Buddhism Unit 2b

Student Reflection – Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma

1.  First read the handout titles “The Sermon at the Deer Park”

2.  Reflect and answer the following:

Content / Comprehension:

  1. Suggest one reason why the 5 ascetics joined their hands and asked Gautama to “show them compassion and teach them the way”?
  1. What does the path that Siddhartha has discovered lead to?
  1. What is the eight-fold path?
  1. What are the shackles that Siddhartha believes people can be liberated from?
  1. What is the Noble Eightfold Path nourished by?
  1. What is ‘mindfulness’ and what does it lead to?
  1. Who became the Buddha’s first disciple?
  1. What do the Buddha’s disciples hope to gain under his guidance?
  1. What is the basis of this spiritual practice?
  1. What does the Buddha request of his disciples in order for them to attain the fruit of liberation within 3 months

Reflection / Discussion: prepare the following answers for discussion

  1. What does it mean to you when the Buddha speaks of “living in awareness”?
  1. What are your impression / thoughts of the Buddha’s view of the human condition: (to live is to suffer, caused by desire, it can be stopped by following the noble eightfold path)?
  1. Describe an experience in which you felt you had suddenly awakened to new knowledge or a feelings or experience.