Wednesday, September 27, 2017
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Coville Conference Room
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government that:
A meeting of the Student Government Senate will be held on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room (room 1080), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:
Call to Order – 9:00 AM
Roll Call
A. Legislative
Post Date Here Approved date here
- Senator of Academic Affairs
- Senator of Alumni, Graduate & Credential Matthew Federis (P)
- Senator of Commuters & Transportation
- Senator of Housing & Residential Education
- Senator of Social Justice Mia Fernandez (P)
- Senator of Student Engagement Noelle Ewing (P)
- Senator of Sustainability & Technology Raul Perez (P)
- Senator of Veterans & Non Traditional
- Senator of Wellness & Recreation Angela Christopher (P)
Post Date Here Approved date here
B. Executive
Post Date Here Approved date here
- President Karina Hinojosa (P)
- Vice President Alexis Mumford (P)
- Director of External Affairs Samuel Martinez (P)
- Director of Operations Lisa Mireles (P)
- Director of Events Katherine Mitchell
- Chief of Staff Chelsea Lincoln (A)
Post Date Here Approved date here
C. Judicial
- Chief Justice
D. Advisors
Post Date Here Approved date here
- Bethany Bañuelos (L, 9:16)
- Helen Alatorre (L)
E. Members of the public
- Ray Porras
- Andrew Larenzana
- Travis Hunt
- Tyler Alvarez
- Sary Nguyen
- Genna Nelson
Post Date Here Approved date here
Approval of the Agenda
- September 27, 2017
- Senator Christopher motioned to approve the agenda
- Senator Fernandez seconded the motion
- 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions to approve the agenda
Approval of the Minutes
- September 20, 2017
- Senator Federis motioned to approve the minutes
- Senator Christopher seconded the motion
- Senator Fernandez motioned to amend the instances where the communication club was a discussion item and there are numbers
- Senator Ewing seconded the motion to amend the minutes
- 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions to amend the minutes
- Senator Fernandez motioned to table the amendment of the minutes for the next meeting
- Senator Ewing seconded the motion
- 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
Public Forum
Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.
- President Hinojosa asked the senate for an extension to try and fill the vacant senate positions
- Vice President Mumford asked how long the extension would need to be and asked if another thirty days would suffice
- President Hinojosa stated that an extension of thirty days would work well
- Senator Ewing stated that she saw an email from Katie Mitchell in regards to her resignation
- President Hinojosa explained that unfortunately Katie Mitchell has a heavier workload than expected and we are continuing our outreach practices to fill the vacant positions
- Vice President Mumford instructed everyone to remain focused on the topic of filling Student Government’s vacant positions
- Senator Ewing suggested that the extension be fifteen days first, rather than the full thirty
- President Hinojosa explained that it’s not the lack of “push” behind these open positions but they are discussing other opportunities to continue to reach out to students
- Vice President Mumford added that many of the people interested have class times that clash
- Senator Perez stated that thirty days is a good amount because the organization needs quality students who are reliable to avoid another situation like the one in the case of the previous Director of Events
- Senator Federis agrees that it’s a good idea to extend for the full thirty days
- President Hinojosa added that the process takes a while due to academic checks, interviews with both President and Vice President present, bio questions, etc. and explained that it takes two weeks for one person, alone and fifteen days doesn’t seem like a viable option
- Senator Federis motioned to extend the search for senate positions for thirty days after this meeting
- Senator Fernandez seconded the motion
- 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions to extend the search for senate positions
Reports presented by the following shall be attached with all weekly packets. Weekly packets will consist of agenda, any supporting documents, minutes, and reports.
- Legislative Reports
- Vice President’s Report
- President’s Report
- Executive Branch Report
- Judicial Report
- Advisor Report
- Committee Report
Special Presentations (45 minutes)
- President Beck Visit (10 minutes)
- President Beck visited and talked about her relationship with students, thanked Student Government, asked members for any upcoming projects they’re working on and current issues that are affecting our student body
- Toni Deboni C.A.R.E. (35 minutes)
- Toni Deboni’s c.a.r.e. ppresentation was tabled for a different day
- Senator ewing motioned to recess for 5 minutes
- senator fernandez seconded
- 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Vice President Mumford called meeting back to order at 9:43 AM
Unfinished Business
- None
A. Informational Item
B. Discussion Item
C. Action Item
New Business (35 minutes)
i. Informational Item
ii. Discussion Item
- Minute to Win It S.W.O.T (President Hinojosa 25 minutes)
- President Hinojosa presented on Minute to Win It and it will be added as a supporting document
- Communication Club Event Collaboration (Vice President Mumford 10 minutes)
- Vice President Mumford explained that the Communication Club’s event date was changed due to conflict with location and schedule
iii. Action Item
- None
Closing Comments
- Senator Fernandez spoke about International Day of the Girl and asked if any members or interns would be open to table at the event on October 11th
- Senator Christopher advertised the new massage chairs in Arroyo and recommended de-stressing for 20-30 minutes
- Senator Ewing informed everyone that CI Bicycle Kitchen will be racing this weekend and encouraged everyone to send them some words of encouragement
- President Hinojosa explained that in 3 weeks Ray Porras will be on the agenda to discuss parking s an issue and Parking Town Hall which will be November 7th from 6-7 PM and any questions will be due by this Friday; Ray will be in our meeting answering these questions and taking any suggestions
- President Hinojosa advertised the Hike the Harbor event on October 7th from 9-10:30 AM with Assemblywoman Monique Limon and asked if anyone is interested to attend
- President Hinojosa is chair of the Strategic Initiatives Taskforce committee and informed members to send her any and all suggestions or commentary to relay back
Adjournment – 10:32 AM
- Senator Ewing motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:31 AM
- Senator Christopher seconded the motion
- 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions to adjourn the meeting
Minute To Win It: S.W.O.T.
- Sundae bar
- Games and dancing
- Advertising
- Location
- Social media was good
- Full turnout (including interns)
- Member energy and willingness to participate
- Ekho
- Music
- Fun activities & lots of laughter
- Prizes – shirts & pins
- Ice cream scoopers—go Genna and Brittny!!
- No napkins or wipes to clean hands post-ice cream scooping
- Peanut allergy – isolate peanuts
- Something to cover toppings
- Communication and delegation of tasks
- Only one MC
- Didn’t go over everything in full detail for whole team
- Need senator liaison while looking for Director of Events
- Introduce everyone at once and then once games start, read bios
- Lack of check-in system
- Lack of communication between MC and DJ
- Gluten free cookies
- Multiple MCs
- Better time for student attendance
- Engaging with the crowd
- Marketing in South Quad and Santa Rosa common areas
- Research when most classes let out and what locations are most popular among student body
- Targeting/advertising more towards housing residents since they’re on campus 24/7
- Tracking – having students use Presence (Check I’m Here) app to check in and provide us with their contact, demographic, student, (etc) info
- Do not put A-frames near sprinklers
- Sharpie Paint Pens
- Advertising our food, free stuff, etc. better on A-frame posters
- Better contact—multiple point-persons, better explanations prior to event, testing activities and games together before-hand, etc.
- Advertising a week prior to event and showing members playing games (video ads and tabling) each day (one game per day)
- Remember the Geofilter… RIP
- Host during Welcome Week
- Having tables closer to the center because students couldn’t see
- Spread out tables more
- Shout out other clubs & future SG events during event
- Raffle off prizes to keep students engaged
- “What’s Student Government Up To?” – include events & current projects to keep students updated
- “Check out our geofilter!” poster, outside clubs & orgs events/projects poster,
- Marketing table in the middle of event
- PA system AKA tech
- Weather
- Lack of communication
- Conflicting class times
- Time – we ended early due to lack of student attendance