Degree and Program Name: BS Health Studies – Emergency Management & Disaster Preparedness (EMDP) Option

Submitted By: HST Assessment Committee


What are the learning objectives? / How, where, and when are they assessed? / What are the expectations? / What are the results? / Committee/ person responsible? How are results shared?
Responsibility 1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the assessment of needs, assets and capacity for health education by seeking and gathering data, information, and knowledge from experience, texts, graphics, and media. (Critical Thinking) / A) HST 3700- Community Health Behavior Theory –Community Analysis Paper
B) HST 2800 - Health Education Research Methods I – Literature Review / A) 80% of majors will score at least 70% on the paper. [Community Analysis Rubric attached]
B) 80% of the students will submit a research literature review connecting the critical points of knowledge of a particular topic. [Lit Review rubric attached] / A) Exceeded expectations: 50% (2/4)
Met expectations: 50% (2/4)
Did not meet: 0%
B) Exceeded expectations: 69% (22/32)
Met expectations: 0%
Did not meet: 31% (10/32) / HST 2800 and 3700 Instructors completes the Assessment Form each semester. Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
2. Responsibility 2. Students will demonstrate the ability to prepare, deliver, and critically evaluate presentations in planning health education program. (Speaking & Listening) / A) HST 4250- Planning Health Programs – Program Proposal. Students will develop a program plan that logically integrates a rationale, timeline, objectives, interventions, evaluation methods, budget, and marketing.
Grant Proposal Rubric
B) Speaking Across the Curriculum / A) 80% of the students will score at least an 80% ( 32/40) on the Grant Proposal rubric.
B) 90% of senior students will earn satisfactory ratings (3-4) on the Speaking rubric / A) Exceeded expectations: 0%
Met expectations:100% (2/2)
Did not meet: 0
B) Exceeded expectations: 60% (⅗)
Met expectations:40% (2/5)
Did not meet: 0 / HST 4250 Instructor completes the Assessment Form each semester. Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
3. Responsibility 3. Students will demonstrate proficiency in implementing health education by engaging with diverse ideas, individuals, groups, and cultures (Responsible Citizens) / A) HST 4770 –Health Services Administration – Fundraising Team Project Competition
B) / A)80% of the students will create and implement a fundraising plan and project following the directions provided that includes most of the required components of the task
B) 80% of the students will achieve a score of 80% or higher on the assignment / A) Exceeded expectations: 0 %
Met expectations: 100 % (2/2)
Did not meet: 0 %
B) Exceeded expectations: 50 %
Met expectations: 25%
Did not meet: 25% / HST 4770 Instructor completes the Assessment Form each semester. Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
4. Responsibility 4. Students will demonstrate proficiency in producing, analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating quantitative material when conducting evaluation and research related to health education (Quantitative Reasoning) / HST 3800 - Health Education Research Methods II. – Final Paper / 80% of the students will submit a final research project that includes all or most of the required components of the assignment and will be of professional quality that it may be submitted/displayed/or used in a professional setting with few minor adjustments. [Research Paper rubric attached] / Exceeded expectations: 64%
Met expectations: 4% (1/25)
Did not meet: 32% (8/25) / HST 3800 Instructor completes the Assessment Form each semester. Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
5. Responsibility 5. Students will demonstrate the ability to question, examine, evaluate, and respond to problems or arguments in administering and managing health education programs (Critical Thinking) / HST 4770 –Health Services Administration – Fundraising Project / 80% of the students will create and implement a fundraising plan & project for a local community organization following the directions provided and completing most of the important components of the task; they will demonstrate appropriate variety and skill levels in volunteer recruitment. / Exceeded expectations: 0%
Met expectations: 100% (2/2)
Did not meet: 0% / HST 4770 Instructor completes the Assessment Form each semester. Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
6.Responsibility 6. Students will demonstrate proficiency in making informed decisions based on knowledge of the physical and natural world and human history and culture when serving as a health education resource person (Responsible Citizens) / A) A professional Involvement Components is required in the Portfolios. Portfolios are submitted the semester prior to internship and Student Teaching and are reviewed using a rubric.
B) HST 2700 -Marketing Concepts for Health Promotion Professionals – Final Marketing Plan. Students will create an innovative way to deliver a message that will encourage the recipients to make a voluntary health habit change/improvement/or increase awareness that is related to the selected topic / A) 90% of students will achieve a score of 2 or greater on a rubric scale of 3 in the “Professional Involvement” component of the Portfolio. [Portfolio Rubric attached]
B)80% of the students will score at least an 80% on the Marketing Plan Proposal rubric / A) Exceeded expectations: 67%
Met expectations: 17% (1/6)
Did not meet: 17%(1/6)
Those who did not meet resubmitted. 100% met expectations after corrections
B) Exceeded expectations: 83%
Met expectations: 10%
Did not meet: 7% / HST 2700 Instructor completes the Assessment Form each semester. Faculty in the department participates in the portfolio review. Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
7. Responsibility 7 Students will demonstrate proficiency in communicating, promoting and advocating for health education and the profession by creating documents appropriate for specific audiences, purposes, genres, disciplines, and professions. (Writing & Critical Reading) / A) EWP - Students submit writing samples to the EWP throughout the academic year.
B) Previously graded artifacts submitted in the Communication component of the Portfolio will document oral and written communication skills.
C) HST 3300: Principles of Accident Prevention – Safety Research Presentation
D)HST 2700 -Marketing Concepts for Health Promotion Professionals – Final Marketing Plan. Students will create an innovative way to deliver a message that will encourage the recipients to make a voluntary health habit change/improvement/or increase awareness that is related to the selected topic. / A) 90% of students will earn satisfactory ratings (3-4) on their submissions to the EWP.
B) 90% of students will achieve a score of 2 or greater on a rubric scale of 3 in the “Communication” component of the Portfolio.
C) 80% of students will score 8- out of 100 on a safety topic presentation. (Rubric attached)
D)80% of the students will score at least an 80% on the assignment. / A)Exceeded expectations: 70% (7/10)
Met expectations:20% (2/10)
Did not meet: 10% (2/10)
B)Exceeded expectations: 50%
Met expectations: 25% (1/4)
Did not meet: 25%(1/4)
Those who did not meet resubmitted. 100% met expectations after corrections
C)Exceeded expectations: 0%
Met expectations: 100% (2/2)
Did not meet: 0%
D) Exceeded expectations: 33.3 %
Met expectations:33.3 %
Did not meet: 33.3% / A) EWP results are reported to the Assessment Committee and then shared with and discussed
B) Faculty in the department participates in the portfolio review process.
C) HST 3300 and 2700 Instructors complete the Assessment Form each semester
Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
8. Students will demonstrate confidence in performing skills needed to practice health education / A) A Retrospective Health Studies Senior Exit Survey completed the semester of graduation asking students to rate their skills BEFORE entering the program and AFTER completion of the program
B) Intern Evaluations completed by the Intern Preceptor at the completion of internship / A) 90% of students will score an average of 4.0 or above (confident to completely confident) in performing skills needed to practice health education.
B) 90% of students will score an average of 4.0 or above on Intern Evaluation assessing job site skills and attributes. / A)Exceeded expectations: %
Met expectations: %
Did not meet: %
[Exit Interview results attached]
B)Exceeded expectations: %
Met expectations: %
Did not meet: % / Results are compiled
by the Assessment Committee, presented and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.
9. Students will demonstrate proficiency in disaster response or emergency management activities. / A) HST 3100: Terrorism: The Public Health Response – Search and Rescue Drill. Students will successfully complete a search and rescue drill
B) HST 3100: Terrorism: The Public Health Response –CERT Certification. Students will successfully complete Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) certification
C) HST 3300: Principles of Accident Prevention – Safety Research Presentation / A) 90% of students will successfully complete a search and rescue drill. (Rubric Attached)
B) 90% of students will successfully complete Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) certification (pass/fail)
C) 80% of students will score 8 out of 10 on a disaster mitigation review (Rubric attached) / A) 100% of students met or exceeded expectation
B) 100% of students met or exceeded expectation
C) 100% of students met or exceeded expectation / HST 3100 and HST 3300 Instructor completes the Assessment Forms each semester.
Results are compiled and presented by the Assessment committee and discussed with faculty at the annual Summer Deck meeting.


Describe what your program’s assessment accomplishments since your last report was submitted. Discuss ways in which you have responded to the CASA Director’s comments on last year’s report or simply describe what assessment work was initiated, continued, or completed.

All five of the undergraduate learning goals have been incorporated into the assessment plan.


Summarize changes and improvements in curriculum, instruction, and learning that have resulted from the implementation of your assessment program. How have you used the data? What have you learned? In light of what you have learned through your assessment efforts this year and in past years, what are your plans for the future?

Changes will be made in HST 2700’s Online Research Project. In addition to evaluating online health resources for consumers, students will identify and utilize various types of resources for professional. In HST 2700, the Health Literacy unit will be updated to include more recent findings with the relationship of media literacy and cultural competence as related to health literacy.

Because the paper in HST 2800 is completed fairly early in the semester, and students cannot seem to be able to give the paper for HST 3800 the attention that it needs because of the necessary instruction on writing good survey questions and analyzing data is important in 3800, students will spend some of 2800 (post paper) learning about and practicing writing good survey questions. Students will also have the opportunity to practice entering survey questions into SPSS in 2800, so less can time can be spent on that in 3800 and more attention can be given to the research project itself.

In the past few semesters, students have struggled to successfully complete the Community Analysis in HST 3700 unless afforded multiple opportunities to revise/correct. In Fall 2015, the paper preparation and completion process was substantially altered to allow for complete revision of the paper. Students submitted each and every section of the paper for evaluation and feedback, including writing style, analytical qualities, and proper citation style and formatting. Review of the process in December found substantial improvement in all elements except citation style/formatting. To further augment the analytical skills of students, portions of the paper outline were developed collaboratively in class. The final version of the outline was far superior in scope, and demonstrated multiple links between the formative research about the health issue, and what questions needed to be asked about the communities in order to assess relative risk. The grading rubric pertaining to minimum standards (including citation style) was radically altered to make it less punitive and to allow a student to successfully complete the assignment even if there were some errors (the previous version of the rubric was “all or nothing”). This methodology will be utilized again in 2016-2017, with some refinements. Only one student out of 23 turned in a paper which was error free. Students were allowed to correct citation errors and resubmit in order to earn back up to 50% of the points initially lost, and all 22 students affected did so. To reduce the number of students who do not use correct citation style, ALL assignments leading up to the final paper will incorporate citation style into the grading scheme, rather than simply providing feedback about errors.

Students have continually met and exceeded the Search and Rescue (SAR) drill for HST 3100. However, a rubric has been revised for the course to become more aligned with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, The Department of Homeland Security, and the American Public Health Association’s rural and urban rescue techniques and recommendations. The rubric for the class will continue to evolve.