Strengths Assessment

___19 year old male______

Client Counselor

Current Status:
What’s going on today?
What’s available now? / Individual’s desires, aspirations:
What do I want? / Resources, Personal/Social: What have I used in the past?
Daily Living Situation
Lives in the West Hills with his mom and 22-year-old sister. He likes where he lives. He room is decorated with his art and retro vinyl covers (mostly 80’s rappers). / He would like to move to downtown Portland. Either in his own apartment or PSU housing. Either way he wants a roommate. / His dad use to live with him until his parents divorced 4 years ago. His dad lives on the East Coast and still sends him records to hang on his wall.
He works part time at Fred Myers. He works as a cashier and a stocker. He likes the job “ok”. He does like the fact that he is employed. He takes home about $550 a month. He pays some of the bills at the house, but is mostly supported by his mother. He does not have health insurance but is likely eligible to be on his mom’s or EPD. / He would like to get a full time job in the future but wants a career and not just a job. / He has a long work history while in HS. He worked at an elder care facility, McDonald’s, a house painter and as a flagger. He enjoyed all the jobs except working in the care facility. He really liked how much money he made as a flagger.
See above for vocational. He is working with the EASA SE to find another part time job. He does like his co-workers and his boss recently gave him a good review. He went to PCC for about a year. / He would like to enroll at PSU and get a work-study job or some kind of internship. If that doesn’t work out he would like to get financial aid to pay for his expenses. He is not 100% sure what he would like to do long-term but knows he would like to work in a professional business setting in a small setting that does not have a lot of employees. / He graduated from high school with his strongest courses being the sciences and art. He spent one year at PCC. He took classes in writing, biology and business. He liked the business and biology classes.
Social Supports
He has a good relationship with his mom and his dad (They Face time often). His relationship with his sister is “ok” but she does come to MFG from time to time. He has a pet lizard named “Dexter”. He has a few friends that stop by a few times a month. They will go to a movie or hang out and play video games (Assassin’s Creed). He feels comfortable at home and it does not cost a lot of money to play video games. / He likes his current social support. He does wish his dad could visit more often. He also would like to have a girlfriend and go out more with his current friends. He would like to hang out with his co-workers and have 2-3 friends once he gets to college. / He had more friends in HS because he was more involved in activities (Drama Club) and saw them more often.
He has a current PCP. He had a recent physical and he was told his labs were all in the normal range. He takes his prescribed medications “most of the time”. He does not smoke and only drinks when his friends come over. / He does not want to get “fat” but overall is satisfied with his health. He would like to not sleep as much as he does. / He use to have more energy is high school. He said that energy came from being around people more often.
Leisure / Recreational
When not with his friends he plays online video games (World of Warcraft and Halo are his favorites). He is proud of his abilities and his status in the online world. / He would like to paint again. He enjoyed painting the sets for the drama club. He also wants to stand in line when the new Halo is released. / His role in the drama club was to paint backdrops and set up and strike the stage. He liked going to the after parties when the shows were done.
He is “open-minded” to religion. He has studied several different religions and spiritual beliefs online. / He would like to learn more about Buddhism. Buddhism makes the most sense to him. / He went to a Christian Church up until Middle School. He enjoyed the youth groups and the plays the church put on.

What are my priorities?

1.  Get Halo 4

2. Get into PSU

3. Get a girlfriend

4. Hang out more with his friends outside of his house.

individual’s comments: This was fun. / Counselor’s Comments: I need to learn to play some of his games.
Individual’s Signature Date /
Counselor’s Signature Date