The following information is needed so that the Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) may assist Investigators with their research needs. WORK WILL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THIS FORM IS APPROVED.
Please complete the following information:
- Funding Source: Grant Number (if applicable):
- IRB Protocol Number (if applicable): Approval date:
- Title of Study:
- Department/division financial manager:
- Department/division contact person:
Phone: Email:
- Grants manager (if applicable):
Principal Investigator and Personnel:
Employee Name & Degree(s) / NIH ERA Commons ID (for PI and Sub-I’s) / Study RolePI
Short description of project: (attach a separate sheet if necessary)
Do you anticipate conducting part or all of the study in the CTSC Clinical Research Center (CCRC)? YES NO
How long will you need the services of the CTSC? Beginning Ending
Is this an investigator-initiated study? YES NO Is this a CTSC pilot project? YES NO
Please answer the following questions:
Which services will you need?
Clinical Research Coordinators: Contracts/budgetsRegulatoryStudy Coverage Monitoring ______
Nursing Support: At CCRC Inpatient UnitOutpatient Unit At location other than CCRC NP Services ______
Dietary Assessment/Counseling: Computerized Food Record Analysis Specialized Diet Planning and Consultation
Metabolic Food Preparation______
Imaging - Radiology: X-ray CTMRI Ultrasound PET ______
Body Region to be imaged:
Body Composition Laboratory: DEXA (Bone Density, Total Body Fat)Bod Pod PQCT ______
Activity Monitoring Metabolic Testing (Rest, EE, Exercise) Body Impedance EKG Stress Testing Exercise Testing
Analytical Laboratory: Blood/tissue sample processingDNA sample processingRoutine chemistry/hematology
HPLC, GCMS, Flow Cytometry, Multiplexing______Approval
Biostatistics: YES NO______
Informatics: YES NO______
Database assistance:YES NO
Videotaping:YES NO
File Transfers:YES NO
Please provide a description of the services requested of the CTSC: (attach a separate sheet if necessary)
Human Subjects information (if applicable)
Does this study involve the inclusion of children? YES NO
Please provide the following information for all anticipated subjects:
The overall recruitment goals for this proposal:
ANTICIPATED TARGETED/PLANNED ENROLLMENT: Number of subjectsEthnic category / Sex/gender
Females / Males / Total
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Ethnic Category Total of All Subjects
Racial categories
American Indian/Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Racial Categories: Total of All Subjects
Justify the exclusion of Children, Women or Minorities (if applicable)
If this is a sponsor-initiated study, please provide the DaFIS account number associated with this trial.
Please include the following language for any papers you submit for publication if you have utilized any of the CTSC Services.
"This publication was made possible by Grant Number UL1 RR024146 from the NationalCenter for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research."
Principal Investigator SignatureDate
CRRC ApprovalDate
Core Director ApprovalDate
Please email or deliver this completed and signed form to the UC Davis Clinical and TranslationalScienceCenter (CTSC), 2921 Stockton Blvd., Suite 1400, SacramentoCA95817 Attn: Debie Schilling along with the ICF, protocol and DOS if applicable.
Version date: 05/07/2007