children. State subsidy is available at RCS.

Contact Information:

Diane Oxton

Site Coordinator

Email- doxton

School Phone:802- 423-7786

Home Phone: 413-749-7231

Snack will be provided to all students prior to their Wings program.

Programs run from 3:15 to 4:30.

Suggested fee per program: $20.00


1/12, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9

1. Crocheting

Program Leaders: Norma Jean Marchegiani

Grades: 4-8

Norma Jean has lots of wonderful hobbies to

share but this is a perfect time of year for your

child to learn to make a scarf for themselves or

as a gift….or both. Once this craft is learned, it

will lead to many projects they will be proud to

say they made themselves!

2. Rubik’s Cube

Program Leaders: Principal Smith

Grades: 1-8

This program comes straight from our new principal…

“Rubik’s cube activity will help students to follow verbal

directions, experiment with algorithms and build

confidence in themselves as they work through the

Cube and achieve mastery over it. Students who

complete the cube before the end of the session will

be instructed in speed-cubing and encouraged to

develop their own algorithms as they work to intuitively

master the F2L components of the Friedrich Method”.


1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10

3. Jr. Iron Chef

Program Leader: Michele Farrance

Grades: closed

Yay! Readsboro is sending two teams to the

8th annual Jr. Iron Chef competition in March as

well as our local competition at Twin Valley. Michele

has worked hard with this year’s competitors and a few

who won’t be eligible to compete until next year. Kudos

to our kids, Michele and the parents that have

committed to help in this endeavor! If you are part of this

team, please make sure to fill out this session’s flyer.

4. A Community of Readers

Program Leaders: Cyndi Candiloro

Grades: K-2

Cyndi’s new program will highlight many of the new

books that were added to the children’s collection

through the Rural Library Grant. She will ask the children

to practice reading a book and then have them read it

to a younger child who needs help learning how to read.

These books will highlight teaching them how to do

do something for others and then do it! Such as building

a birdhouse, making toys for the animals at a shelter, or

planting a garden.

5. Clay Creations

Program Leader: Ms. Childs

Grades: 3 - 8

Come and get your hands dirty and create a

work of art. Ms. Childs will guide you

working and manipulating clay into a personal

masterpiece or two!


1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11

6. Basketball

Program Leader: Tom Boudreau

Grades: 5-8

This is Wings time designated for our RCS basketball

team. Wings Community Programs is pleased to

be able to collaborate with school sport activity. If your

child participates in this activity, please fill out the flyer.

7. Question Club

Program Leader: Mr. Carter/ Mr. C

Grades: all grades

Are you at home doing your homework and suddenly

have a question? Or are you just curious with lots of

questions that don’t really get answered in the school

day? Or maybe you and a classmate are working on a

upcoming project or just want to work on your homework

together. Or you just need a quiet place to do that home-

work. Join this club and give us your ideas for school

beyond the 8 -3.

8. Let’s Make A Book

Program Leader: Ms. Childs

Grades: K-4

Our children have so much to say…and love to draw.

This program will give them an opportunity to tell a

story, draw the illustrations and print out their beautiful

work to bring home for all to see and keep forever.


1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

9. Stories, Games and Crafts

Program Leader: Mrs. Edie Brigham

Grades: K-3

Join Ms. Brigham as you go to the library, pick out

books, play games and make crafts. Is there a special

book game or craft you would like to do? Let’s make a

list and work on them one by one!

10. Basketball

Program Leader: Tom Boudreau

Grades: 5-8

This is Wings time designated for our RCS basketball

team. Wings Community Programs is pleased to

be able to collaborate with school sport activity. If your

child participates in this activity, please fill out the flyer.

11. ABC -123

Program Leader: Courtney Burrows

Grades: K-4

All the kids love Ms. Burrows Math programs. All the

kids love Ms. Burrows spelling programs. This is a

program to bring them all together and keep the fun

and learning happening.

No Friday Programs due to Winter Activities

Please keep this page for rules, info

and your future reference.

Please take the time to read all reminders.

*** Please remind your child to listen and follow their classroom teachers’ directions and proceed to the *Wings* table in the gym when instructed to.

*** Hands should be washed in the classroom before coming to snack.

*** All students scheduled to attend a program must stay unless there is a note from home or a phone call to the school.

Contact Information:

Diane Oxton

Site Coordinator

School Phone: 423-7786

*Wings provides tutoring free of charge.

Please contact Site Coordinator in writing or speak to the classroom teacher to make arrangements.

*Please remind your child in the morning before they leave for school if they have Wings that day, especially for the first few weeks. If they are not sure, they should check with their teacher. They will have a list of programs for the day and who is signed up. If you did not fill out a flyer, your child will not be on the list.

If the proper paperwork is not filled out, your child cannot stay for Wings until it is.

*No student should leave the school at the end of their program without checking with their Program leader and Site Coordinator. Anyone picking up a student is asked to come inside to sign out their child when picking up.

*Any child being picked up by anyone other than a parent or guardian must have a note on file or a phone call on that day to the Site Coordinator or the school principal.

* Students need to leave back packs and jackets in their lockers.

*Wings students are not allowed to roam the hallways during programs.

*Students need to stay with their program leader and return to the gym together at 4:30 for check out.

*Students may not leave their program for any reason without permission from the program leader.

*Students walking or riding their bikes need a note on file giving permission.

Thanks for your cooperation in maintaining student safety.