King City high School
UC Approved for Biology “D”
Name and Contact Information:Roianne Benjamin Room 116
phone: 831-385-5461 x 1116
Course Objectives; Based on the NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will
- develop the process skills necessary to do scientific inquiry and apply these skills as theyconduct scientific investigations.
- demonstrate effective use of science tools – measurement tools and laboratory equipment.
- identify cells as the fundamental structural and functional units of all living organismsand explain physiological processes at the cellular level.
- identify the relationships and interactions of organisms and their environment.
- explain the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and how these processes relate to the energy needs of organisms.
- explain the process of homeostasis and its importance to the survival of living things.
- understand how information carried in the genetic code directs life processes.
- explain basic patterns of inheritance.
- discuss evidence that evolution, or changes in living things through time explains theinherited similarities as well as the diversity of life.
10. classify organisms into taxonomic groups based on similarities
and differences
Course Description:
Biology is a course with emphasis on the understanding of the scientific method, molecular and cellular aspects of living organisms, reproduction and inheritance, biological principles as related to the physiology of humans, structure and function of living organisms, principles of classification, and ecological relationships. The students will communicate by reading textbook content, science articles, and taking notes in class. Students will increase their basic science vocabulary and their conceptual knowledge of biological science. Students will apply this information to the writing, speaking and discussing of what they have learned in class. The students will learn the ethics of science with the knowledge of and adherence to classroom rules, with particular emphasis on honesty and a respect for self and others.
Classroom Code of Conduct:
- The student will adhere to all school rules and district policies as summarized in the Parent handbook.
Grading Scale:
Administrative Regulation (AR) 5121 (a)
Grades for each grading period as follows:
A(90-100%)Outstanding Achievement4.0 grade points
B(80-89%)Above Average Achievement3.0 grade points
C(70-79%)Average Achievement2.0 grade points
D(60-69%)Below Average Achievement1.0 grade points
F(0-59%)Little or no Achievement 0 grade points
IIncomplete0 grade points
An Incomplete shall be given only when a student’s work is not finished because of illness or other excused absence. If not made up within six weeks, the Incomplete shall become an F.
A.Tests 40%
C.Homework, classwork20%
D. Projects, binder and special assignments20%
Board Policy 5121 (b)
Effect of Absences on Grades:
If a student misses class without an excuse and does not subsequently turn in homework, take a test, or fulfill another class requirement which he/she missed, the teacher may lower the student’s grade for nonperformance, based on the value of the missed assignment.
The Board believes that 5 unexcused absences per grading period constitute excessive unexcused absences. Students with excessive unexcused absences may receive a failing grade and not receive credit for the class.
Students and parents/guardians shall be informed by the teachers if class credit is withheld due to excessive unexcused absences. Each time an unexcused absence occurs the student and parent/guardian shall again be notified of the district’s policy regarding excessive unexcused absences. When a student has 4 unexcused absences a phone call and/or meeting will be arranged by the teacher with the parent/guardian.
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain makeup work from the instructor in a timely fashion.
A.Class assignments
B. Lab activities and reports
C.Small class projects
D.Large Projects (1 per semester)
B.Lecture and Discussion
C.Audio-Visual Presentations
D.Written and Oral Reports
E.Homework and Classwork Assignments
F. Laboratory activities
Special Circumstances:
Most homework and classwork will receive a stamp to show completion. These assignments must be organized neatly in a portfolio. These portfolios will be kept in a binder and checked at the end of each quarter for a grade. Neatness and following directions are part of the portfolio grade.
50% of the student’s grade is classwork and projects. Students, who are not working during class time and not turning work in on time, may risk failure.
Class Expectations
Students are expected to:
•Come to class prepared and on time
•Treat all students and staff with respect and consideration
•Follow all lab rules consistently
•Turn in all work on time and ask for help when needed
•Use appropriate language
•Raise hands and wait to be called on
Instructor will:
•Treat students with respect
•Test only what is taught
•Be available for help and questions
Materials Resources Provided:
Text: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, Modern Biology
Students will need a 1” binder, loose leaf paper or spiral notebook, pens, and some art supplies.
Biology covers the classification, construction and function of living things.
Semester 1:
Lab safety and procedures
Metric measurement systems
Biology of life
Chemistry and biochemistry
Semester 2:
Cells and their reproduction
Micro organisms
Classifications of plants and animals
Human physiology
Lab Rules:
1.Read and listen to all directions given for each lab before beginning.
2.Wait for teacher to tell you to begin. (NEVER TOUCH LAB MATERIALS BEFORE TOLD)
3.Ask before making any changes to a lab procedure.
4.No pushing, shoving, or horseplay of any kind, EVER!
5.Never eat or drink during labs.
6.Never smell or taste anything unless directed to do so.
7.Stay at your lab station, with your group until all work is done.
8.Cleaning the lab station is everyone’s’ job!
9.If everyone in your group has finished the lab early, clean up and begin working on final lab report.
Failure to not follow lab rules could result in a zero for the lab that day. Continued failure may result in removal from the lab setting.
This syllabus or a copy should be kept in the student’s binder or folder all year!