Transpositivity ProjectCo-ordinator
Employer:Bradford LGB&T Strategic Partnership (Equity Partnership)
Salary: NJC point 28-32 =£23,945 - £27,323 pro rata (actual £19,415 – £22,153)
Hours:30 hours a week
Holidays:28 days per year pro rata
Responsible toPartnership Manager
The Purpose of the Job
To develop and run a 3 year project to support Trans people to lead happy, healthy and safe lives inBradford and West Yorkshire.
The Responsibilities of the Post
- To be responsible to our funders, the trustees and the trans community for the development and delivery of the Transpositivity project
- To work in partnership with Trans people, colleagues and partners to ensure that the project runs efficiently and effectively and delivers high quality services
- To work with due regard for the safety of staff, volunteers and service users
- To work in partnership with organisations from the voluntary, community, statutory and private sectors to gain equality of opportunity and access to services for Trans people.
- To plan and deliver workshops and sessions to Trans people and other groups
- To continually consult with a range of Trans people to inform the development and delivery of services, give a representative voice to the community and to present Trans people positively in campaigns, through the media, conferences and events
- To work flexibly as a member of the team to support and contribute to all priorities and projects of Equity Partnership and provide cover for absent colleagues
- To develop and maintain systems to monitor, review and evaluate the project and provide reports to funders,Partnership Manager and Trustees.
- Ensure that efficient day to day running of the organisation is enabled through effective handover and appropriate information transfer where part time working/ annual leave or absence occurs
- Supervision of volunteers and staff
- To work with the partnership manager to monitor the budget, allocate resources, recruit staff and monitor performance
- Support the recording of Hate Crime to support the Equity Centres role as a Hate Crime Reporting Centre according to guidance
- To provide, or ensure the provision of, appropriate support to meet the expressed need of Trans people
- To carry out the duties of the post with due regard to Equality and Diversity, Equal Opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice.
- To ensure the implementation of all Equity Partnership policies and procedures and to use the resources of the charity with due care
- To carry out any other duties commensurate with the post
Trans Project Co-ordinator: Job description and Personnel Specification May 2015
Person Specification for TransPositivity Project Co ordinator
Essential / Desirable / How IdentifiedExperience / Substantial experience of working with excluded communities to promote well being
Experience of delivering services to achieve specified outcomes
Experience of voluntary sector organisations / Experience of working within a voluntary sector organisation specialising in support for Trans and/or LGB communities
Experience of Project Management
Experience of generating monitoring returns for funders / Letter of Application and interview.
Qualifications and training / A good level of general education, or evidence of ability to operate at this level
Evidence of commitment to personal development
IT skills including demonstrable competence in using Microsoft Office packages and social media / A relevant degree
An understanding of good practice and processes in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children
ECDL qualification or equivalent / Letter of Application and references
Specialist Knowledge and Understanding, Skills and Abilities / Knowledge, understanding and experience of Trans communities and of issues affecting them
Knowledge of the legal and policy framework relating to LGB&T populations
Experience of working with Volunteers
Ability to plan, review and report upon the impact of projects
Ability to manage resources
Commitment to consultation with communities in the design and delivery of services / Ability to undertake promotional work such as press releases publicity etc.
Knowledge and understanding of volunteer management and supervision
Knowledge and understanding of different methods of engaging with and consulting people who do not usually engage with agencies. / Letter of Application and Interview
Practical, Intellectual Skills , / Excellent communication skills and the ability to relate to people effectively on all levels and in all types of organisations
Highly organised approach to work, able to prioritise, plan and adhere to deadlines.
Excellent report writing skills
Ability to present complex information/concepts to a wide variety of audiences
Ability to design and deliver awareness raising and other activities to groups of people / Ability to make presentations and speak in public about the work of the project
Experience of training
Ability to use a range of media to promote the work of the project / Letter of Application and Interview
Disposition and Attitude / Commitment to Equal Opportunities and Anti -Discriminatory practice.
Resilience to constructively challenge negative or stereotyped attitudes towards Trans and LGB populations
Ability to influence attitudes and sensitivity and respect for differing attitudes
Ability to self-motivate, prioritise and manage own workload
Flexibility, versatility and confidence to cover the work of colleagues
Willingness to undertake relevant training
Calm and resilient when under pressure / Understanding of issues faced by other oppressed groups
Personal Circumstances / Able to work flexibly, including evenings and weekends with prior notice.
Ability and willingness to travel throughout West Yorkshire
Trans Project Co-ordinator: Job description and Personnel Specification May 2015