Physical Education Exam Preparation.





Preparation of the Body Revision: Hockey

What you need to know: / Studied
Types of fitness related to Basketball
  • Physical: CRE, Speed Endurance
  • Skill Related: Agility, Balance, Co-Ordination, Reaction Time.
  • Mental: Mental Rehearsal
Be able to give a definition of each and state why each is required to perform well in Hockey
Data Collection – Whole Game Analysis:
Methods used to gather data in your whole performance
  • Hockey: Movement Analysis – walk/jog/sprint, tracking back to defend, intercepting a pass, sprinting for fast break, moving in for rebound.
Know what is on all sheets, why you think this is a good method of gathering data or not, and what the data collected actually tells you about your performance at both the start and end of your training programme.
Fitness Testing – Focused data tests:
Know which Fitness tests have been used to test the various aspects of your fitness.
  • Physical Fitness in Hockey: CRE: Leger Test/Multi Stage Fitness Test/Bleep test
  • Skill Related fitness in Hockey: Agility: Illinois Agility Test.
  • Know how each test is carried out, what your results were at the start and the end of your training programme. Be able to give specific details of your results and how they compared to the National Standards.

Building a training programme:
Factors to consider:
  • Principles of training: Specificity, progressive Overload(FIDA), Adaptation, Reversibility.
Know how you have used progressive overload to gradually build up your programme, setting challenging but achievable short and long term goals.
Be able to give specific examples of how you have used either Frequency, Intensity or Duration of your method of training to progressively overload your training each week.
Building a training programme to develop the specific aspects of fitness required to play well in the game of Hockey(continued):
Methods of training:
  • Long slow Distance/continuous Running: Heart Rate(HR) approx 145-155Beats per minute(BPM)
  • Fartlek Training: Varied pace continuous run. Running at high and low intensities over a period of time. HR High Intensity: 185BPM/Low intensity: 155BPM
  • Sprint Interval Training working at a higher intensity, challenging the CRE system, HR 185 BPM.
  • Skill Realted Circuit (basketball skill specific)
 Be able to discuss your training programme and the types of training you have used.
Be able to give example sessions from your training programme and explain how you have progressively overloaded from week to week.
It will help to show an understanding of your training zone and the specific intensities(HR) you should be working at in each area of training.
Monitoring training:
  • Keeping a training Diary
  • Fitness Testing midway in your training programme
  • Motivation/concentration/feedback: how you have used short/long term goals to maintain motivation and concentration levels. Types of feedback you have received, internal/external.

Phases of training:
  • Preparation (pre season): LSD to start building a base layer of fitness, building up to Fartlek training and sprint intervals to further enhance your CRE system.
  • Competition: Sprint intervals/Skills circuits, training that is more game like, that is short sharp bursts of speed with recovery intervals.
  • Transition (post season): Similar training to the start of pre season, LSD maintaining a base layer of CRE fitness, should be exercising at the lower end of your training zone, that is 135 BPM.
Be able to give details on what training is within each of the various phases of training.
Discussion of Results:
Know your results from before and after your training programme in all your fitness tests and whole performance tests. Give specific examples from your whole game analysis sheet and your results from the fitness tests you have carried out
Be able to discuss the changes that have occurred in your performance as a result of you carrying out your training programme
Be able to discuss why these changes have or have not occurred, e.g, correct principles of training within training programme, programme was challenging but achievable, maintain motivation, challenge CRE system and appropriate methods of training used.

Preparation Of The Body: Revision Questions:

  1. Name the types of fitness – physical and skill related which are required to perform well in basketball.
  2. State why developing theses aspects/types of fitness improve your performance in basketball.
  3. Name and describe methods you have used to gather data on your whole performance.
  4. State what the data you collected told you about your performance in the game of basketball.
  5. Describe the fitness tests you have used to gather information on your fitness level.
  6. Why is it important to measure your level of fitness at the start of your training programme.
  7. Describe the principles of training you considered when building your training programme.
  8. Give examples of how you have used the principles of training within your training programme to ensure progressive overload.
  9. Name and describe the methods of training you will carry out in your training programme.
  10. Motivation/concentration/feedback: How have you used these to help you with your training?
  11. Describe how you have monitored your training.
  12. Discuss the changes in your performance when you compared your results from before and after your training programme in :
  13. Your level of fitness
  14. Your whole performance in Hockey, movement and skills and analysis.


Skills and Techniques Revision.


What you need to know: / Studied:
How you have gathered information on your performance, i.e the type of analysis sheets you have used to gather information:
Whole game analysis:
  • Whole performance analysis sheets, gave details of returning to mid court, well balanced, movement around court etc.
  • Stroke repertoire sheets, detailed all shots and asked if they were a strength, acceptable, a weakness.
Focused data sheets:
  • Specific shot analysis, detailed pre/act/rec of specific shot and what a model performance would be in each stage.
  • Scatter chart, shows where on court shuttle is landing therefore shows correct/incorrect point of contact on shuttle in specific shot.

You must know all details these sheets contain.

What the data actually told you about your performance:
  • Strengths and weaknesses in whole performance.
  • Strengths and weaknesses in a specific shot.

Developing your programme to improve your specific shot:
Stages of learning:
  1. Planning
  2. Practice
  3. Automatic.

1.Planning Stage: You must know what factors you are going to think about before developing your training programme to suit your individual needs.
Principles of Effective Practice:
  • Progression: Your programme must start off at a level which suits your ability. Each week must get a little more difficult in the types of practice you are doing so your performance improves. Remember this type of goal setting must be ‘challenging but achievable’ to keep you motivated.
  • Work/rest ratio, which depends on;
  • Your previous experience in the activity
  • Your ability level.
  • How difficult the skill is you are learning

2. Practice Stage:
  • Know what methods of practice you are using within your training programme: Shadow/solo practice, gradual build up, repetition and drills, pressure drills.
  • Know what you have done each week in your training programme, you may be asked to discuss one week in particular.
  • Motivation, concentration, feedback: use of goal setting to maintain motivation/concentration. External/internal feedback, how was this given, verbal/analysis sheets etc. and by whom.

Skills and Techniques Revision (cont’d)

Stages of Learning (cont’d)
3.Automatic Stage:
  • At this stage the skill you have been developing should be performed automatically. Therefore you do not need to think to much about what you are trying to do.
  • Also at this stage you are less likely to make a mistake and your performance should be more like that of the model performer.

Monitoring your training:
  • How have you monitored your training in Badminton, you should be able to talk about your training diary
  • Targets you have achieved each week in your training, how you received feedback on your performance, internal- how you felt within yourself, external, from your teacher, analysis sheets etc.
  • Analysis of your performance throughout your training, analysis sheets completed mid-way in your programme to ensure you are carrying out the correct progression in your training.

Analysis of end results and discussion of your performance:
  • Be able to say how you have gathered data again at the end of your training programme and compared the data at the start of your programme to that you have at the end.
  • Be able to state the improvements/no improvements which have/have not taken place.
  • If improved then state why, ie. Because training programme was appropriate to your needs, correct progression in programme, challenging but achievable goals set, correct methods of practice used to suit your ability etc.

Study Questions:
  1. Discuss the methods you have used to gather data on your whole performance.
  2. Discuss the methods you have used to gather data on your specific shot.
  3. What do you feel was good about these methods of data collection?
  4. What did the data tell you about your performance.
  5. What methods of practice did you decide to use in your training programme?
  6. Give an outline of the training programme you have completed.
  7. Describe an example of how you have progressed your training programme.
  8. How did you monitor if your training was actually improving your performance?
  9. Choose one of the following and discuss how you have used this in your training.
  10. Motivation
  11. Concentration
  12. Feedback.
  13. Describe your performance before and after your training programme in your specific shot and your whole performance.
  14. State why you think there have been improvements in your performance. If no improvements have been made state why.


Structures and Strategies Revision.

What you need to know: / Studied:
Factors Considered when selecting a structure/strategy
  • Individual/team strengths and weaknesses
  • Opponents strengths and weaknesses
  • Time/score in the game
  • How long a structure/strategy can be applied for

Fundamentals of Structure/Strategy
  • Describption of the 2-1-2 zone defence
  • Aim
  • Positions
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Method
  • Own position in Detail

Strengths and weaknesses in performance within a formation:
  • You must be able to state the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen formation/structure.
  • You should know the various principles of play used within defence in your formation/structure:
Deny Space
Information Collection Process
  • Methods of gathering information – Scattergrams, Individual Observation Schedule, P.A.R skill analysis of rebound
  • Why would you use these methods?
  • Validity – does it collect the information you require? How do you know? permanent record, easily comparable.
  • Reliability – How do we ensure that the information collected is accurate? Video, filled in by self

Strengths and weaknesses in performance within roles and relationships:
  • As a result of gathering information, what strengths and weaknesses have been identified in
Team Performance
Individual Performance
  • What is the impact of these strengths and weaknesses on the performance of your structure/strategy.

Making improvements to Performance
  • Programme of Work – what are the practices and progressions for your weaknesses?
  • What was the particular focus of each practice?
  • What part of the skill was it important to focus on in the practice? What was it about your performance that you were trying to improve?

Adapting/Changing a Structure or Strategy
  • What was your alternative Strategy
  • Detailed description of the strategy – aim, roles, responsibilities, method.
  • Strengths/limitations of the alternative structure/strategy
  • When and why would it be used?
  • What impact would this have on the whole game?

Monitoring the effectiveness of a programme of work or change in structure/strategy
  • Reusing data collection methods from start
  • Targets set within each training programme exercise
  • Internal feedback, how did you feel about your performance in the skill/structure strategy, did it make a difference, training diary?

Structures and Strategies Questions:

1. Describe in detail a Structure, Strategy you have used(4)

2. Select a structure or strategy. Describe the role you played in the structure or strategy.(4)

3. Choose a structure or strategy. Describe how you gained information on your strengths or weakness. Explain why the method you used was appropriate. (4)

4. Choose a structure or strategy. Describe in detail, your performance within the chosen structure or strategy. (4)

5. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the structure or strategy you have selected. (4)

6. Choose a strength from this structure. Explain the effect that the strength had on your performance. (3)

5. Choose a weakness from this structure. Explain the effect that the weakness had on your performance. (3)

7. Describe the steps you took to improve the weakness you identified in question 5.(3)

8. From the information you gathered on your performance, discuss your strengths and weaknesses when performing in the structure in relation to one of the following:

  • Roles and relationships
  • Formations
  • Groups and team principles(3)

9. Having analysed the information you have gathered, give details of the course of action you took to improve your performance and make it more effective. (3)

10. What factors did you take into account when selecting your structure, strategy?(4)

11. Describe briefly a situation where this structure, strategy or composition was not effective. Explain why this was the case in this situation. (6)

12.The following are key fundamentals when applying a structure, strategy or composition.

• Using space effectively in performance

• Using repetition, variation and contrast in performance

• Using creativity

• Width, depth and mobility

Select two of the above and explain the importance of each when applying your chosen structure, strategy or composition. (6)

Prestwick PE Dept.March 2013