16 May, 2017
Cllr Alcock
Cllr Dowling
Cllr I Fradgley (Chairman)
Cllr J Fradgley
Cllr Jackson
Cllr Jefferson
Cllr Lowe
Cllr Short
Planning Consultant: Neil Pearce, Avon Planning Services
Clerk: Susan Gray
Public: 7 members of the public were present for part of the meeting
Press: No members of the press were present
242 / Apologies for AbsenceApologies were received from Councillors Applin and Brain and accepted for the reasons given.
243 / Declarations of interest on items on the Agenda
Councillors I Fradgley, J Fradgley and Short declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6, minuted as 247.
Councillors I Fradgley, Lowe and Short declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9, minuted as 250.
244 / To receive written requests for dispensation for disclosable pecuniary interests
None were received.
245 / To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
246 / Public Participation
No one wished to speak during public participation.
247 / Consultation Presentation on Pre-Planning Applications
Grug Davies and Alistair McArthur made a pre-planning representation on behalf of the RSC for the proposed renovations and partial redevelopment of the RSC costume workshops, 39 Waterside.
It was advised that the project was in response to the dilapidation of the premises, which the RSC wanted to upgrade and make it fit for purpose. It is the largest costume production workshop, with 30 staff, and they aspire to be industry leaders but the workshop lacks the space required, has poor lighting and has no access via a lift. There were four key areas the project wanted to address: facilities for costume making, training and apprenticeships, heritage and public engagement. The presentation looked at the redevelopment of the site, which would be an 18month project planned for next summer.
Councillors were afforded the opportunity of asking questions about issues raised in the presentation which included the chimney, its height and materials, construction vehicle access to the site and where they would park, whether the project involved moving staff and issues with parking availability and whether a statutory notice had been served. The committee expected to see a construction and traffic plan when the application was received.
The Chairman thanked Grug and Alistair for their presentation.
248 / Minutes
Minutes were approved and signed as a correct record.
249 / Notices of Decision
250 / List of Planning applications deferred from Chairman’s Actions meeting on 10 May with any additional items deferred from Chairman’s Actions meeting 16 May 2017
17/00893/FUL – Beynac, St Gregorys Road
This application is for the demolition of the existing detached house and construction of new building to house 5 residential apartments, construction of a new vehicular access and associated landscaping.
Dinah Hanlon spoke for 3 minutes in objection to the application. She felt it was an unprecedented example of overdevelopment of the area and there would be a loss to their amenity and other neighbours with the decimation of a mature garden. The building proposed is double the current footprint and triple the height. She advised that it would be unlike other buildings in the area. She objected due to its mass and scale and the decimation of the garden, which supported bats and birds. She advised that there had been no consultation with neighbours.
The ecological appraisal was referred to, which suggested there was high potential to have bats, and members asked whether Mrs Hanlon had noticed bats, to which she confirmed. Mrs Hanlon confirmed a visit by the Planning Officer had been made and that she thought her concerns had been taken on board. She advised that she felt her property would be overlooked.
The Chairman thanked Mrs Hanlon.
Councillors discussed the issues, referring to the footprint of the property, parking, ecological report and overdevelopment of the site which would not be in keeping with existing properties.
It was therefore Proposed, Seconded and unanimously agreed that a comment of objection be submitted for this application.
251 / To note Action by Town Clerk after consultation with Cllr I Fradgley, Cllr Dowling & Avon Planning Services 19 April 2017
*applications for which the own Council submitted an objection
Application No. / Site
17/00827/FUL / 61 Maidenhead Road
17/00825/FUL* / 1 Byron Road
17/01139/TREE / Orchard House, Kissing Tree Lane, Alveston
17/01202/TREE / 10 Campbell Close, Shottery
17/00924/FUL* / Beynac, St Gregorys Road
17/00634/FUL / Clopton Tower, Clopton
17/00635/LBC / Clopton Tower, Clopton
17/01015/FUL / 5 Kestrel Close
17/00980/FUL / 17 Welcombe Road
15/03764/REM* & 15/03842/REM* / Land West of Shottery, South of Alcester Road and North of Evesham Road
17/01255/TREE / The One Elm, Guild Street
17/01064/FUL / 18 Avenue Road
17/01272/TREE / 69 Tiddington Road
17/01021/FUL / 162 Loxley Road
17/01131/VARY / Saxon House, 12 Saxon Close
17/00717/LBC / 16 Guild Street
17/01115/FUL / Drayton Manor Farm, Alcester Road
17/01037/FUL* / 14 Aintree Road
17/01069/FUL & 17/01070/LBC / Bruce Lodge, Bishopton Lane, Bishopton
17/0084/FUL / 130 Loxley Road
16/03986/FUL* / Pilgrim Cottage, Kings Lane
17/01036/FUL / 163 Loxley Road
17/00946/FUL* / Old Pump House, Banbury Road
17/01316/TPO / 56A Maidenhead Road
17/01042/FUL / Retail Units, Maybrook Industrial Estate, Maybrook Road
17/00703/FUL / Land adj to 107 Tiddington Road
17/01079/FUL / Cherry Trees, Swans Nest Lane
17/01214/LBC / 22 Bridge Street
17/01031/FUL & 17/01032/LBC / 19 Greenhill Street
17/01336/DDT / Land to rear of 17 Campbell Close, Shottery
15/03764/REM* & 15/03842/REM* / Land West of Shottery, South of Alcester Road and North of Evesham Road
17/01181/FUL / 91 Albany Road
17/01192/FUL / 9 Grouse Close
17/00890/FUL / Hillside, Alveston Lane, Alveston
17/01241/AGNOT / Burton Farm, Bishopton
17/01171/FUL / 8 Ely Gardens
17/01035/FUL / 35 Avon Crescent
17/01198/FUL / 13 Lawson Avenue, Tiddington
17/00949/FUL / The Lench House, 51 Tiddington Road
17/01130/ADV / Arden Street Rehearsal Rooms, Arden Street
17/00584/FUL / 42 Blue Cap Road
252.2 / Street Trading and Licensing Applications
There are currently no Street Trading applications pertinent to the Town Council
There are currently no Licensing applications pertinent to the Town Council.
253 / Town Clerk’s Open Report
There were no items to report.
254 / Chairman’s Verbal Report
The Chairman referred to the street naming in Mulberry Street. It was agreed that the councillor’s decision to call the street St James Mews would stand.
Bishopton 500
The Chairman advised that residents were having issues. It was asked whether garages were classed as parking spaces and the Planning Consultant advised that the Highways Agency did not count garages as parking spaces. It was advised that the developers were working closely with councillors and were consulting the neighbourhood plan.
255 / Requests for Alterations of Recommendation
There were none.
256 / To register, when necessary, a representative from the Planning Consultative Committee to attend the Stratford District Council Planning Meeting (West) scheduled for Wednesday 14 June 2017
The Chairman did not feel it was appropriate to appoint a representative for the meeting on 14 June. This will be brought back to committee on 6 June.
257 To appoint substitutes for the next Chairman’s Actions on 31 May, if required
Cllr Alcock will be official substitute.
The meeting closed at 7:59pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 6 June, 2017 at 6:30pm