

Last First Middle

This is your career pathway planner. It will be useful for you as a Home Economics Careers and Technology student and will be very helpful if you choose a career in Home Economics Careers and Technology. By recording the information requested, you will have a record of your educational progress and career planning activities. This information will assist you with making plans to enter a four-year college or university, community college, career technical school, or go directly to work. The planner will also be a source of information to help you in completing job applications and preparing resumes. The career pathway planner will be kept for you in the Home Economics Careers and Technology department or school file. When you graduate or transfer to another school, you may take it with you. Be sure to complete all of the sections as thoroughly as possible to maximize the value of this tool.

Please print all the requested information.

A. / 1. / Name: ______
2. / Address: ______
3. / Phone: (_____) ______
4. / Age: ______5. Gender: q Male q Female
6. / Ethnic Origin: q American Indian/Alaskan Native q Asian q African-American
q Filipino q Hispanic q Pacific Islander q White/Not Hispanic
B. / 1. / Parent/Guardian: ______
q Mother q Father q Other
2. / Address: ______
3. / Home Phone: (_____) ______4. Work Phone: (_____) ______

Cell Phone: (_____) ______

C. / Mark with a check your current plans after graduation from high school:
1. / q Go to work full time
q No further education
q Some college later / 3. / The Home Economics Careers and Technology career pathway I plan to major in: ______
2. / Postsecondary education
q Technical school
q Community College
q Four-year college
q Full-time
q Part-time / 4. / q Go into military service
q As a career
q For training
5. / Other plans: ______
D. / Check yes or no about why you are taking a Home Economics Careers and Technology (HECT) class:
1. / I plan a career in one of the fields of Home Economics Careers and Technology. q Yes q No
2. / I have a personal interest in a topic in CFS (such as parenting skills, consumer skills, or other). q Yes q No
3. / Other: ______
E. / Indicate below the areas of interest to you:
1. / What future employment in Home Economics Careers and Technology interests you or what future employment not related to HECT interests you?
2. / Check which content areas in HECT interest you most to reach your personal or career goals?
q Child Development & Guidance q Consumer Education
q Family Living & Parenting Education q Fashion, Textiles & Apparel
q Food & Nutrition q Housing & Furnishings
q Individual & Family Health
3. / If you plan to enter a HECT career pathway in high school, check the career pathway below that interests you the most:
q Child Development & Education q Consumer Services
q Family & Human Services q Fashion Design and Merchandising
q Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition q Food Service & Hospitality
q Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation q Interior Design
F. / Describe your involvement in HECT leadership development and recognition activities:
1. / FHA-HERO activities and awards:
9th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade
Name of Competitive Recognition Events in which you have participated
FHA-HERO offices you have held at local, regional, state, and national level
Awards, recognitions, or scholarships you have received related to FHA-HERO
Other FHA-HERO activities or events
2. / Other home economics careers and technology activities and awards:
9th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade
Leadership development activities in which you have participated
Awards, recognitions, or scholarships you have received
G. / Subjects you plan to take that support your HECT education career goals or other career goals:
9th Grade / 10th Grade
Class / Semester / Class / Semester
1st / 2nd / Yr / 1st / 2nd / Yr
11th Grade / 12th Grade
Class / Semester / Class / Semester
1st / 2nd / Yr / 1st / 2nd / Yr
H. / At the end of the school year, list below the classes you completed in HECT and the grade you received:
9th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade
Classes Completed / Grade / Credit / Classes Completed /


/ Credit / Classes Completed / Grade / Credit / Classes Completed / Grade / Credit

Student/Teacher Plan Review Dates

9th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade
Fall / Spring / Fall / Spring / Fall / Spring / Fall / Spring
Review Date

Complete information below each year for your grade level. As you continue through high school, your responses in some areas may change. Do not change the information you recorded in previous grades. Write in new information under your present grade level.

9th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade
My interests/hobbies are:
Two things that I am good at doing are:
Student activities that I participate in or want to participate in at my school are:
I have received awards for or I have been recognized for my achievements in:
Community activities I participate in are:
The classes I like best are:
I like these classes because:
My student portfolio contains:
Other things that I want to record are: