This brochure has been prepared to assist with understanding the nature of street lighting and street sweeping services in the unincorporated areas of the County of Ventura.
in what areas is street lighting provided?
The County currently maintains 550 miles of streets. In urbanized unincorporated areas of the County, street lighting is provided but these neighborhoods are covered in County Service Areas (CSAs). These special assessments pay the street lights specifically designated for this purpose.
However, many areas in the unincorporated portions of the County are rural in nature, and some residents in these areas consider street lighting as contrary to the desire to live in such areas. County practice is that except where residents have specifically requested street lighting, and funding from a CSA is available to pay for the energy and operations costs, street lights are not provided in rural areas.
The typical level and spacing forstreet lighting is:
Collector / 150 / 9,500
Major / 100 / 22,000
What is the Process for Providing Additional Street Lighting to a County Street?
Street lights are generally installed in residential areas when the property is developed and the streets are constructed. However, if property owners who are already in one of the CSA’s wish to investigate the possibility of installing additional street lighting, they can contact the Transportation Department to initiate the request.
The request will be evaluated and if it is determined that street lighting is needed, a request will be sent to Southern California Edison to install the street light(s).
It should be noted that Southern California Edison would only cover the cost of installing street lights mounted on existing poles. If a stand-alone street light is being requested, the cost of installation will have to be borne by the party submitting the request.
Properties outside existing CSAs can be annexed. However, the process is complicated, time consuming, and costly. For more information, please contact the Real Property Division staff of the Public Works Agency at: (805) 654-2026.
How are Street Lighting Problems Reported?
A direct line is available so that you can report street lighting problems on County maintained roads (except intersection safety lighting at signalized intersections and public parking lots).
Contact the Southern California Edison Company hotline number at: (800) 655-4555 or via SCE web site at
Safety lighting problems at signalize-ed intersections or malfunctioning traffic signals can be reported to the County Transportation Department at: (805) 654-2049.
Problems related to signs or illumin-ated street lighting on freeways or state highways can be reported to Caltrans at: (323) 259-2352.
why does the countynot sweep my street?
The County ’s existing policies and practices for providing additional or extraordinary services in the unincorporated area are that the costs of such services should be borne by the property owners who are primarily benefited. This policy is consistent with the County’s policy of not providing typical municipal services as may be provided in incorporated cities, such as street sweeping services, unless the residents of that area pay for such additional services by means of a CSA or other benefit assessment mechanism. Only residents of the following three areas of the unincorporated area have elected to pay for street sweeping services by an assessment district.
Lynn Ranch
Casa Conejo (unincorporated portion of NewburyPark)
Oak Park
If you reside in one of these areas and have concerns about the street sweeping services, please contact the Real Property Division staff of the Public Works Agency at: (805) 654-2026.
If you do not reside in one of these three areas in the unincorporated area of the County, regular street sweeping services are not provided at the present time.
If you have questions, requests, or suggestions, please call Department at:or through the “Contact Us” link at: Rev. 2/21/08