Student Guidelines for iPad Usage
1. iPads must be charged every night and brought to school each day ready for use. Students must not bring iPad chargers and/or portable chargers to school. iPads dropped off by a parent cannot be picked up by students until the end of the day.
2. iPads will not be used unless directed by a teacher. When not in use, iPads are to be stored face down on the desktop or as instructed by the teacher. When a student is instructed to close his/her iPad, he/she must do so immediately.
3. Off-task behavior, websites, or other activities that students have not been directed to utilize are not permitted. This includes air dropping, emailing, downloading/listening to music, and taking photos/videos of students/teachers without teacher permission. Students must only use the iPad in the manner that is directed by the teacher. Taking pictures and videos of other students and/or teachers without seeking permission as directed above will result in an automatic office referral.
4. Students are never to touch another student’s iPad.
5. School issued email accounts are the only email accounts students are permitted to use on their school-issued iPad and must be used as instructed.
6. iPads must be carried in and out of the school in backpacks. Students may not carry iPads out of the building in their hands. iPads are not to be used on the bus. Hallway use is only acceptable if directed by the teacher for an assignment.
7. In the event a teacher is absent, iPads are not to be used in the classroom that day. Students will not ask a substitute for permission to use an iPad.
8. Students will not take iPads to school events unless approved by a teacher (i.e., dances, sporting events, etc.).
9. iPad use will not be permitted in the ISS room. Desktop computers will be available for student use.
10. Students may not bring iPads into the restroom or cafeteria. Students will need to drop off their iPads and other materials in their next class before going to the restroom/cafeteria.
11. Students may take a picture of handouts if directed to do so by the teacher. Students will not take and/or send photos of any assessments. In addition, students will not take and/or send photos of assignments that include answers. These actions will be deemed cheating.
12. Apps and websites will not be added without permission from the technology department.
13. Siri will remain disabled while at school.
Failure to follow these rules may result in loss of iPad privileges for an indeterminate amount of time. Conduct marks and detentions may be assigned for violation of these rules. Serious violations of these rules will result in a discipline referral to administration.
Student signature______Date ______
Parent signature______Date______