Student Information Sheet / Outline of Course of Study
School: ResurrectionCatholicSecondary SchoolDepartment: Communications / Department Head: Marg Ingoldsby
Ministry Document: The Ontario Curriculum Grades 11 and 12, English
Course Title: Media Studies, Grade 11, Open / Course Type: Open
Grade: 11 /
Course Code: EMS 3O1
/ Credit: 1 / Prerequisite: ENG 2PI, 2DITeacher(s): Keith Reihe
/ Date: February 2004Course Description: This course emphasizes knowledge and skills that will enable students to understand media communication in the twenty first century and to use media effectively and responsibly. Through analyzing the forms and messages of a variety of media works and audience responses to them, and through creating their own media works, students will develop critical thinking skills, aesthetic and ethical judgement, and skills in viewing, representing, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
How This Course Supports the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations:
Media education allows students to critically examine the mass media within the framework of the Gospels. Media studies encourages young people to evaluate the values of our culture which are often driven by large commercial interests that use the media to sell products, lifestyles and ideas about what it means to be human. By challenging stereotypes in the media, revealing connections between corporate profits and media content, and by analyzing rampant consumerism in a world full of poverty and environmental degradation, media studies plays a vital role in helping students become discerning believers in the Catholic Faith Community and critical consumers of a our cultural values.
How this Course Supports the competencies of Choices Into Action: Media studies offer rich opportunities for students to explore careers in the media and media-related organizations. Researching and writing about careers in journalism, television, advertising, graphic design, the film industry, and internet-based multi-media production provides a tangible way for students to discover that all media analysis and production requires strong speaking, writing and presentation skills. Skills in media analysis and design have a natural connection to the broader fields of marketing and professional communication which both private industry and non-profit organizations rely upon heavily.
1. Overall Expectations for Student Learning
Through this course, students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills and values related to the following strands:
Strand: Knowledge/Understanding / Strand: Thinking/InquiryIdentify the characteristics of a variety of media, including television, newspapers, and the Internet, and explain how these characteristics influence meaning / Analyze, interpret and assess the techniques, forms, style and language of media works to describe and explain how different media communicate meaning
Describe the various stages and responsibilities in the creation of a media work / Analyze and draw conclusions about the influences of media and communication technology on society, culture and the economy
Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which media businesses, sponsors and advertisers target and attract audiences, and of how audiences use and respond to media works / Analyze the impact of media and communications technologies on interpersonal communications, commerce, education, family life, and work
Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship of form, content, and audience / Analyze how individuals or groups are presented in media works and assess the accuracy and influence of these representations
Strand: Communication / Strand: Application
Explain how and why people use media and communication technology / Select and use the conventions of a particular genre and appropriate techniques to produce media works
Explain how aesthetic qualities in media works contribute to audience enjoyment and understanding / Select and use the appropriate level of language, tone, and point of view in creating media works for specific audiences and purposes
Explain how media conventions and techniques influence the creation and interpretation of media works / Use appropriate production techniques to create a media work about an important social or cultural issue for a particular audience
Examine how people or groups are represented in a variety of media works and explain the beliefs and biases revealed and the messages conveyed / Design a multimedia campaign to promote an institution or product or public service message
2. Expectations re: Learning Skills
It is expected that students will also demonstrate the following:
Works independentlyTeamwork
Work habits/homework
3. Course Breakdown & Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Unit Title / Description / Assessment & Evaluation Strategies / Teaching Strategies and ResourcesCommunication Theory and Key Concepts of Media Literacy
-Describe key concepts of media studies
-Explain terms and codes in media (shot types, angles, etc.)
-Explain communication theory (sending-decoding messages ) / Various Formative and Summative Evaluation Strategies including:
-Key Concepts assignment/test
-Journals (on-going)
-Music Video Interpretation assignment
-Magazine advertising project
-Videotape Advertising and storyboard project
-Television Deconstruction
-Film task/review
-Essay/writing assignments
-Other Tests or quizzes / Course Profile provides (EMS Grade 11 Open) excellent scope and sequence and resource list
-Identify characteristics of print and electronic advertising
-Analyse how language is used in advertising
-Explain aesthetic qualities of advertising for various purposes and audiences
-Analyze how individuals and groups are presented in advertising
-Analyze advertisements in terms of target audiences
-Analyze advertisements in terms of claims and appeals
-Adapt messages for different advertising forms
-Explore advertising on the internet /
Audio visual resources:
Editing equipment
Television Deconstruction
-Explore economics of television - rating, cross ownership etc..
-Explain and analyze television genres
-Evaluate role of advertising in commercial television
-Analyze stereotyping, violence, broadcast standards
-Explore the relationship between the internet and television shows /
Key Books
Mass Media and Popular Culture and VideosFilm Studies
-Analyze a variety of film genres and identify audiences, and film industry codes and practices
-Analyze commercial impact of film on values, trends, patterns in popular culture / -Socratic
-Class Discussion
-Various Group Work
Popular Culture
-Research trends, fads, habits and values that form current and historical popular culture
-Compare and contrast Canadian and American popular culture
-Identify media connections with fast food, sports, malls, etc.
Internet / Emerging Media / etc.
(This is integrated with the other units)
- Explore the role of the internet in, and relationship to, other forms of media such as television, advertising etc..
- Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning
Weighting (%)
Categories of
Knowledge, Skills and Values / Term Evaluation / Final evaluationKnowledge / Understanding / 25
Thinking / Inquiry / 25
Communication / 25
Application / 25
Breakdown of Final Mark / 70% / 30% / =100%
- School, Department and Classroom Policies:
The following policies apply to this course:
/ If a student is absent on the day of his/her oral or group presentation, the expectation will be deemed not to have been met. The group must still present on the assigned day, or the group receives a mark of incomplete./ All summative evaluation activities are due on the date or within the timeframe specified by the teacher or the activity will be considered as incomplete. (Extenuating circumstances must be discussed with the teacher in advance.)
/ Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Submitted work that is plagiarized, in whole or in part, shall be deemed incomplete and the WCDSB plagiarism policy will apply.
/ Students are responsible for knowing and remembering these policies and the policies outlined in the Student handbook. Failure to have done so will not exempt students from having them apply.
6. Supports For Higher Learning:
Whenever accommodations are made to address student learning needs, or alternative or modified expectations are identified for a student, these accommodations, modifications, or alternative expectations will be outlined in an IEP and will be communicated to parents.
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Course Code: EMS 301Subject: Media Studies, Grade 11, Open
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