
In this issue: Spring is here again!

Intro / 1
Website / 1
New and student Doctors / 1
Move update / 1
Missed Appointments / 1
Health Promotion Dates / 1
Team update / 2
NHS 111 / 2
Patient Participation Group / 3
Bank Holiday Closure / 4
Travel Information / 4
Useful Contact Nos / 5
Events / 5
Your comments / 5

This is the seventh edition of our Practice Newsletter – we hope you are finding them useful, and as always are grateful to hear any comments you may have.

Don’t forget to have a look at our website www.strawberrygardens.nhs.uk for further information about the Surgery.

Relocation update - Strawberry Gardens Medical Practice will be relocating to modern purpose built premises, Heysham Primary Care Centre, based at Mossgate Park. The build is well underway and we will hopefully be moving into the fantastic new facility as planned in August 2012. We would like to reassure you that we will retain our independence at the new premises.

Strawberry Gardens

Medical Practice

377 Heysham Road




Tel: 01524 850999

Fax: 01524 855688

Surgery Hours:

Monday 8.00am – 6.30pm

Tuesday 8.00am – 6.30pm

Wednesday 8.00am – 8.15pm

Thursday 8.00am – 6.30pm (closed 12.30pm – 1.30pm)

Friday 8.00am – 6.30pm

Staff update:

Welcome to two new lady doctors!

Dr Debbie Cave has joined the practice and will be working 3 days a week. Dr Cave will hold clinics at both Strawberry Gardens and Morecambe Health Centre.

Dr Eirini Tsouma has also joined the practice and she will also hold clinics at both Strawberry Gardens and Morecambe Health Centre on Wednesday and Fridays. Dr Tsouma will also be available on other days from time to time.

Both doctors will provide an extended access clinic on a Wednesday evening up to 8.15pm

Reception Team

Jody has joined our Reception Team as an apprentice. She is working with us whilst undertaking a NVQ in Business Administration supported by the Lancaster & Morecambe College. We hope you will support Jody while she is training.


In case of emergency please call the new NHS 111 or Bay Urgent Care on 0300 123 1144

NHS 111

NHS 111 is a new service in the Bay Area that was introduced to make it easier for you to access local NHS healthcare services. You can now call 111 when you need medical help fast, but where it isn’t a 999 emergency.

NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help – wherever you are, and whatever the time.

You can call NHS 111 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and all calls from landlines and mobiles are free.

When to use it?

You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation.

You should call 111 if:

v  You need medical help fast, but it’s not a 999 emergency

v  You think you need to go to A & E or an other NHS Urgent Care service

v  You don’t know who to call, or you don’t have a GP to call, or

v  You require health information or reassurance about what to do next

For less urgent health needs you should still contact your GP or local pharmacist in the usual way.

How does it work?

The service is staffed by a team of fully trained advisers, supported by experienced nurses, who will ask you questions to assess your symptoms, give you the healthcare advice you need and direct you to the right local service as quickly as possible. This can include an out-of-hours doctor, walk-in centre or urgent care centre, community nurses, emergency dentist or late-opening chemist.

When you call 111, you will be assessed straight away. In an emergency an ambulance will be sent immediately without the need for any further assessment. For any other health problems, the NHS 111 call advisers will be able to direct you to the service that is best able to meet your needs. If a health professional has given you a specific telephone number to call when you are concerned about your condition, please continue to use that number.

NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls from landlines and mobile phones are free.

For immediate, life-threatening emergencies, continue to call 999

Patient Participation Group

We would like to know how we can improve our services to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.

To help us with this, we are still encouraging patients to take up the opportunity of joining our virtual patient representation group so that you can have your say.

We aim to gather arounda hundred patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample.We needyoung people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups. We currently have 30 patients signed up, but still need more for this to offer us a respective range of opinions.

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please see the link on the right side of the website homepage (www.strawberrygardens.nhs.uk) or ask at Reception for a Sign-up Sheet.

We have just emailed our first survey to our existing members of this representative group to ask them to obtain their views of our appointments and plan to forward a further 3 surveys over the next 12 months.

We have had some interesting feedback from our first survey and we have provided some answers to the key areas queried below;-

Appointments – we are aware that it can be difficult sometimes to get an appointment and we are constantly reviewing our system to try and accommodate everyone’s wishes. However we have found that if patients’ book too far ahead they are more likely to DNA. We do have a number of appointments available each day for book on the day from 8am and these are taken up very quickly. We hope to make more appointments available now we have two lady doctors but will continue to review this on an ongoing basis.

Disabled access, hand rails, resting places and chairs with arms! We are pleased to say that all these issues will be addressed when we move to the new building. We also hope you find the decorations a bit brighter too

Prescriptions – we do realise that many patients would like us to have a telephone line to request their prescriptions and we will also look at this when we move on to a new more sophisticated telephone system once we move. Currently though there are two email addresses, the website and the script request boxes at both sites which most patients appear to be happy to use. Please ask at reception if you are unsure of the address to email your request to.

Support Groups – There are Expert Patient Groups that provide support for patients with Diabetes or Chronic Disease and we publicise the dates of these on our notice board.

Dietician and Nutrition support – There is recognition nationally that there should be more access to nutrition support but unfortunately there are no plans for an in house service at the moment. However you can make an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses who will be happy to provide you with information.

May/June Closing Dates

Please be aware that the Surgery will be closed on the following days:

May Bank Holiday Monday Monday 7th May 2012

May Spring Bank Holiday Monday Monday 4th June 2012

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Tuesday 5th June 2012

Travel Information

The Practice Nurses here at Strawberry Gardens are specially trained in travel advice and education – this includes vaccinations (recommended and compulsory requirements), anti-malarial prophylaxis, general health and well being. If you are unsure about whether or not you need vaccinations etc for your forthcoming holiday or trip abroad, please ask at Reception for an enquiry form which can be completed and left so the nurses can go through your records and see what you may need.

Ideally we would like to see you at least 8 weeks before your departure as the type of vaccinations you may need will depend on your destination, type of trip and how long you will be away. We may also need to order the vaccinations in to the Surgery.

Please note that some vaccination schedules require more than one injection often spread out over a period of time and there may also be a charge, so please check when booking an appointment.

A few of the more common vaccinations are:

Hepatitis A

Transmitted via contaminated water and food. It attacks the liver and causes jaundice and fatigue. The first vaccine needs to be given at least 2 weeks prior to travel and a second is required 6 months later. This gives protection for 20 years.


Also transmitted by contaminated water and food, this causes high temperatures, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. This vaccine needs to be given at least 1 week prior to travel and gives 3 years protection.

Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio

These vaccinations can be given as one combined injection to give protection from all three diseases. They are usually given as part if the UK vaccination schedule starting in childhood and only need boosting if clinically indicated. We will advise you on this.

Useful Contact Numbers/Websites:

Royal Lancaster Infirmary: 01524 69544

NHS 111 111

Bay Urgent Care (out of hours service) 0300 123 1144

Queen Victoria Centre 01524 405700

Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) 01539 795497

www.patient.co.uk Comprehensive health information and links

www.healthinmylanguage.com Translated information about health and health services

Local Events (This is just a selection – more can be found at www.lancaster.gov.uk/events)

Meet 11am, at the Battery Car Park - 60 minute walk – free of charge. All ages & fitness levels welcome. Contact Donna Swarbrick (LCC) 01524 847540 ext 206
15th April 2012 / SALT AYRE DUATHLON
See www.cityoflancastertriathlon.co.uk for more details
21st April 2012 / DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL
Salt Ayre Sports Centre, 8am – 6pm.
29th April to 9th September 2012 / BRASS BAND CONCERTS 2012, HAPPY MOUNT PARK MORECAMBE
2.30 – 4.30pm. Sit in beautiful surroundings and listen to the sounds of a traditional brass band. Seating NOT provided but take your own, or hire one in the park to relax. Free of charge but donations welcome.
11am – 5pm, Clog & Morris Dancers, Maypole, Punch and Judy, Hobby Horse racing, welly throwing, treasure hunt – and much more!!
6th May 2012 / VINTAGE BUS RUNNING DAY 2012
Vintage buses on display organised by Ribble Vehicle Preservation Trust, on the Promenade near the Midland Hotel.
Morecambe Promenade 12 – 5pm

*Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information listed is correct. However we advise that you check the details when booking or before attending an event or activity.

Complaints and Compliments

We take pride in our work and aim to provide the best service for our patients. Our team all work hard to support the practice in this aim and it is nice to receive feedback when we succeed. However, we do accept there are occasions when we don’t always get everything right and we still require feedback to ensure we learn how to improve.

The Practice does have a complaints process that you will find in our brochure or alternatively you may ask at Reception if you would like a copy of our complaints policy.

We would like to hear from you - please write any comments you have below, and return it to us:


Compliment/Complaint/Suggestion (please cross out as appropriate)