Student reflection and goal setting
The student reflection and goal setting document will assist you to monitor your progress and set goals for the learning activities. You will find that this will help you when you attempt the investigation task of this resource.
In your presentation on identity theft: / In your presentation on identity theft: / In your presentation on identity theft:Have you considered the possible impacts on computer users of identity theft? / Have you considered the possible impacts on computer users of identity theft?Have you described what processes need to be put in place to ensure personal and financial data security? / Have you considered the possible impacts on computer users of identity theft?Have you described what legislative protections users have? Have you described what processes need to be put in place to ensure personal and financial data security for users?
Have you described the methods used by identity thieves to steal identity? / Have you described the methods used by identity thieves to steal identity in a range of contexts, eg the home and the workplace? / Have you describedthe motivating beliefsof identity thieves, and methods used by identity thieves to steal identity in a range of contexts,eg the home and the workplace?
Have you explained the use of spam email as a vehicle to deliver malicious software? / Have you explainedthe main values of developers who develop malicious software delivered through spam email? / Have you explainedthe abilities, intentions and values of developers who develop malicious software delivered through spam email?
In your presentation on identity theft: / In your presentation on identity theft: / In your presentation on identity theft:
Have you described the role of phishing websites in stealing personal financial information? / Have you described the level of sophistication of developers of phishing websites and the vulnerability of different user groups when confronted by phishing web sites? / Have you described the level of sophistication of developers of phishing websites and the vulnerability of different user groups, in differentcontexts,when confronted by phishing websites?
Have you explained the personal, social and financial consequences of identity theft for computer users? / Have you explained the personal, social and financial consequences of identity theft for computer users, in the home and in the workplace? / Have you explained the personal, social and financial consequences of identity theft for computer users, in a number of contexts?
Have you described the steps you need to take to protect yourself from malicious software and identity theft? / Have you described the steps an individual andabusiness need to take to protect themselves from malicious software and identity theft? / Have you described the steps an individual and a business need to take to protect themselves andothersfrom malicious software and identity theft?
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