Los Angeles Unified School District

Student Health & Human Services

Pupil Services

Homeless Education Program

Helping Others to Progress in Education

H.O.P.E. ScholarshipApplication

All students submitting applications must be on track to graduate during the 2015-2016 school year.

Date: ______School of Attendance: ______

Student’s First Name: ______Last Name: ______DOB: ______

Address: ______Apt#: ____City: ______Zip Code:______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Contact Number: ______Alternate number: ______


(To be completed by referring party-counselor, teacher, liaison, etc.)

Referring Party’s Name: ______Title: ______

Reason for Referral ______


Email: ______Contact number: ______

(alsoprovide a phone number where you can be reached M-F)

School ______Address: ______

City:______Zip Code: ______

If at multiple school sites, please provide your schedule:______

Student’s GPA: ______Student’s Attendance Band: ______Homeless begin date:______

(Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic, Far Below Basic)

*Please submit the application with the following attachments:

Most recent report card □ 250-word essay□ SRQ

Attendancerecord □ Letter of recommendation


Verification of acceptance into college, university, trade school or U.S. Armed Forces


Application & all attachments must be submittedon or before April 29, 2016via mail, fax, or email scans (scans most preferred) to:

LAUSDHomeless Education Program

H.O.P.E Scholarship Committee

121 N. Beaudry Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90012

FAX: (213) 580-6551; EMAIL:

Los Angeles Unified School District

Pupil Services

Homeless Education Program

Helping Others to Progress in Education

H.O.P.E Scholarship

The Homeless Education Program recognizes the strength and resilience inherent in students that live in transition and maintain good academic standing. Through theHelping Others to Progress in Education(H.O.P.E) Scholarship, the Homeless Education Program willaward fourteen $500 scholarships district wide to recognize academic achievement and promote higher education.

H.O.P.E ScholarshipEligibility Requirements:

  • Student meets definition of Homeless–The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act defines homeless children, as youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.
  • A student with a current SRQ on file with the Homeless Education Program.
  • Student has been identified as “homeless” in MiSiS.
  • A high school senior attending an LAUSD school with a 2.5 GPA or higher.
  • Student on track to graduate in the 2015-2016school year.
  • Student has been accepted into an accredited college, university, trade school or enlisted in the U.S. Armed Forces.

To apply, referring party must:

  • Complete the H.O.P.E Scholarship application.
  • Attach arecent report card, attendance record and transcripts.
  • SRQ must be submitted with application even if it was previously submitted.
  • Student must write a 250-word essay that best describestheirpersonal and academic journey, academic achievements, volunteer experiences, and future educational plans.
  • Attach a letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, or administrator.
  • Attach verification of acceptance into an accredited college, university, or trade school; or proof of enlistment with the Department of Defense for military duty.

Submission Deadline:

The applicationdeadline isApril 29, 2016. The scholarship committee will select the H.O.P.E Scholarship recipients and students will be notified by May 10, 2016. Please note that only COMPLETED applications that are submitted by the deadline will be considered for the scholarship.The application and other required documents should be sent via mail, fax, or email scans (email scans most preferred)to:

LAUSD Homeless Education Program

H.O.P.E Scholarship Committee

121 N. Beaudry Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90012

FAX (213) 580-6551; EMAIL:

For more information, please contact:

Monica Santana, Homeless Education District Counselor @ (213) 202-7517

Katie Rivezzo, Homeless Education District Counselor @ (818) 654-3664