Big Meeting
March 19, 2010
Strategic Issues Table Discussion Notes
Table: 1
Issue: 1 - Many students from diverse backgrounds do not have equal access to college.
Recorder: Donna Kosloski
- Demographic age 44 and over – new increases in this bracket
- Age 24 – bimodal – 2 modes – younger generation of students increasing lowered average age to 24
- What do the 44 yr olds want?
- Are we offering skills that are needed
- More students coming with bachelors and masters seen in chemistry classes
- Here for ______shells
- Facility issue – to project credit issues into learning centers for ex:
- Bright House – IT degree, AS Horticulture at Disney
- More specific AS degree programs could be used to provide shells in theater
- Mature students (in 30’s) squeeze generation – they need to vent
- Do we have peer support in place?
- Grown children out of work coming home
- Deans control production of credit programs
- Can we blend goals by offering credit courses at Valencia Enterprises?
- Does this blur our vision?
- LifeMap – best for traditional students
- What should we have in place for squeeze generation?
- Chosen school & programs based on work hours
- We do not grant a lot of autonomy to new students for good reason
- To assist choices and guide them
- Calls on environmental classes, credits, programs
- Helps students choose goals. Give a purpose or a path
- Are 19yr old students different than 44 yr old?
- Much diversity among 44 yr olds
- Seasoned professionals retraining, retooling career, or brand new to college
- Change mind set
- Peer designed orientation based on cohort based on age
- MARS program at Osceola
- Order students used social network for networking
- Mature students on west are just taking a class.
- Osceola mature students seem more engaged in being a student and getting involved.
- MARS – Ask Melissa Pedone
- Single parents group
- Homeless
- How do we reach them and give access to college?
- You get financial aid used for books & tuition
- The remainder can be used for other necessities
- There are still hardships
- Pathways – homeless students to us, however, there are intersections
- We need to guide them and have point person that can point the students to the right area or direction
- Recycling – emails
- Trying to reach our students
- Email files are too big
- 10 megabytes in student email account - They are full, can’t receive/recycle emails
- Homeless students who are here – let’s reach more homeless people through emails to current homeless students
- Interaction
- Send texts to students w/ a link
- Issue w/ cost of texts
- Who is using Twitter
- UCF is using it
- It is an it is an opt in type of program
- The students like to text & will not open emails
- GED earners
- Students opt out of H.S. for various reasons
- They need access and have great potential
- Tap into existing programs from Orange County schools
- Home schooled students
- No set transcript coming in
- Difficult to plan or place into interventions
- Theme
- Lots of kinds of diversity power
- Power
- Personalize, customize
- How does Pathways customize w/ student’s that are diverse (homeless, poverty, etc.)
- Traditional design helps our students but may begin hurting students that are diverse.
- Different populations
- Technically homeless
- Living in cars, have cell phone
- They do not consider themselves homeless so do not receive services and cannot feel connected to Valencia
- NO student should feel like a number
- Pathways need to be designed for many different types of students
- How do we get different Pathways as an institutional initiative on all campuses not niche programs?
- Look to student development
- Need 10 students to start a new club
- If students are not asking S.D. will not build the groups
- Student’s experience is felt in the classroom.
- We need to reach them there
- Lots of discussion on MARS program at Osceola
- Look at it
- Can this be grown and used Collegewide
- One challenge we face is that many of our private scholarships (and nearly all in/for Osceola) are limited to graduating seniors
- It is essential for us to diversify scholarship opportunities (particularly for new funds) that reflect the diversity of our student population
Table: 2
Issue: 1 -Many students from diverse backgrounds do not have equal access to college.
Recorder: Patti Smith
- Financial issues, preparation hinder students
- Fees are creating burden / withdraw for refund
- We are the first CC with less than 50% of funding from state
- There is imbalance of funding structure, decreasing budget from state
- Dual enrollment affected by funding formula
- Less offerings at the schools and those from a diverse background have barriers coming to college campus
- Focus a bit of discussion on Age diversity
- The group supports the design of a future students website
- Helping students step thru the admission process in a more sucking manner
- A check list
- A visual, step-by-step video
- OSD seeing folks w/ psychological issues
- Perhaps PTSD
- Veterans – reading them is an issue
- If we can no longer be all things to all people, whom should we serve
- Will we come to this?
Table: 3
Issue: 2 - Many students whose stated goal is to obtain a certificate or a degree are not successful
in reaching critical milestones in their educational plans.
Recorder: Liz Gombash
- Do AA students have milestones?
- Yes, but sometimes not in best sequence
- Example:
- Prep-students often wait until end to take college level math courses
- Do students understand the risk / consequence of delaying certain courses?
- Is there follow up advisement?
- Not for AA
- Some faculty advise students
- Want data re. student success if courses taken consecutively or gap in time
- Math, reading, writing
- If there is a difference, need to examine issues more closely
- Previously did “bundles” (English, math, student success, comp), but did not examine data
- Could re-do now through linked course design and add reading
- Linked courses now are only for 1 semester
- Needs to be more sequential
- Certificates
- May or may not require sequence of courses
- State curriculum frameworks dictates which courses must be taken but not necessarily order
- Not sure why students take courses “out of order” (does not apply to prerequisites)
- Could be a money issue
- Students have a plan, but no follow-up
- Students toss their plans
- Need intervention if students fails course for the first time, especially prerequisites
- We set students on a course – how do we keep them on course?
- Best students follow up themselves, so don’t need to worry about them
- Can LifeMap be set up to automatically alert student and advisor when student is going off track from plan?
- Can remind students of courses needed at registration time?
- We have daily alert system – 2 years – 3 codes in mid-term
- To get student to take responsibility, need to explain to students
- Should UCF faculty come into classes to help explain to students what they need to do
- Orientation is not necessarily the best time to explain this to students
- Students don’t really want to hear it then
- Students currently get notice that financial aid will not pay for courses not in major, but why do they get this notice before they register?
- Not usually checked until after add/drop
- They have no choice but to appeal
Table: 4
Issue: 2 - Many students whose stated goal is to obtain a certificate or a degree are not successful
in reaching critical milestones in their educational plans.
Recorder: Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz
- “Students don’t have a clear path to reach their goals”
- Need to focus on students who are not performing well
- We don’t collect information on outgoing students, so we don’t know they have withdrawn
- Need to capture data of why students are withdrawing
- Student engagement survey can probably assist us in measuring why students are not performing well.
- We need Pathways not choices, we focus on students on developmental courses and do we assist in leading them to corridors
- Too many choices
- Don’t know where to focus
- Maybe we need to focus more orientation and be specific on what outcomes are
- We don’t know our student population who is disadvantaged unless they fill out a FAFSA application
- How do we serve those first generational students?
- Focus on when students first enroll to get to know them better
- Service learning
- Helpful in placing students in the workforce so they experience it and make decision on doing that career for the long run
- All college employees are aware of all resources
- On website
- Menu on advising issues or who they should speak to
- LifeMap
- Students not engaged / difficult for facilitation
- Work w/ classes where all students are enrolled (tackle these course & talk to students then)
- Students don’t tell anyone of their changes
- Students should update (their) major every term so we can assist them in the pathway
- How do we tap into social network to reach-out and find out how to guide them in career choices?
- How do we collaborate with workforce dept to provide access and exposure to the pathway to then improve the economic development of our community
- This will provide prepared workforce
- Live chat w/ your counselor
- New student experience committee: focus on giving students support and advising who is supportive
- Faculty members provide one-on-one counseling under a sough-out consultation level. Not part of curriculum. Maybe we should consider.
Table: 5
Issue: 3 - Gaps in student achievement exist among student cohorts related to ethnicity and
Recorder: Kim Long
- How helps address:
- What is lacking:
- Many students coming in don’t know plans
- Many students don’t even know what opportunities exist
- How to help them get through the maze of family pressures?
- Science options often not supported by some ethnic groups – AT HOME
- More mentor or modeling of possibilities needed for some of the gap students – shadowing?
- More strategies need to help students make a plan and set goals
- More advising in disciplines too, not just the advising office
- Active exploration of fields available to students
- Pathways –
- Before even reaching VCC, start it in the HS
- Encourage more science / math options that help w/ career choices
- Create more opportunities for students to explore career fields
- Family and social expectations
- Need to find role models
- Need to get family buy-in
- Why are the numbers the way they are?
- NSF may be helpful
- Non institutional answers?
- Family, finance other issues – need more follow-up on why students leave
- College effort to find out why students leave can get more support earlier
- Is it really related to poor academic standing?
- Find out if it is academic or other issues
- Filter the numbers – dropped or moved on (system to capture more info to answer the “why”
- So many not college ready entering to VCC
- Withdrawal survey? – before being able to W
- Who do we need to contact?
- When transcripts – before completion are requested why!
- #3
- UCF transfer – not doing as well
- Find out from other feeder institutions what their W policy is. What do they do differently?
- Follow up on why students have trouble after transferring
- Is there anything we (faculty) can do not to find out why students withdraw
- Why do we get to the W issue? Why so many need to withdraw?
- #2
- What can we do w/ the HS to help w/ the issue?
- Why is the college ready student taking so long to finish?
- Need to look to understand those numbers too
- Share statistics on student w/ VCC F & S
- Employed FT/PT, single parents, etc. (These may be impacting completion)
- Run stats in dif ways, not just ethnically
- May be more factors (variables) impacting it rather than just gaps in preparation
- Need to address and help students background issues
- Resources – not used or not aware of them by students
- #5
- Resources
- Not used or not aware of them by students
- Who else can we use as advisors?
- We are missing a counseling center
- More supplemental instruction pure form of S.L.
Table: 6
Issue: 3 - Gaps in student achievement exist among student cohorts related to ethnicity and
Recorder: Joe Lynn Look
- Closing the Gap
- ATD – focused on math closing gap (SL Link) gap has been closing for gateway
- Bridges – data outperforms ATD
- Support: advising / mentoring / aid / midterm evals
- How to expand to all students
- (existing programs like Bridges target small groups
- DEI brings this to a scale but still focus
- SL / LinC target small groups
- Try to have more small groups
- Must have appropriate resources as expansion takes place
- STEM focus needed
- Tutoring services have been expanded
- Need hard data / stats
- Tutoring by nursing faculty has been successful
- Part of faculty workload in nursing
- Possibility; college wide mentoring
- Would require extensive resources
- Take Stock in Children extends mentoring to middle school
- Need focus on how to best use resources
- Finance influence graduation
- So many try to support family / work full time / attend school full time
- FinAid / Deans need to be more connected
- Early alert system – find students that are going down the wrong and provide early intervention – w/ faculty & Deans
Table: 7
Issue: 6 - While the College does not control all factors that lead to student success, many students fail to complete their courses with a grade of C or better for reasons potentially under the control of the College.
Recorder: Ruth Prather
- Support services – tutoring, ______, counselors have helped
- Can’t control work schedule of students
- Students with a plan – keeps them moving forward
- We need to help students get a plan & follow it.
- Find a balance of support
- Need more $ for tutoring, writing center, etc.
- Need to work harder to get students a plan
- Firs year experience is very important
- Need to know more why students fail
- Can we get to students early enough so that students prepare to succeed
- We agree the college we agree that college can do things that help students stay in college
- Withdrawal policy should help
Table: 8
Issue: 6 - While the College does not control all factors that lead to student success, many students fail to complete their courses with a grade of C or better for reasons potentially under the control of the College.
Recorder: Sunni Prevatt
- Prep issues still big in math
- Not where we want to be
- Gaps are widening again – don’t know why
- Difficult to get data due to collection
- What do we do about “outside factors” (family, etc.)
- Focused on looking at curriculum to address issues
- Tutoring, SL, labs
- Look at what is happening in classes
- What should they be able to do by the time they’ve completed level classes
- Some students saying not getting “enough” from instructor/classroom. They’re using labs
- Are students taking responsibility for their own learning?
- Expecting to “get it” without the work?
- Students need to know relevance of material
- Students need to be advised of course loads and commitments
- One tutoring place (center) where all levels of need can be addressed
- Educate students in importance of talking w/ someone prior to making decision to drop / wd [make students have to talk w/ someone prior to dropping] [professor signature required?]
- Grade anticipation on issue – many students want A’s; a B isn’t good enough
- Teach about motivation being a choice in the classroom
- Skill not the only issue
- Group of students (must have an A only do the minimum)
- “First day of class sets the tone for the year”
- Be clear upfront, set expectations
- Many students aren’t always here because they “want” to be; they “have” to be
- This affects withdrawal
- Emphasis on “W” not looking good on transcripts down the road
- Suggestion
- Email to professors reminding about talking with students prior to withdrawal deadline
- Create a new web page [@]
- Withdraw with pertinent info
- Send right after drop period and again at withdrawal deadline
- More communication between professor on students with low grade for a discussion
- On Atlas, “how to”
- Tips for best practices - for faculty; for resources
- Faculty use resources (workshops)
- Adjuncts need training too!
- Adjuncts make less time to interact with students
- Pop-up for withdrawal before allowing
- Don’t make withdrawal so easy
Table: 9
Issue: 4 - The composition of the group that graduates each year does not match the diversity of entering cohorts.
Recorder: Linda Vance
- Continue to grow the SL program to assist students
- Important to give vision of Pathways
- Gap may be widening because of current economic situation
- Many students returning to work or to school
- Focus on college readiness – SB1908
- Fewer full time students because of economy
- Need to teach college success skills
- Look into childcare?
- Children on campus because adults are returning to school
- Single parents
- We need to be creative to find ways to help this population
- Student engagement = Student retention
- More programs like “Roadmap to Success scholarships”
- Look at utilizing distance learning to increase student engagement.
- IR surveys to graduating students
- Asking what has been most helpful
- Calls to students who have “stepped out” or dropped out to see why
- Work with academic probation students
- Success strategy develops “high touch” contact with students early in 1st two terms
- Look at scaling up the high touch program to students in prep classes
- Cohort grouping have proven successful
- Could we look ad doing more of this? (LinC)
- LifeMap / Me in the Making
- Time to re-educate students and staff
Table: 10
Issue: 5 - Diversity is not fully utilized as a strength throughout the curriculum and the College.
Recorder: Donna Marino
- Tenured program
- Addressed w/ inclusion and diversity
- 7 essential comp of educator
- Woven as a student core competency
- Also TVCA
- We have the goals
- Woven in seven esst. Comp of educator
- “value” comp for students
- Now the practice
- Diversity of thought
- What does that look like in our hiring practice?
- Gender / learning styles / age / thought and culture
- Challenge
- Effect thought
- What are we as an institution doing to make sure our educators and leaders reflect the diversity of our students?
- Is diversity encouraged?
- Is constant conversation continued?
- More than just a one day class
- Creative, innovative, out of the box thinking is required
- Committees, divisions, cognitive thought, opposing opinions should be welcome and collaborated and understood
- Get beyond diversity as at threat in meetings
- Especially of thought
- Effective change in thought is still required
- Comfortable “asks” to colleagues need to be expanded to welcome diversity (thought / discipline / culture / gender)
- Invite cross discipline diversity to committees, hiring committees
- Invite cross department
- Change thought, teach communication for cultural competency
- Need a conversation around issue of cultural competency
- Define it
- What does it mean?
- Deans included for professional development in diversity of thought
- Expanded professional and staff is an opportunity to infuse diversity of thought and culture competency
- Awareness that, while there are differences, there are many similarities
- Would like to see strengths based = value on skill and thought and what an individual brings to the college and meetings
- Self awareness of ind bias / feelings
- Need to start in self awareness
- It’s not enough to bring the right “mix” to the table
- Enough awareness of “self” to be able to listen to the “mix”
- Faculty sometimes focus on engagement with students and forget to focus on engagement with each other
- Are we stuffing 20lbs of tomatoes into a 5lb bag?
- The infusion of diversity in our community affects partner with community and all of college 4 goals
- How far are we including cultural competence as a core competence
- As we look toward concrete prf development, infuse diversity of thought and cultural competence
- So many dimensions of diversity
- Should we start with the one aspect as a deeper focus?
- Understanding individual / self awareness may alight w/ diversity
Table: 11