Mrs. Deyette

Student Expectations and Responsibilities


Phone: 426.7991 ext. 15106 Room 106

Corrective Math

Welcome to 8th grade Corrective Math! I’d like to start by telling you a little about myself. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Central Washington University in 1993. I then continued my schooling and received my Master of Education from Lesley College in 1998. Most recently I finished the Principal Certification Program from Seattle Pacific University. I have taught eighth grade math in the Shelton School District for nineteen full years. Parents can leave me a voice message at any time by calling the school and asking for my room or my extension. E-mail is another great way to communicate! If you would like to contact me you can do so by sending a message to . My planning time is 6th period. This is the best time to reach me directly.

It’s a pleasure to have you in my class. I’m looking forward to an enjoyable productive school year. I’d like you to be aware of my expectations and your responsibilities in my classroom. I firmly believe that the time you spend in math class should be spent in the pursuit of the best education in mathematics. Attendance and participation in class is essential for a complete understanding and explanation of the material presented in this course. One of the driving forces of what we teach is the Washington State Learning Standards. You can access and research this information further by going to the OSPI website at In addition to our math focus we will also incorporate reading skills in the classroom. Every teacher is a reading teacher! The following are some of the Washington State Learning Standards that we will focus on during course:


8.1 Core Content: Linear functions and equations

8.2 Core Content: Properties of geometric figures

8.3 Core Content: Summary and analysis of data sets

8.4 Additional Key Content

8.5 Core Processes: Reasoning, problem solving, and communication

We will be covering many topics in Corrective Math this year in order to better prepare you for high school math, the MSP and other Proficiency Exams, and life. Throughout the year there will be a CONTINUAL focus on multiplication facts.

Family Access: This program allows parents/guardians to have access to their student’s grade in each of their classes. This program can be accessed through the website. You must sign up at the District office for access to this program.

Daily Expectations

I know that math can be easy for some and very difficult for others. The one thing I require from ALL is EFFORT. You can’t learn math by sitting and just listening to me. YOU MUST TRY!!! We will do the best we can to help you to be successful, but this requires effort and the desire to try on your part!

Materials you are required to bring EVERY DAY: Agenda, pencil, and paper.

Rules and Expectations

Below is a list of expectations and responsibilities for my classroom. These are in addition to the rules outlined in the student handbook and the rules/policies enforced by the eighth grade.

1.  You are to be in your assigned seat, on time and ready to begin when the final bell

rings. You are to remain there unless you have permission to be elsewhere. This

applies for the dismissal time also. School-wide tardy policy: Each tardy will result in an infraction to serve lunch detention. This detention will be served the following school day.

2.  You are expected to treat others and yourself with respect. No swearing, teasing, or put downs will be tolerated.

A.  warning – conference with the student

B. detention and/or call to parent or guardian

C. referral - sent to vice principal

NOTE: Severe clause – immediately sent to the vice principal

3.  You are required to bring all necessary materials to class everyday. These materials

include paper, pencil, scientific calculator (recommended – not required), and any class or daily work that was assigned. Failure to do so will result in a deduction from your work ethic grade.

4.  Absolutely no eating or drinking is allowed in this classroom. iPODS, CANDY, GUM, and CELL PHONES are also NOT allowed.

5.  All papers are to be headed in the upper right corner with name, period, assignment, and date. All assignments must be completed in PENCIL. I will not accept assignments completed in pen.

6.  Late assignments will be accepted. During each grading term 4 late passes will be provided. You may use a late pass on an assignment and still receive full credit. Any late work beyond the 4 late passes will receive a 10% reduction in your overall score. If you have an excused absence, you will have two days per every day you were gone to complete make-up work. It is your responsibility to complete these assignments and receive the proper credit for them.

7.  If you choose to mistreat school equipment or property – you will own it. If caught writing on desks – you will be spending out of class time to clean all of my desks. My desk, behind my desk and all file cabinets are off limits to you, unless you have my permission to be in them.

8.  It is not advisable that you write, read, or pass notes in my class.

9.  Cheating will not be tolerated. The first offense is a “0” on the assignment/quiz/test. The second offense is an “F” for the course and you will not receive credit.


Tests, quizzes, assignments, homework, packets, class activities, group work, and your work ethic will determine your grade.

QUIZZES AND TESTS (75% of total grade)

You will have quizzes periodically per unit. If you are absent on a quiz day, you need to make arrangements to make-up the quiz. The quiz needs to be made-up within 5 days of your return. Quizzes are an excellent source to study for chapter tests. Show all work on quizzes.

Each chapter or unit will consist of a test at the conclusion of the chapter. If you are absent on a test day, you need to make arrangements to make-up the test. The test needs to be made-up within 5 days of your return. Partial credit may be given if work is shown. Each test is based on a 100-point score.

Test re-take: After each chapter or unit test, students will be given the opportunity to re-test to raise their score. Students must attend a study session before taking the test again. If a student scores below 70%, it is strongly recommended to re-test.

ASSIGNMENTS AND HOMEWORK (25% of total grade)

Each unit will have approximately 50 assignments. These assignments will be turned in to me in packets of up to ten assignments at a time. Each assignment is worth 5 points which then determines the total number of points for each packet. Activities/explorations and extra-credit are also included in this category. Extra credit may be periodically available at the discretion of the teacher. Time off task, numerous tardies/absences, failure to do assignments and warm-ups as instructed, failure to bring necessary materials, and classroom disturbances are also a portion of this grade.

The grading scale is as follows:

A 100 – 93% C- 72 - 70

A-  92 – 90 D+ 69 - 67

B+ 89 – 87 D 66 - 60

B 86 – 83 F 59% OR BELOW

B-  82 – 80

C+ 79 – 77

C 76 – 73


Remember that I am here to help you in any way I can. If you are having a problem or need some extra help, make sure that you tell me. I will be available before and after school. Working together as a team will only lead to a successful semester.

I have read and understand the student expectations and responsibilities for Mrs. Deyette’s classroom.

Student’s Printed Name ______Date ______

Class ______Period ______

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

