Strategic Plan 2011-14
Mission Statement
California ASCD, a diverse community of educators, is committed to promoting exemplary practices to ensure that all learners reach their full potential.
California ASCD will provide professional development opportunities, share current knowledge and research, advocate quality education, and encourage collegial relationships through the following:
· The development of statewide leadership in the areas of instruction, assessment, professional development, curriculum development, and parent education.
· The creation of an organizational structure that encourages active inclusion membership for the purpose of sharing knowledge, enhancing the goals and activities of California ASCD, and supporting reflection, inquiry and new ideas.
· The promotion of strategies that include educators in all job roles and functions associated with schools and education.
· The consideration of activities that influence and effect legislative, professional, and judicial decisions relating to education in California and the United States.
· The development of communication networks through publications, technology, media, and other processes.
· The support of policies, procedures, and practices consistent with ASCD standards for state affiliates.
Goal 1: California ASCD will grow and engage a diverse community by leveraging professional development to include content expertise with technology, networks and partnerships.
Target Focus:
· New generation of educators
· Diverse membership (job affiliation, regional representation, gender, age, culture)
· Professional development (local, regional, county offices, higher education, and community-based organizations)
· The Whole Child Initiative
· Partnerships with Professional Organizations
· Web based resources to recruit members
· Legislation and policy impacting teaching and learning in California
· Increased diversity of new educator membership
· Increase student chapters
· Email ASCD Educator Advocates to invite them to join CASCD
· Analyze affiliate data through the use of the Affiliate Developmental Continuum
· Improve utilization of technology for communication to meet the needs of all members (email, e-blasts, PDF files)
· Survey members for relevant topics for Professional Development
· Conduct Regional/Local workshops based on relevant PD topics
Goal 2: California ASCD will advocate policies and practices that positively influence learning, teaching, and leadership in preparing our children to compete in a global society.
Target Focus:
· Leadership and excellence of educators
· Cohesive policy development through advocacy efforts
· Development of a diverse pool of educational leaders that more closely reflects the student population of California
· Advocate for opportunities to promote 21st century skills to prepare students to be more competitive
· Offer geographically based high interest relevant professional development
· Submit Influence Grant proposal to ASCD
· Continue the partnership with ACSA to participate in “A Day on the Capitol”
· Enable LC Reps to attend L2L Conference
· Provide L2L follow-up training to CASCD Board of Directors
· Link CASCD website to ASCD Educator Advocate website
· Develop and increase knowledge of common core standards
Goal 3: California ASCD will utilize research-based programs, products, and services that will lead educators to use best practices in learning, teaching, and leadership.
Target Focus
· Assist educators to identify, evaluate, and share the body of professional knowledge to best inform their practice
· Assist educators to understand the connections between curriculum, instruction, assessment, and accountability to address the needs of the “Whole Child”
· Assist educators with diverse job titles and diverse student needs
· New research and information on education and student needs in California
· Focus on scientific research-based practices for relevant professional development
· Promote and enhance CASCD website as a resource for educators
· Conduct professional development opportunities based on members’ survey results
· Utilize a variety of technology formats to meet the needs of all members (email, e-blasts, PDF files, Author’s Forum)
· Publish monthly electronic Curriculum Feed
· Continue to develop and expand social networking sites (EDGE) to both inform and connect CASCD members
· Provide products that promote effective teaching and learning
Goal 4: California ASCD will continually improve its operational and fiduciary effectiveness to deliver value to its constituents and achieve our organizational goals.
Target Focus:
· Communication with potential and continuing members
· Professional development for California educators based on member feedback
· Partnerships with other organizations and businesses that support the goals of CASCD
· Continue communication through the use of the CASCD webpage, Curriculum Feed, email, e-blasts, CASCD Facebook page, Twitter and at educational events
· Implement relevant professional development that supports California educators
· Develop a structure and process for initiating and institutionalizing partnerships
· Provide membership campaign packet that includes membership benefits
· Improve the financial viability of CASCD through increased membership, corporate partnerships, and professional development revenues
· Review each quarter the financial status of the organization
California ASCD will annually assess the outcomes from the strategic plan to measure the impact of the targeted outcomes and make modifications. The Board of Directors will generate general areas of focus.
Revised and adopted 8/30/2011