Student Assessment Policy

  2. Staff Responsibilities when creating formal assessment:
  3. The assessment must contribute to the student’s learning process
  4. Provide students with an understanding of the standard of work expected for assessment
  5. Reasonable adjustments (such as modification of assessment tasks, processes or format) must be made for students with a verified disability, medical or other condition in accordance with the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
  6. The assessment must enable the assessor to make a fair judgement of a student’s level of achievement.
  7. Group assessment tasks must provide students with opportunity to demonstrate their skills as individuals.
  8. The amount of assessed work should be at a manageable standard for students, and should be appropriate to the credit awarded for that task.
  9. Students enrolled in units with a final examination are provided with two or more assessment tasks per unit to demonstrate attainment of all the unit learning outcomes. Students enrolled in units without a final examination must be provide with three or more assessment tasks per unit.
  10. Ensure that students are given equal opportunities for successful transition into and progression through their course of study, irrespective of their educational background, entry pathway, mode or place of study

2.2Formative and/or summative feedback must be given to the student within a reasonable timeframe before the next assessment so that students have opportunity to reflect on the feedback for the subsequent assessment; and provide the opportunity for the student to understand and benefit from understanding the reasons for the assessment outcome.

2.3Assessments should not be reused in a form that provides unfair advantage to successive students, and should differ by a minimum of 25% from previous assessment tasks.

2.4The use of only one type or mode of assessment is not appropriate and care should be taken to ensure a range of techniques are employed so that any single type or mode does not excessively dominate.

2.5Student participation in specific course activities can be assessed if the skills and abilities at work in that participation are reflected in the unit learning outcomes. Marks and grades cannot be given merely for attendance at unit activities.

2.6Other than where required by the relevant professional body, an assessment must not be worth more than 50% of the unit mark.

2.7Hurdle assessment may be used in the following circumstances:

2.7.1All assessment components must be passed in the unit to be eligible to sit the final exam; or

2.7.2A student must pass the final exam to pass the unit, or

2.7.3A minimum/ pass mark in a particular assessment(s) item is required to pass the unit regardless of performance in other items; or

2.7.4A student must pass all assessment items to pass the unit ; or

2.7.5A student must attempt all assessment items within a unit, achieving an average grade of 50% to pass the unit.

2.8Assessment Communication:

2.8.1Details of the assessment tasks including required word counts, weighting, due dates and marking criteria must be made available to students in the Unit Outline provided to students on Blackboard during the Orientation Week or week 1 of the semester.

2.8.2Students will be informed as to when and how they will receive feedback on each assessment task.

2.8.3The HE Appeals Policy andtheHE Appeals Procedure is published.


2.9.1Student performance is assessed against defined assessment criteria published in the unit outline for each assessment task.

2.9.2The overall judgement is expressed as a grade or a mark as outlined in the HE Grading and Resulting Policy.

2.9.3Where multiple markers are used, assessors are to be provided with sufficient information to ensure comparability of marking. Assessors should be provided with the assessment criteria and relative weightings in advance of the marking task.

2.9.4Where multiple markers are used, unit coordinators will ensure they are available to assessors to provide clarification should this be required.

2.9.5Marks for each assessment are to be accurately recorded and stored securely.

2.9.6Where a presentation is part of the assessment, the marking guides/ rubrics must be unambiguous in providing students with feedback on their work.

2.10Moderation/Review of Results:

2.10.1Upon completion of the marking the unit coordinator will conduct a review of the results, using a range of methods, to ensure fairness and identify anomalies. Such methods include:

(a)Spot checking of random samples of student work to ensure consistent application

(b)Second marking of random or selective sample of student work to allow for comparison

(c)Second marking student work deemed to be at a grade borderline

(d)Statistical analysis of results to see if there is substantial variation between markers

2.10.2Any changes to student marks for an assessment task must be approved by the relevant unit coordinator.

2.10.3Scaling of students to a normal distribution is not appropriate within a criterion referenced framework.

2.11Supplementary Assessment

2.11.1A supplementary assessment may be offered to a student achieving a final unit result of 45%- 49% as approved by the Board of Examiners.

2.12 Late Assessment Task Submission

2.12.1All students must submit assessments by the due date and time specified on the unit outline.

2.12.2Extensions for submission must be approved by the Unit Coordinator at least 24 hours before the due date and be for a period not exceeding seven (7) calendar days from the due date. Assessments submitted after that date will not be marked. When submitting requests for extensions lecturers and students must refer to Sections 2.14 and 2.15 of this procedure.

2.12.3Penalties for late submission of assessment where an extension has not been approved will be a deduction of 5% from the student’s assessment result per calendar day.Assessments submitted after seven (7) calendar days of the due date will not be marked.

2.13Exemptions to Assessment Requirements:

2.13.1Requests for exemption require the support of the Portfolio Director, or the Manager Higher Education, and the Course Coordinator.

2.13.2Requests for exemption should be presented to the Portfolio Director,or the Manager Higher Educationand the Course Coordinator,and include an educational justification explaining why the proposed exemption is needed for the assessment in question.

2.13.3The Portfolio Director, or the Manger Higher Education and the Course Coordinator,may ask for more evidence, or refer the matter as appropriate to others.

2.13.4Exemption requests not supported at Portfolio level, or by the Manager Higher Education,will be considered rejected.

2.13.5Where exemption is approved, the Unit Outline and assessment instructions will indicate to students that the assessment in question has special approval.

2.14Special Consideration:

2.14.1Special consideration will take the form of one or more of the following:

(a)Deferred assessment

(b)Variation to the assessment deadline

(c)Provision of a replacement or additional assessment opportunity

(d)Exemption from a certain assessment and reassignment of marks to other assessments

(e)Consideration of an increase in marks of up to 5% of the marks available for the unit

(f)Withdrawal without academic penalty

(g)Aggregation or averaging of marks obtained for completed assessment tasks to achieve a final percentage mark for the unit.

2.14.2In determining the appropriate form of special consideration to apply, assessors must observe the principles of equity and academic integrity.

2.14.3Adjustment of marks may be considered following a successful application for special consideration in the following circumstances only; student’s circumstances are judged on the basis of evidence available to have had a severe impact on their academic performance in work for assessment. other outcome is considered feasible and adjustment of marks is a last resort.

2.14.4An adjustment of a mark can only occur at the end of the relevant teaching period.

2.15Submitting Applications for Special Consideration:

2.15.1Applications for special consideration must be submitted at the earliest possible date to the Unit Coordinator.

2.15.2If the student is unable to submit an application the student must provide a valid reason for not submitting with supporting documentation as referred to in Section 2.16.

2.15.3The application must be made within three working days after the assessment date.

2.15.4If the applicant experiences a worsening of their situation on the basis of which they have already submitted their application, the applicant may submit a further application.

2.15.5A student who submits a false application for special consideration to gain an unfair advantage in assessment is subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

2.16Supporting Documentation:

2.16.1An applicant for special consideration must provide appropriate documentary support for their application.

2.16.2The kind of documentary support that is appropriate in a particular case depends on the nature of the circumstances that form the basis of the application. It may include, but is not limited to:

a)A report from a medical practitioner or other health professional;

b)A written statement or report from a social worker or councillor;

c)A statutory declaration

2.16.3Documentation provided by a medical practitioner or other health professional should include:

a)The date when their assistance was first sought by the applicant;

b)A professional assessment of the severity of the impact of the applicant’s condition or circumstances on their preparation for, or performance in, work for assessment;

c)The likely duration of the applicant’s circumstances or condition

2.16.4Unit Coordinators who require additional information must seek it from the applicant directly, and not contact the report providers.

2.17Assessing Applications for Special Consideration:

2.17.1It is the responsibility of the UnitCoordinatorto decide whether special consideration is granted under this policy and, if it is, which of the forms it will take.

2.17.2Decisions made under this policy must be guided by common sense, compassion, cultural sensitivity and logic.

2.17.3The consideration of an application for deferred assessment takes into account all previous applications over multiple semesters.

2.17.4The Unit Coordinator must be aware that granting special consideration on grounds that are not of the significant kind contemplated by this procedure may represent an equity issue in relation to other students.

2.18Outcome of Application:

2.18.1If an assessor grants an application for special consideration they determine which of the forms (see section 2.14) will be granted.

2.18.2A Unit Coordinator may determine a form(s) of special consideration other than the one(s) requested by the applicant but only those forms set out in section 2.14 are available.

2.18.3The Unit Coordinator must notify applicants of the outcome of the application irrespective of the outcome as soon as possible and within ten working days of receipt of all documentation.

Version No. / Approved/
Rescinded / Date / Approval Authority
4 / 20 July 2016 / M HE / Review of reporting responsibility
4.1 / Approved / 19 Aug 2016 / HE Standing Committee / Added assessment differentiation 2.3
Reconfigured numbering
5 / Approved / 4 Dec 2017 / HE Standing Committee / Added: 2.1.5, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8.3, 2.9.1, 2.9.2, 2.9.3, 2.11, 2.12, 2.17.3

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