September, 14, 2012

555 Capitol Mall, Suite 525, Sacramento, CA


Members: Shirley FlorCandace Lynch-Thompson

Linda RetterathVan Rider

Miya SquiresJohn Stanskas

Trulie Thompson

I Review of assigned resolutions

  1. Physical Education resolutions

Address athlete issues SP11 09.09 and 09.12 – Task Group

Kim Harrell and Kathy O’Connor and Student Athlete Organization

(also FA01 04.03 and SP01 08.05)

Timeline Spring 2013 (plenary or rostrum)

John will request Task Group for October Exec. Meeting

  1. Counseling resolutions – Title 5 ratios?

FA09 08.01 Early Messaging, Degree Audits

Follow-up with Patrick Perry regarding where Chancellor’s Office is in terms of system wide action -- John

SP10 08.02 Counselor to Student Ratios

HOLD – Chancellor’s Office is convening a task group

  1. Support Services for Online Students

SP08 08.01 Online Counseling Services

HOLD - Chancellor’s Office is convening a task group

Ask Stephanie Dumont about paper

  1. Basic Skills resolutions – credit/noncredit, prerequisite implementation

SP11 15.02 Mandatory Student Success Courses

Not actionable, resolution is moot. Would require changes to TMC or law.

SP11 05.02 Incentives to Encourage Effective Student Behaviors for Success

Fulfilled by break-out session on 1456 in Fall and Rostrum

FA10 06.03 Best Practices Student Success

Accomplished. About 1143 and task force direction.

FA12 09.01 Flexibility and Innovation in Revision of Basic Skills Delivery

Tom DeWitt and David Morse are writing a Rostrum article regarding this


  1. Faculty Advisors – FA11 08.02

Needs exploration and data

Can faculty advisors help counseling ease some burden on counseling departments.

Contact Richard Mahon John will call Richard regarding impetus for resolution

Trulie Thompson, Shirley Flor Quick Turnaround Survey and the interview questionsby October 1

Dialog with campuses that do this, phone and/or in person

  1. Student Success (Supplemental Instruction, Tutoring Centers, Early Messaging)

SP11 13.02 Tutoring Centers and Supplemental Learning

Miya is working with Ray Sanchez and ACTLA regarding effective practices

Information push-out for Spring

Survey of SI for October Exec - John

Miya will report back in January. Committee will decide paper/breakout etc.

SP12 19.03 Faculty Commitment to Student Learning

Propose Accreditation Breakout Session (January 2013) about improvement in

teaching and learning processes – Terrie Teegarden may be able to write an

article. Maybe a breakout in Spring.

II Development of committee charge

The ASCCC Student Learning and Support committee pro-actively addresses issues that impact student support services, student success, and the matriculation of students through all aspects of the community college system. The committee addresses resolutions referred by and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee.

IIIPlanning for potential break out sessions in fall and spring plenary sessions


Titles and Descriptors

**Faculty as academic advisors Shirley Flor, Trulie Thompson, John Stanskas

Title: Student Advisement: A Collaborative Approach?

Descriptor: A presentation of survey and interview results of current practices across the state in collaborative student advisement. Local approaches to collaborative efforts between counseling faculty and other discipline faculty in providing academic advising to students will be discussed. This breakout is intended as a discussion of evolving practices in response to Fall 2011 Resolution 08.02. We have dinosaurs!

First step is Survey:


In Fall 2011, delegates passed Resolution 8.02 asking the Academic Senate to investigate existing programs in California community colleges in which counseling faculty train faculty hired in other discipline areas as faculty advisors. The Student Learning and Support Committee determined that a survey to gather information about which campuses have such programs would inform a Rostrum article or paper on this topic. Please take a second (really) to complete this very short survey.


Do faculty hired in disciplines other than counseling serve as faculty advisors? Yes/No

Do you have a program in which counseling faculty train faculty hired in other discipline areas as faculty advisors? Yes/No

If yes, how long has this program been in place?

If yes, would you be willing to be contacted by a committee member to discuss your program?

**Presenters Trulie Thompson, Shirley Flor, Miya Squires, John Stanskas

preparing for implementation of 1456”

one-unit educational planning course for requirements of 1456 and enrollment requirements and needs of students for college success class information

Title: The Student Success Act says ‘Jump!’ But who determines how high?

Description: This session will provide an introduction to the requirements of The Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456), what campuses will be required to do, and by when. SB 1456 delineates all aspects of matriculation, including the requirements for a student education plan. Participants are invited to brainstorm strategies for addressing the requirements, building on effective practices and collaborations among various campus constituencies in support of student success. We have monkeys!

**Basic skills and BSAC update John Stanskas, Candace Lynch-Thompson, Linda Retterath, Van Rider

Description: We have lions!


Rostrum article regarding incorporation of elements of student success course material embedded in introductory curriculum

IV Planning for work processes this academic year

Fridays at 2PM

Tuesdays at 1PM

Fall Plenary Session November 8-10 Irvine, CA

Trulie, Miya and Candace will be at Fall Plenary

Linda, Shirley, and Van are looking into funding

To-Do List


Request Task Force on P.E. Resolutions (Michelle)

Ask Patrick Perry about update on Degree Audit systems

Call Richard Mahon about impetus for Faculty Advisor’s resolution

**October request for supplemental instruction survey

Accreditation Institute Breakout? Contact Terrie Teegarden (Dolores)

**Committee Charge


Trulie and Shirley

Interview questions for colleges with faculty advisor training


Supplemental Instruction survey