The completed form should be returned to Enable, The Victoria Centre, Palk Road, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 1HR or emailed to

Application for the post of :
Personal Details:
Title: First Name(s): Surname:
Home tel. no: Mobile no:
Date of birth: Can we contact you by email?Yes No
References:All candidates are required to give details of two referees whom we may ask about your suitability for the post. One of these should be your most recent employer. Referees must not be related to you. If you are a school/college leaver, please give the name and address of a head teacher/tutor and also the manager of your most recent work experience placement – if applicable. (Internal candidates: Please note your line manager must be one of the referees). We reserve the right to approach your current and any previous employer.
Referee 1(employer)
Tel. no.:
Capacity in which known to you:
May we contact this referee, prior to interview? yes No / Referee 2(Professional character reference)
Tel. no.:
Capacity in which known to you:
May we contact this referee, prior to interview? yes No
Education, Qualifications & Membership of Professional Associations/Institutes
Please give details of your education and qualifications gained which are directly relevant to this post. This may include qualifications you are studying for now. You may be required to provide evidence of the qualifications quoted. If you are a member of a relevant professional body please provide those details.
Qualification/Training Detail (Grades/level achieved)
Relevant Qualifications
Relevant Training
Professional Association or Institute
Present/Most Recent Employment
Company: Line Manager:
Post Code:
Tel. no.: Email:
Job title: Employment dates: from:
Brief description of job:
Period of notice:
Current salary:
Reason for leaving:
Previous Employment: Starting with your most recent employment first, please list all jobs you have
previously held. All gaps/breaks in employment must be explained
Dates (dd/mm/yy) / Name & address of employer (nature of business) / Position held & brief job description / Reason for leaving
From / To

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Voluntary / Unpaid Activities
Dates (dd/mm/yy) / Name & address of organisation / Position held & brief job description
From / To
Your application:This part of your application form is critical to the selection process. Please describe the skills and experience you have which are relevant to this post. Please look carefully at the Person Specification and Job Descriptionand give examples of how you meet the job requirements; you can also draw upon experience you have gained outside of the working environment.

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

19/01/12 Version 1 120119 Application Form.doc