A Meeting of Bangor on Dee Community Council was held on Tuesday
17th June 2014 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Overton Road, Bangor on Dee.
Present: Councillors: G Hughes (vice chair); B Huckle; M Jones; P Furber; R Spencer; H Jones; S Morrison; J Jones.
Mrs Sian Jones – Clerk.
PCSO Ahmed.
Apologies: Cllr G Tranter.
The meeting was chaired by Cllr G Hughes (vice) in the absence of Cllr G Tranter.
At this point Standing Orders were suspended in order to discuss Policing. Proposed by Cllr P Furber and seconded by Cllr B Huckle.
The priority for the last meeting was dog fouling. Regular patrols have been completed. No tickets issued.
A report of loud music was received. Police attended and the matter will be raised with the Anti-Social Behaviour Unit at the Council.
Reports of tractors causing nuisance and inappropriate behaviour towards residents has been reported. Enquiries are ongoing. Community Council wish to support Police enquiries with a letter to highways outlining the dangers. Clerk to progress.
Highlighted by Cllr G Hughes that there is heavy motorbike traffic, travelling at high speed on A525 Sunday mornings.
Cllrs expressed their gratitude to PSCO Ahmed regarding her prompt and proactive approach to the matters being reported.
At this point Standing Orders resumed. Proposed by Cllr P Furber, seconded by Cllr H Jones.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were no declarations of interest received.
The Minutes of the last meeting having been circulated were reviewed and agreed as an accurate record. Proposed by Cllr B Huckle and seconded by Cllr H Jones.
The request for a dog foul bin has been submitted but on subsequent review it was suggested this is changed to a general waste bin to give confidence that it will be emptied more frequently.
The concerns re drainage on Overton Road has not been progressed since the last meeting - Clerk to raise the matter via letter and request a site visit.
Community Councillor vacancy advert has now closed - only one response received from local resident Ron Forster. Proposed that Mr Forster is co-opted to the council by Cllr P Furber and seconded by Cllr R Spencer. All in favour - RF to be invited to next meeting.
Clerk has advised WCBC that the request to receive electronic plans has been declined.
Clerk requested bins to be emptied more frequently by the river and this has now been undertaken.
Invitation to the Clwyd Community Chest, 10 July, extended to Cllrs.
Invite to the Mayor's Civic visit to the Church extended to Cllrs.
Cllr M Jones highlighted to the meeting that two applications are published in the local press for solar panels on the periphery of the village. Meeting had no objections and did not consider it would directly affect the village.
No response to the attempts from community council to arrange a meeting. Clerk to continue to progress this. There was discussion at the meeting regarding the progress of the planning application in relation to this project.
The project is near completion and awaiting signage. Cllrs discussed ideas for an opening event. Clerk confirmed all of the invoices have now been submitted but reimbursement is outstanding from WREN. Clerk will progress this. Payments direct for invoices will be agreed with Cllr R Spencer to ensure all works completed prior to payment.
Cllrs discussed at what stage the assessments should be progressed for the graveyard now the works on the area have been completed. Cllr R Skelland suggested that the appropriate surveys are commenced. Clerk highlighted that there is money set aside to cover the cost of the surveys. Cllr M Jones proposed that the matter is put on next month's agenda and in the interim Cllr M Jones will contact the Environment Agency to discuss and Cllr R Spencer will seek revised quotes from the consultant, seconded by Cllr H Jones.
Cllr M Jones noted that on 19th September all flood wardens are invited to attend training on de-regulation at Bala.
Cllr P Furber noted the report coming out of the meeting. It is requested that every flood warden makes themselves aware of the content. Clerk will scan and circulate.
The condition of Dungray lane was raised again as there is now a drainage issue as a result of the surplus debris that has come loose from previous works on pot holes.
Hedgerow is overgrown and mirror obscure at Holly Bush, Green Lane. Clerk to progress.
Hedgerow on Station Road reported as overgrown so that people cannot use the pavements. Clerk to progress.
Cllr M Jones wished for the Dame Dorethy Charity to be publicised on the website. Cllr M Jones to provide details to the Clerk to progress.
An e-mail has been circulated requesting attendance of a representative at a meeting to consider the current contract as it is shortly due for re-tender. Cllr M Jones will attend but has requested that another member attends with him. Meeting agreed Cllr S Morrison would attend.
The following payments have been made since the last meeting:
AON Insurance annual premium £1314.50 101679
Employee expenses £29.35 101680
WCBC employee costs and payroll £388.25 101681
JDH Business Services internal audit £145.80 101682
Scottish Power £170.60 101683
Sportsfield annual donation £1000.00 101684
Presbyterian Chapel donation £100.00 101685
Village Hall Annual donation £300.00 101686
Little Red Tractor £284.00 101687
Revised insurance quote raised with councillors and Clerk highlighted the savings to be made.
Resignation of the Clerk was recorded at the meeting and advertisement for a replacement was discussed. Meeting agreed that the same criteria would be requested and the same advert used. Timeframe was considered. Advert to go in the Essentially Yours magazine. Three weeks closing date from date of publish. Clerk to circulate advert to the Maelor Clerks. Short-listing panel agreed - Cllrs Tranter, Spencer, and Hughes - Proposed by S Morrison and seconded by Cllr P Furber.