Order Your 2016-17 Yearbook!!Yearbook orders can be placed now simply by clicking on the following link for the Josten's website. Order your yearbook now through February 10, 2017, at the price of $55.After February 10, the price will go up to $60!! Yearbook Order Link
ALSO,did your student remember to pick up theiryearbookforschool year 2015-16? If theirname is onTHIS LIST,please have them stopby the Main Office to pick it up!!!
Project Supportis hosting aHoliday Partyafter school on Friday (12/9), from 3:15-5:00 p.m. Join us for food, movies, games. All are welcome! Please email your name or stop by room C-222 if you plan to attend so we can be sure to have enough food!
TheHour of Code is next week!Join millions of student around the world coding on Wednesday, December 7! Join us from 8:00-9:30 a.m. in B-103 and B-102 for this coding extravaganza!! Bagels will be provided! The skills you learn today will let you shape tomorrow's future.”
Attention Knitters!We want toorder our spirit wear by December 9!!Please give yoursizeand$15to Mrs. Faul in A-106 or emailAnne Sextonat ASAP for more information.
TheBusiness Clubwill meetThursday (11/30),in Mr. Mangol's room, A-119. We will be planning some events for basketball and play JA Titan if we have time! Snacks provided! New members always welcome! See Mr. Mangol with any questions.
Here’s a fun thought for the Holiday!! TheSnowflake Semi-formal (the High School’s winter dance),is happening on Saturday, December 10, from 7-10 p.m. at the High School. Pre-sale tickets are: $10 person; $15 per couple arriving together at the dance. Tickets at-the-door are $20 per person!! Tickets will be sold at the bookstore the week of December 5-9 during lunch periods. Remember, if you are bringing a date to the dance who does not attend HHS, you must have a completed"Dance Social Contract“with you when your purchase your tickets.
Coats 4 the Clubneeds your helpAND YOUR WINTER COATS!!!The Boys/Girls Club of Cleveland is in need of gently used winter coats for kids ages 5-18 and once again, we are asking for your support. To find out complete details and how you can contribute and support this worthy cause, pleaseCLICK HERE. A collection bin is right outside the Main Office!!Any questions, contact Marylee Maendler at Drop off your itemsnow until December 9.
Our Time to Shinepresents"Come Fly with Us"on December 3, in the HHS auditorium. Doors open at 6:30, show at 7:00 p.m. Tickets will be $5 and can be purchased at the door. The club has been working hard and it will be a great show! Don't miss it!Click here for details!!
Come to theHistory Club’s “Risk” tournamenton December 5, at 3:00 p.m. in A-119. If you do not know to play, we will hold practice rounds. The Championship Round will be held on December 9 after school. Snacks will be available for $1 and prized will be awarded to the victors!!
Shop Local and Support the Hudson Music Association Shopall day on Tuesday(12/6), at select Hudson merchants, identify yourself as a Hudson Music Supporter, and 10% of your transaction will be donated to the Hudson Music Association. The Association supports Hudson City Schools' incredible music programs.
Saturday Hoops rosters and schedulesare posted outside Mr. Brink's room, A-207. Roster changes are not permitted!! Be sure to check the schedule since games begin this Saturday (12/3). Scorekeepers need to verify employment with Mr. Brink before Saturday.
Congratulations to theBoys' Varsity Ice Hockeyteam forwinningthe Rocky River Thanksgiving Tournament! Come cheer them on this Friday (12/2), 7:00 p.m. at “glass pounding” rival Shaker Heights. Follow them on Twitter @FlowHud for all team information.
If you are taking the AIR test in Decemberand have issues with your Chromebook battery life or track pad, please take your Chromebook to the Media Center for repair. You'll be given a loaner to use until your Chromebook is repaired.
Above the drinking fountain near the Guidance Office there's a new“In Search Of/ISO board”.This board displays opportunities of all kinds and is available to ALL students. Stop down periodically and check it out. You never know what you'll find!
Are you interested in becoming an active volunteer for theCoalition for Children's Mental Health?If so, please join us on Tuesday, December 6th in the Media Center at East Woods Elementary School from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM for a reception for new volunteers. Information will be available about opportunities that exist on the CCMH Board as well as positions on a variety of committees. If possible, please RSVP to .
Looking for Hudson Spirit Wear for theHolidays?If you are looking for Hudson spirit wear for your children (child), the Hudson City School District and RPD Sports have teamed up to offer you some great spirit wear through aNEW online Hudson Spirit Store.Proceeds from the holiday sales will benefit the Hudson PTO. Help spread the word! Go towww.rdpsports.comWear your Explorer Spirit with pride!