Name: ______Date: ______Section: ______
Science Fair Planning Guide
Due Date:
1.Science Fair Proposal:
What are some topics that are really interesting to you?
4. ______
Due Date:
2. Title:
Create a catchy title that shows what your project is about. ______
3. Hypothesis and Research:
Due Date:
4. Materials:
5. Procedures:
List the step by step directions to complete the experiment. Don’t forget to take pictures.
Due Date:
6. Variable:
This is the item that you changed in each trial/experiment. Remember you should do at least 3 trials.
7. Constant(s):
These are the items that remained the same in each trial or experiment.
1.______2.______3. ______4. ______
5.______6.______7. ______8. ______
Due Date:
8. Data/Results:
Create a chart that displays the data you collected below. Also, create a graph on the attached graph paper. Use the data you collected in your chart to make your graph.
Due Date:
9. Conclusion
What is a Testable Question?
The key to a good and manageable investigation is to choose a topic of interest, then ask what is called a “testable question.” Testable questions are those that can be answered through hands-on investigation by the student. The key difference between a general interest science question and a testable question is that testable questions are always about changing one thing to see what the effect is on another thing.
Testable Questions MUST:
1. Be observable or measurable
2. Cannot be answered with a yes or a no
3. Must have a variable
4. Can be answered through an INVESTIGATION
Here are some examples of broader science questions and testable questions:
Broad Questions (lead to science reports) / Testable questions (lead to investigations)What makes something sink or float? / How well do different soda cans sink or float in water?
How do rockets work? / How does changing the shape of a rocket’s fins change its flight?
How does the sun heat up water? / How does the sun heat salt water and fresh water at the same rate?
What happens when something freezes? / How do different liquids freeze at the same rate?
What makes cars move? / How does the surface on which a car moves affect how fast it goes?
How do batteries work? / Which type of battery lasts the longest?
What makes a magnet attract things? / How does temperature have an effect on a magnet’s strength?
Why does ice melt? / What is the best insulator to keep ice from melting?
What happens when water expands as it freezes? / How much force is needed to keep water from expanding as it freezes?
How can you make a light brighter? / How do different knots in a wire affect bulbs brightness?
How does the number of wires affect brightness?
How does thickness of wire affect brightness?
How does length of wire affect brightness?
How does the number of batteries/bulbs affect bulb brightness?
How does a tennis ball bounce? / How high does a tennis ball bounce on different surfaces?
How does the height of the drop affect the height of the bounce?
What make a pendulum swing? / How does the length of the pendulum affect the time of the swing?
What happens when a powder dissolves? / How does temperature affect the amount of salt that will dissolve in a liquid?
Which liquid dissolves antacid tablets quickest?
How does size of antacid tablet affect dissolving time?
Science Board Layout: Your board should look similar to this.
Materials: / Title:
Pictures: / Data: