Sample Plan

Student Name:Adam Strakose/Bobby Morris

Date of Lesson:Friday, June 14, 2013 11:15 am

Subject/Grade Level:web quest

Cognitive Lesson Objectives:TSWBAT use the internet to find the required facts (calories, grams of fat) about their selected meals and their personal diet recommendations.

Behavior-use internet to find

Condition-selected meals and their personal diet recommendations

Criteria-required facts

Cognitive Lesson Objectives:TSWBAT reflect on their findings (information wrote on worksheets) through a short writing and discussion at the end of class.

Behavior- reflect

Condition-short writing and discussion

Criteria- findings

Affective Lesson Objective:TSWBAT inform their friends and family outside of class about the effects of fast food.


Condition-outside of class

Criteria-effects of fast food

Teacher Objectives:TTWBAT keep the students on task and not using the internet inappropriately (on websites that do not pertain to lesson) during the lesson.

Behavior: keep students on task

Condition: during lesson

Criteria: not using internet inappropriately


High Skilled-

Low Skilled-

Critical Features and Cues:

Equipment Needs:

Computer for each student, projector


Wells, N..N.p..Web. 12 Jun 2013. <

. N.p..Web. 12 Jun 2013. <

Machowsky, J..N.p..Web. 12 Jun 2013. <

. N.p..Web. 12 Jun 2013. <

. N.p..Web. 12 Jun 2013. <

Progression of Instruction:

Time / Type of Task / Activities and Tasks / Organization and Management / Skill Cues / Application/
11:18 / Introduction / Obesity-One of the major consequences of eating fast food is excess calorie consumption. A typical meal from a fast food restaurant is over 1,000 calories, which is more than half the average person's calorie needs, according to the USDA. That being said consuming fast food three times a day could put you at 150 percent of you daily caloric intake. There was a study done by a group named CARDIA that concluded eating fast food at an excess of two day per week was strongly associated with weight gain and an increased risk of obesity. Obesity is linked to diseases such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
High blood pressure-Fast foods are most often than not high in salt or sodium. This is evident even in the low-calorie fast foods. In fact the low-calorie or low-fat foods are often loaded with excess sodium to make them taste better. According to the American Heart Association high levels of sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure, especially in individuals who are overweight or obese.
Cardiovascular disease-Fast food is often also packed with sources of excess added sugar and saturated fats such as mayonnaise, cheese and soda. While this translates into excess calories and weight gain, it can also become an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Saturated fat has been shown to raise total cholesterol levels, while high sugar intake can lead to symptoms of metabolic syndrome, which include increased triglycerides. Elevated triglyceride and cholesterol levels are indicators of cardiovascular disease and are associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Diabetes-Excess sugar intake, obesity and metabolic syndrome-related insulin resistance are all significant risk factors for developing diabetes. The CARDIA study also demonstrated eating fast food more than twice per week was strongly associated with insulin resistance and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. And diabetes greatly increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, so when you develop one of these conditions, you are likely facing a higher risk of all of them. / Students will be seated in the computer lab in front of the teachers.
11:18-11:20 / Task presentation / Today we are going to use the web to find out how bad our favorite fast food meal is for us, find an alternative to this meal and reflect on what we find. / Students will be seated in the computer lab in front of the teachers.
11:20-11:25 / Task 1 / Students write down their preferred fast food restaurant and the items they usually choose when they eat there. The first website is given and students are informed how to enter the URL and how to arrive at the website. Students will calculate the calories and grams of fat in what they usually eat. / Students will be seated in the computer lab in front of the teachers. / Students will fill out designated area of worksheet.
11:25-11:30 / Task 2 / Students will now calculate their individual recommended calories and grams of fat per day by using the second website they are given. Then students will find the difference between what is recommended and what is in their fast food meals. / Students will be seated in the computer lab in front of the teachers. / Students will fill out designated area of worksheet.
11:30-11:38 / Task 3 / Students will create a healthier alternate meal and follow the same steps in task 1 and 2. / Students will be seated in the computer lab in front of the teachers. / Students will fill out designated area of worksheet.
11:38-11:43 / Task 4 / Students will reflect on their findings through a short writing. / Students will be seated in the computer lab in front of the teachers. / Students will reflect through writing.
11:43-11:45 / Conclusion / I am sure everyone knew fast food was bad for them before class today but I am sure all of you still eat it sometimes. I hope this lesson helped you see exactly how fast food impacts you and motivated you to tell you friends or family about it. Allow students to share reflection. / Students will be seated in the computer lab in front of the teachers. / If time allows: Students will share their reflection.

Bold all technology infused in the lesson plan
