Student Radio Procedures
Departing Tinson Pen
Frequency: Tinson Pen 121.60
Initial call after run up checks
You: “Tinson Information good morning N2472U”
TPN: “N2472U good morning, go ahead.”
You: “N2472U two souls on board, three hours fuel, departing to the training area for 1 hour, PIC (instructor’s name).’
TPN: “N2472U the Qnh is 30.03 the wind is 150 at 09 knots, negative traffic to affect you at this time.”
You: “Qnh 30.03, copy the wind and negative traffic, taxiing to hold short runway 14. N2472U.”
Holding short of active runway. Check in both directions for traffic. If clear, proceed:
You: “Tinson Information N2472U is entering to back track runway 14.”
TPN: “N2472U, Roger.”
Switching to Manley Radar:
You: “Tinson Information N2472U switching to Manley Radar.”
TPN: “N2472U contact Manley Radar on 120.6.”
You: “120.6; N2472U.”
Initial Call to Manley Radar on 120.6; To obtain clearance to cross the approach path for runway 12 to the training area:
You: “Good afternoon Manley Radar, N2472U squawking 5015”
MLY: “N2472U this is Manley Radar, radar contact, 2 miles to the North West of Manley go ahead”
You: “Manley Radar, N2472U, copy radar contact, requesting permission to cross the approach path runway 12 for the training area.
MLY: “N2472U cleared to cross the approach path runway 12 as published, report clear.
You: “N2472U cleared to cross the approach path as published, will report clear
Note: Unless instructed to do otherwise, Manley Radar expects aircraft to proceed to the training area as published on the Jamaica VFR Aeronautical Chart, and remain at or below 1000ft and West of Bernard Lodge.
After Reaching Bernard Lodge:
You: “Manley N2472U clear of the approach path,
MLY: “N2472U report area of operation and altitude”
You: “N2472U will be operating (tell them the area you will be in eg. Goat Island or Port Esquivel) at 3500ft and below.”
After Reaching Goat Island or Port Esquivel:
MLY: “N2472U, radar services terminated, monitor Unicom 122.8 and this frequency”
You: “122.8 N2472U ”
Retuning to Tinson Pen
Call to Manley Radar 120.6
You: “Manley Radar N2472U, squawking 5015,
MLY “N2472U, radar contact 18 miles southwest of Manley at 3000 feet, Go Ahead”
You: “N2472U, departing (area of operation eg. S&W) for Tinson Pen, requesting permission to cross the approach path runway 12.
MLY: “N2472U cleared to cross the approach path runway 12 as published, report clear.”
You: “N2472U, cleared to cross approach path runway 12 as published, will report clear.”
Note: Unless instructed to do otherwise, Manley Radar expects aircraft to proceed to the Tinson Pen aerodrome as published on the Jamaica VFR Aeronautical Chart, and remain at or below 1000ft and East of Bernard Lodge. Report to Manley when at Bernard Lodge.
Note: After reaching Bernard Lodge, proceed direct to Riverton City. Report to Manley
Radar as soon as you are clear of the approach path.
When clear of the Approach Path:
You: “Manley Radar, N2472U clear of the approach Path runway 12.”
MLY: “N2472U, radar services terminated, contact Tinson Pen 121.6.”
You: “121.6, N2472U.”
Contact Tinson Pen 121.6:
You: “Tinson Information, N2472U”
TPN: “N2472U, Tinson Information, Go Ahead
You: “Tinson Information, N2472U (tell location in relation to a prominent point {e.g. is over Caymanas race track or Twin Tanks} inbound for (full stop landing or touch and go) your station.”
TPN: “N2472U wind is 140 at 12 knots, the QNH is 29.97, no traffic to affect you at this time, report final runway 14.”
You: “QNH 29.97, copy the wind, will report final runway 14 next N2472U.”
When On Final:
YOU: “Tinson N2472U on final runway 14 or whichever is in use.”
TPN: “Roger N2472U wind is 140 at 12 knots.
You: “Copy the wind N2472U.”
Note: After landing and exiting the runway report clear to Tinson Pen 121.6.
Clear of the Active:
You: “Tinson N2472U is clear of the active, taxiing for the ramp. Good Day.”
TPN: “N2472U, Tinson, Good day”
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