University of Central Florida Student Government Association
A&SF Budget Committee
Student Government Association
Key West Ballroom (SU 218)
12:00 PM
1. Call to Order- 12:05pm
2. Roll Call Verification of Quorum-
PRESENT / ABSENTChair DeStefano / Speaker Kircher
Vice Chair Wolff / ORC Chair Bedgood
President Zona (12:31pm) / Student-at-Large Gately
Vice President Jones / Student Directors Chair Gonzales
Pro Tempore Lewis
CRT Chair Bayes
Senator Ervin
Senator Gillaspie
Senator Benton
Student-at-Large Kann
Committee Alternate Njeru
3. Approval of the Minutes- Postponed by General Consent
4. Approval of the Agenda- Approved by General Consent
5. Announcements from the Chair- Gillaspie took Patz’ spot and Njeru was elected. We are going to include in the proviso language that 150,000 requested will go in next. We’re staying at the 18.6 million and departments are going to come up and give their suggestions.
6. Announcements from Committee Members- None
7. Announcements from Non-Committee Members- None
8. Old Business-
a. A&SF Budget Hearings
i. DeStefano- We can start at the RWC, before we go into the Student Union suggestions.
ii. Benton- Looking back at the RWC, it is necessary to manage and upkeep the equipment. So I would advice everyone to not cut the R and R from RWC anymore. Also, it is not the same as the Student Union.
iii. Ervin- What is the total amount we have to cut?
1. 39,000 dollars
iv. Benton- Move to go back to the Student Union
v. Student Union
1. Questioning and Debate
a. There will be 2 benefits- students don’t have to pay to use the facilities, which will allow students to use them more. Also, we should be getting a profit from this. We can save 50,000 dollars by increasing revenue. It will be about a 245,000 increase to our revenue and about 50,000 dollar
b. Benton- It sounds great to me and someone should make this motion
c. Benton- Thank you Mr. Falco, I feel that the student union has really stepped up. Even though we have the same budget, because of the pay increase we had to make some cuts but you really stepped up the game so we appreciate it.
d. Ervin- Can you repeat the numbers?
i. 145,000 operations, 50,000 to ops, and 245,000
e. Gillaspie- So do I add that to the revenue line?
i. It should stay
f. Kann- Move to amend line 173 to $1,142,700.00
i. Passes 9-0-0
g. Kann- Move to amend line 175 to $1,939,575.00
i. Passes 9-0-0
h. Gillaspie- Move to amend line 178 to -$1,392,100.00
i. Passes 9-0-0
i. Benton- Move to approve lines 172-176
i. Passes 9-0-0
j. Benton- Move to approve line 178
i. Passes 9-0-0
k. Benton- Move to approve the Student Union has a whole
i. Passes 9-0-0
vi. Activity and Service Fee
1. Presentation
a. Dr Phillips- There will be an increase to the Graduate Students pay, so we need to go back to the OPS lines where these graduate students are working. So we will need to add across the departments
b. OSI- line 79 we need to increase by $23,955
c. MSC- line 69 we need to increase $4,726
d. SLS- line 166 needs to be changed to $1,853
e. Student Union- Line 173 need to be changed to $1,643
f. $32,177 which is the amount we have identified in order to meet the minimum requirement
g. I’m proposing that we use the funds from safe rides and use them this year to reduce next years budget by 7,000 dollars. Line 8 will be reduced to 38,000 for next year. This will not have a negative impact on the program because we will just use it next year
2. Questioning and Debate
a. Zona- Recognized at 12:31
b. Kann- Can you repeat the numbers?
c. Ervin- We have to figure out where we would get $14,000
d. Benton- Move to amend line 8 to 38,000
i. Passes 10-0-0
e. Benton- Move to approve lines 2-8
i. Passes 10-0-0
f. Benton- Move to approve line 10
i. Passes 10-0-0
g. Move to approve ASF Business office as a whole
i. Passes 10-0-0
h. Gillaspie – Move toe go to OSI
vii. Office of Student Involvement
1. Questioning and Debate
a. Gillaspie- Move to amend line 79 to $494,446
i. Passes 10-0-0
b. Gillaspie- Move to approve lines 77-93
i. Passes 10-0-0
c. Gillaspie- Move to approve line 94
i. Passes 10-0-0
viii. Multicultural Student Center
1. Questioning and Debate
a. Bayes- Move to amend line 69 to $67,459
i. Passes 10-0-0
b. Bayes- Move to approve lines 69-73
i. Passes 10-0-0
c. Bayes- Move to approve MSC as a whole
i. Passes 10-0-0
ii. Gillaspie- Move to go to SLS
ix. Student Legal Services
1. Questioning and Debate
a. Gillaspie- Move to amend line 166 to $21,159
i. Passes 10-0-0
b. Gillaspie- Move to approve lines 164-168
i. Passes 10-0-0
c. Gillaspie- Move to approve SLS as a whole
i. Passes 10-0-0
d. Kann- Move to go to the Student Union
x. Student Union
1. Questioning and Debate
a. Gillaspie- Move to amend line 173 to $1,144,442
i. Passes 10-0-0
b. Gillaspie- Move to approve lines 172-176
i. Passes 10-0-0
c. Gillaspie- Move to approve lines 178
i. Passes 10-0-0
d. Gillaspie- Move to approve the Student Union as a whole
i. Passes 10-0-0
e. Zona- I would go back to RWC and back it even with the Student Union
f. Benton- I don’t think we should say we can make it even just to make it even, because the RWC may need that
g. Zona- Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I was just making a suggestion
h. Ervin- Is homecoming and CAB’s concerts separate or together?
i. Ervin- How much are they charging for outside people to come in for the concert.
i. $25.00
j. Ervin- How much did homecoming and cab make off the concert this year?
i. Homecoming did make the revenue budget but CAB did not
k. Zona- I don’t think we should cut concert budgets. The lowest item when we did surveys for Knights on the Mall was the stage so we can revisit it. We would be willing to compromise it
l. Ervin- Lowest ranked? What are the other things that are tied to make Knights on the Mall present?
m. Zona- Ranked SGA giveaways as the top, the tailgate décor, and then the stage itself.
i. I don’t know much more either
n. Zona- I would feel more taking away from a stage rather than a concert
o. Benton- I would talk about marketing, and go back from each general marketing budgets
p. Zona- I disagree. I think marketing can cut a little. If I’m saying that we have negative reviews on the stage
q. Benton- Don’t we want to make it the best possible then?
r. Zona- I would have to urge you to listen to the people were there, people did not care about the stage
s. Jones- Also with the stage there people couldn’t play their own music
t. Lewis- Realistically how much would we cut from Knights on the Mall
i. Zona- When we did get the survey, were telling you what they said
u. Ervin- How much?
i. Zona- 5,000/6,000 for the games
v. Ervin- Lets put the extra surplus to all the games so we can buy giveaways
w. Zona- We would still use that on giveaways if we could
x. Gillaspie- Move to go to the executive branch
xi. Executive Branch
1. Questioning and Debate
a. Ervin- Move to amend line 131 to $38,000
i. Zona objects, Ervin withdraws
b. Zona- Its still all under campus life so its all in the same budget line
c. Benton- Move to amend line 131 to $44,000
i. Lewis objects
d. Lewis- If the executive branch has spoken on this and they are comfortable cutting this, then we should listen to them. Were hearing from the heads of the branch
e. Benton- I’m agreeing with Zona but in terms of programming, but why are we cutting even more that needs to be. So don’t have the stage, but the first number was even lower than it used to have.
f. Ervin- We take 15,000?
g. Zona- If we only cut that much it doesn’t leave that much for marketing, or it could make them work in that budget. We can always take that last little bit. I don’t think that a bad thing and it could leave extra money for results.
h. Benton- Lets at least leave the amount at what it use to be. And they will take the advice that the stage didn’t work. And leave it at $41,000
i. Lewis- We should cut it back to what it was to the $41,000
j. Ervin- Yes taking it down to the $41,000. Which would still leave it at 161
k. Zona- Take 10,000 from campus life, then it leaves us 5,161 then we could go look at marketing to go over the points
l. Ervin- Move to amend line 131 to $46,000
i. Passes 10-0-0
m. Ervin- Move to approves lines 128-145
i. Passes 10-0-0
n. Ervin- Move to approve SGA Executive Branch as a whole
i. Passes 10-0-0
o. Lewis- I would like to talk about Late Knights. So I just haven’t seen as much of an improvement
p. Ervin- Is Late Knights here?
i. They had a major cut
q. Benton- All of these are open to everyone, I’m not trying to pick on, but I think a late knight event is open to everyone.
r. Zona- I’m going to be against cutting anything from student programming
s. Ervin- Doesn’t that also affect Student Union part who has a say from knights of the mall
t. Zona- They need just as much money
u. Lewis- I think we need to revisit everyone’s marketing budget. Most of it is on social media anyway
v. Bayes- Move to go back to CAB
xii. CAB
1. Questioning and Debate
a. Gillaspie- Everyone should talk about how much we expect to cut from marketing
b. Zona- Are we just winging it or cutting a percentage or a dollar amount?
c. Lewis- I think we should cut a specific amount
d. Benton- Some people define their marketing budget differently. They have more room to work.
e. Zona- How are we going to determine how much we take and from where?
f. Lewis- I was going cut 5% from everyone’s budget line
g. Zona- Take 5,00 from RWC, they say its okay
h. Gillaspie- Move to go back to RWC
xiii. RWC
1. Question
a. Zona- It is line 161
b. Lewis- Is that taken from their R and R?
c. Njeru- Move to amend line 105 to $34,839
i. Passes 10-0-0
d. Njeru- Move to approves lines 100-106
i. Passes 10-0-0
e. Gillaspie- Move to approve line 108
i. Passes 10-0-0
f. Gillaspie- Move to approve RWC as a whole
i. Passes 10-0-0
xiv. Zona- Move to approve the Activity and Service Fee Budget as a whole
1. Passes 10-0-0
9. New Business- None
10. Member Discussion- None
11. Miscellaneous Business- None
12. Final Roll Call-
PRESENT / ABSENTChair DeStefano / Speaker Kircher
Vice Chair Wolff / ORC Chair Bedgood
President Zona (12:31pm) / Student-at-Large Gately
Vice President Jones / Student Directors Chair Gonzales
Pro Tempore Lewis
CRT Chair Bayes
Senator Ervin
Senator Gillaspie
Senator Benton
Student-at-Large Kann
Committee Alternate Njeru
13. Adjournment- 1:10pm