Student Competition

For many years, the ESAI has run a competition for the best student presentations at the Environ Colloquium.

Winners are invited to submit an article on their research project to the Environews E-zine and to their prize sponsors.

The prizes so far this year include:

·  ESAI Best Oral Presentation (€500) in memory of Maximilian Von Sternburg, sponsored by School of Natural Sciences TCD, EPA, the Family of Maximilian Von Sternburg and Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland (ESAI)

·  ESAI Best Poster Presentation (€250) in memory of Maximilian Von Sternburg, sponsored by EPA, School of Natural Sciences TCD, the Family of Maximilian Von Sternburg

·  Best Soils Presentation (€250) sponsored by Soil Sciences Society of Ireland

·  Best Waste and Resource Management Presentation (€250 and 2015 CIWM Student membership) sponsored by the Chartered Institution for Wastes Management (CIWM)

·  Best Water Related Presentation (€250) sponsored by Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)

Prizes are presented at the prize-giving ceremony which is held in conjunction with the close of conference lunch in IT Sligo on Friday 10th April 2015. You may wish to view the forms used by the judges below to assist you in preparing your presentation.

Click here to view the judging criteria for oral presentations.

Click here to view the judging criteria for poster presentations.

Maximilian Von Sternburg

Maximilian Von Sternburg was a research student working on his Ph.D. in the Herbarium of the Botany Department, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin.

Max. was working on the Amphi-Atlantic plant species Eriocaulon aquaticum (Hill) Druce and its phytogeography when, tragically, he was killed in a road accident in his native Germany.

Max. was an exceptionally pleasant person whose hard work produced high quality results, who was frequently asked to help others and who always did so to the fullest possible extent.

A keen participant at conferences, his project's sponsors - the EPA and his parents and the School of Natural Sciences feel it appropriate to commemorate his name through their support for these awards at ENVIRON.