Friday, April 24, 2015

Community Partnership of Southern Arizona Training Facility in Tucson

Spring2015 Call for Poster Abstracts

General information

The Arizona Geriatrics Societyinvites healthcare professionals, as well as health professions students and faculty, tosubmit an abstract for a geriatric-based poster presentation (can include case reviews) related to program innovations and relevant research studies in geriatric health/behavioral health care. Completed projects or works-in-progress may be submitted as a poster presentation. This is an opportunity to attend and present to a regional audience of healthcare practitioners in the fields of geriatrics and gerontology.

If you wish to submit an abstract for consideration, please follow the instructions outlined below. By the submission of your abstract, you will agree to register for and present your poster during the Arizona Geriatrics Society (AzGS) 2015 Spring Conference. You also agree to the publication of your abstract in the conference online syllabus on the AzGS website and photography/imaging of your poster display at the conference.

Target Audience

The Poster Session is designed for physicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, dieticians, counselors, case managers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, administrators, and relatedgeriatric healthcare professionals. Medical and advanced healthcare faculty, students, interns, residents, and fellows planning a career in geriatrics are also encouraged to participate.


Abstract Submission Deadline /
  • Friday, April 3, 2015

Acceptance Notification /
  • Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Author Early Registration Closes
(late registration rates apply after April 13) /
  • Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Conference Poster Presentations /
  • Friday, April 24, 2015

Review of Submissions

Once submitted, abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Poster Abstract Review Committee using the following criteria to score each abstract. All abstracts submitted must represent original, previously unpublished work.

For Research Abstracts:

  1. Topic: Is the topic significant, important, or relevant to the conference theme--BuildingBridges and Embracing Humanity?
  2. Background: Is the rationale for the topic logical, sound, and/or supported by the information presented?
  3. Purpose: Is the purpose/objective clearly stated?
  4. Methodology: Are the design methods described and appropriate?
  5. Statistics/Results: Have the appropriate statistical methods been used? Are the results presented clearly and with enough detail to address the research objectives?
  6. Conclusion/Implications: Are the conclusions/implications supported by the reported results?
  7. Innovation: Does the topic offer an innovative and new perspective and contribute to overall themes of the conference?
  8. Overall clarity: Is the abstract well written, with ideas clearly conveyed?

For Non-Research Abstracts:

  1. Topic: Is the topic significant, important, or relevant to the conference themeBuildingBridges and Embracing Humanity?
  2. Background: Is the rationale for the topic logical, sound, and/or supported by the information presented?
  3. Purpose: Is the purpose/objective clearly stated?
  4. Methods/Practice: Are the theory, interventions, methods, project, or practices described clearly?
  5. Conclusions/Implications: Are the conclusions/implications sound, justified?
  6. Innovation: Does the topic offer an innovative and new perspective to the overall themes of the conference?
  7. Overall clarity: Is the abstract well written, with ideas clearly conveyed?

Based on the review, each Poster Abstract will be accepted for a poster presentation or declined. The poster author will receive notification of the decision via emailby the date noted on the accompanying Call for Poster Abstracts. In the case of multiple authors, the lead author will receive notification.

Authors of selected abstracts must register for the Spring Conferenceby the date noted in the accompanying Call for Poster Abstractsto be included in the program. All authors must register for the Spring Conference if they wish to present. Acceptance as a presenter does not register you for the conference and a registration fee is required. Travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of thepresenting author.

Abstract Themes

Please select one of the following abstract themes. If your abstract does not fit into one of the following topic areas, please submit it under “Other.”Submissions are invited in any of the following areas of interest, but the focus must be on geriatric mental health-related topics. If you have questions about the Poster Session, please contact the Spring Conference Poster Session Coordinator at

____ Emerging clinical information

____ Best practices in management and medical direction

____ Evidence-based practice projects

____ Medical and healthcare research

____ Innovations in non-pharmaceutical modification of challenging behaviors

____ Innovation in care

____ Educational preparation of geriatric health professionals

____ Updates on approaches to regulatory compliance

____ Optimizing practice/Practitioner responsibilities and consequences

____ Transitions of care

____ Integrated health/behavioral health care

____ Family caregivers

____ Other Describe:______

Abstract Submission Procedures / Instructions

  • All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided.
  • Abstracts will be publishedin the Spring Conference syllabus in the form submitted by the author or will be available online one week following the Spring Conference.
  • Mail, fax, or email yourAbstractcompletedPoster Abstract Submission Form to:

MAIL:Dr. Robin Bonifas

ArizonaStateUniversity,School of Social Work,

411 N. Central Avenue, Suite 800

Phoenix, AZ85004

FAX:ATTN: Dr. Bonifas (602) 496-0960


Abstract Submission Deadline /
  • Friday, April 3, 2015

  • Please print a copy of yourabstract and Poster Abstract Submission Formfor your records.
  • The presenting author will be required to register for the Spring Conference.

Formatting Instructions

It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure accuracy of content and spelling as abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. Your abstract should have the following format:

  • Written in English.
  • Abstract must be submitted with Poster Abstract Submission Form
  • Abstract text: maximum 2250 characters with spaces counted.
  • Format body of abstract into the following four sections:

1) Background, 2) Methods, 3) Results and 4) Conclusion(s)

  • Topic: please check the list of conferencethemes before submitting your abstract.
  • Authors name and affiliation must be typed in the boxes provided.
  • Abstracts are to be text only. Tables, symbols and diagrams should not be included in the abstract.


The actual surface area available to you is 4' high and 6' wide. The upper right hand corner of the poster board will contain a number corresponding to the number assigned to your abstract.

In the upper left hand corner of your poster board, post a copy of your typed abstract (in lettering that will be legible from a distance of 2'). In the top corner section of your poster board, post a label indicating the title and author(s). You must also include the following statement under the title and authors: The research reported on this poster was supported by [name of supporter]. The investigator(s) retained full independence in the conduct of this research. The lettering for this section should be at least 1" high and should be bolded.

If you mount sections of your poster separately, use a light stock paper or illustration board that can be affixed to the poster board with pushpins. Poster presenters must be presentat their posters for questions and discussion during the sessions noted on the program. Poster presenters are encouraged to prepare handouts of their individual posters for distribution at their poster.

TIPS for a Good Poster





Abstract Submission Deadline /
  • Friday, April 3, 2015

Acceptance Notification /
  • Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Author Early Registration Closes /
  • Friday, April 13, 2015

NOTE: Early bird registration rates apply through Monday, April 13th!
Spring Conference Poster Presentations /
  • Friday, April 24, 2015

Abstract Title

First NameMiddle Initial Last Name (Sole or Lead Author)

Title Institution


City StateZip

Daytime Phone NumberPreferred Email Address

I plan to attend the Spring Conference

If there is more than one author for this poster abstract, please list additional names below:______

Abstract Theme: (check appropriate type of abstract and theme)

Research Abstract Non-Research Abstract

____ Emerging clinical information

____ Best practices in management and medical direction

____ Evidence-based practice projects

____ Medical and healthcare research

____ Innovations in non-pharmaceutical modification of challenging behaviors

____ Innovation in care

____ Educational preparation of geriatric health professionals

____ Updates on approaches to regulatory compliance

____ Optimizing practice/Practitioner responsibilities and consequences

____ Transitions of care

____ Integrated health/behavioral health care

____ Family caregivers

____ Other Describe:______