In the event of a student death there will be a Student Services Response Team who will implement the Student Services Response Actions. The Response team will be co-ordinated by the Chaplains. The Response Team will consist of the Accommodation Officer or nominee, the Administrative Officer Student Services or nominee, a Chaplain or nominee, The Head of Counselling Service or nominee, the Medical Director of the Health Unit or nominee, The Students’ Union President or nominee, the Vice President for Student Services and Human Resources or nominee. The meeting of the team will be called by a Chaplain or nominee as soon as possible following knowledge of the death of the student, including at week ends and outside of office hours, and during periods when the University is officially closed. The Dean of the Faculty and/or the Course Director of the academic course followed by the deceased student will be invited to the meeting.

Specific Student Services within the Student Services Unit have set hereunder out local protocols outlining their respective response in the event of the death of a student. These protocols are intended to be a guide towards a response rather than an exhaustive and prescriptive plan of action. Aspects of the protocols may not be appropriate in all circumstances, and in certain circumstances actions in addition to what is set out may have to be taken.

This Student Services Protocol is part of a wider University Protocol that is followed in the event of a death of a student.


Administrative Officer Student Services

Student Death Protocol

·  In the case of a funeral within Ireland where necessary arrange transport of students to funeral and make students aware of transport arrangements

Accommodation Office

Student Death Protocol

The Accommodation Service role following the death of a student is to give practical support and assistance to the students affected by the death of a housemate and also to liaise with the housing personnel who are dealing with the friends and family of the deceased.

·  If the student was residing in a residence other than his/her home, the Accommodation Service will contact the Student Residence Management, landlord or landlady to inform them of the student’s death, funeral arrangements etc.

·  Assist Registrar’s Office in informing housemates from possibly other faculties.

·  Provide temporary accommodation for the housemates of the deceased if necessary, and assist in re-housing them if requested.

·  Liaise with landlord regarding the student’s belongings, re-renting of rooms, etc.

·  Refer housemates of the deceased to other Student Services if needed, i.e. Counselling, Chaplains etc


Student Death Protocol

The Chaplains have has overall responsibility for the coordination of the Student Services Response Team

On being informed of a student death and having confirmed the facts:

·  We call together the Student Services Response Team

·  We invite Faculty Dean and academic Course Director to the meeting of the response team

·  We check Quercus Student Records System to find out: ID Number,

Faculty and Course, Home Address and Home Phone Number.

·  We contact the Registrar’s Office (Catherine Lyons).

·  We make contact with the family if appropriate.

·  We make contact with Hospital/Mortuary/Undertaker if appropriate.

·  We make contact with Gardaí if appropriate.

·  We make contact with local clergy if appropriate.

·  We make contact with housemates, classmates, friends as appropriate.

·  We make contact with academic departments as appropriate.

·  When necessary, we research whatever religious, ethnic and cultural norms surrounding death may be relevant in a particular case, and brief staff and students about whatever sensitivities may arise.

·  We keep informed of Funeral Arrangements and ensure that all concerned have them to hand.

·  We liaise with and respond to departmental needs i.e. informing classmates.

·  We liaise with the Press and Information Office to compose a suitable notice for immediate distribution via the Staff e-mail system.

·  We organise whatever liturgical response is seen as appropriate in the Chapel of St. Columbanus or in another suitable place. This may include elements of the actual funeral or may just have a gathering from the University community.

·  We liaise with fellow classmates and visit their houses if appropriate.

·  We order and send flowers if appropriate.

·  We attend funeral.

·  We organise a memorial service or “month’s mind” mass.

·  We continue to offer ongoing support to the family, to the students and to the staff involved.

·  We send card on the 1st Anniversary.

Counselling Service

Student Death Protocol

·  The role of the Student Counselling Service is to support students affected by the death and staff members who need to break the news to other students.

·  Students may not choose to access counselling in the immediate aftermath of a death and may prefer the support of a group or friendship. However it is generally after a period of time that individuals and groups recognise whether these sources of support are sufficient or whether professional help is appropriate.

·  While grief is a normal, though painful part of life, in some this can be overwhelming. For example, where an individual lacks support or may have unresolved other losses or issues which are triggered by the death. They may have not been coping well before the death. It is in such circumstances that counselling is helpful and is likely to be accessed at a later date.

·  In the case where there is a service held on campus, one of the Counsellors will attend and will briefly outline the support available through the counselling service. This can be in the form of individual counselling or meeting with groups of peers who express a need for this support.

·  The counselling service is a resource for the staff who will need to convey the news of the death to the student’s classmates and friends.

·  On receipt of the news of the death the counselling service will contact the relevant department by e-mail, to offer support in whatever manner the staff member feels is appropriate. This could take the form of going to the class with the staff member to break the news, or it could involve consulting with the relevant staff as to how to approach the class group and to discuss how to deal with the situation, e.g. if the death was due to suicide there will be additional issues to consider.

Health Unit

Student Death Protocol

In the event of a student death the Unit will undertake the following actions, as appropriate:

·  Review Records

·  Meet with Health Unit team and alert them

·  Attend meeting of Student Services Response Team

·  Contact family or next of kin of the deceased, where appropriate

·  Where the death is as a result of a notifiable condition, e.g. meningitis determine who else is potentially affected by it and inform the Public Health Doctor who will follow up with all contacts of the deceased

·  Offer services of the Health Unit to students through Deans and course Directors.

·  Liaise with Gárdai where appropriate

·  Carry out any other functions that are appropriate or are required as is normal for a GP service in these circumstances.

Vice-President for Student Services and Human Resources

Student Death Protocol

·  The Vice President will, if available, attend the funeral of the deceased.

Students’ Union

Student Death Protocol

Contact Telephone Numbers for Members of the Response Team

Name / Title / Mobile for out of hours contact / Landline for out of hours contact / University Number
Agnes O’Farrell / Accommodation Officer
Matt Doran / Administrator Student Services
Bea Gavin / Head of Counselling
Diarmuid Hogan / Chaplain
Fionnguala Lysaght / Medical Director, Health Unit
President Students’ Union
Mary O’Riordan / Vice President Student Services and Human Resources