2016 Volleyball Contract

7th Grade: Mrs. Snyder8th Grade: Mr. Lynch

Welcome to the girls interscholastic volleyball program. Prior to tryouts, it is important that each student and parent understand the rules, expectations, and time commitment necessary to help ensure a successful season. Please review the following information with your child and sign below.


Coaches Snyder and Lynch

  1. Academics- You are a student athlete- student first, athlete second. Failing one subject will result in suspension of playing until the grade has been raised, per the SLMS Academic Eligibility Code.
  1. Attendance- Attendance at practice and both 7th and 8th grade games is mandatory. Practice begins promptly at 3:10. You must be on time and dressed for practice. Absence from school, illness, and extra help for academics (must let coach know prior to missing practice) are the only excused absences.
  1. Pick up after practice/games- Parents are responsible for picking up their child every day at 5:00 and after games. All athletes must be picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal time. All students must take the bus home from away games unless a note is provided by the parent before the game. There will be a team meeting at the conclusion of each match- players may not leave prior to this meeting. Due to liability issues, the players will be required to ride the bus unless a written note written by the guardian is given. No exceptions may be made to this rule.
  1. Equipment- All athletes are responsible for the volleyball equipment that we use during practices and games.
  1. There will be no jewelry worn during games or practice.
  1. School policy states that any player that does not dress for Physical Education class will not be permitted to participate in games or practice. Failure to attend practice the day prior to a game will result in not playing the following game.
  1. Team- Work to develop a positive team atmosphere and sound practice habits. Demonstrate in each practice and game, a positive attitude towards yourself and teammates, and a willingness to focus on all aspects of the game. All athletes that do not adhere to this policy may be suspended from game play and/or the team.
  1. Administration has the authority to dismiss a player for disciplinary, academic, and unsportsmanlike reasons.
  1. Game schedule information is available on Springton Lake’s webpage.
  1. Tryouts will be held in the gym on September 20, 21, and 22 from 3-5 pm. All players must submit a completed physical PRIOR TO the first day of tryouts.

By signing, I understand and agree to abide by the stated procedures as listed above.

Parent Signature:______Date: ______

Athlete Signature: ______Date: ______