
STP 326: Intermediate Probability

TTh 5:15-6:30 SLN #31173 PSA 307

Instructor: Toni Coombs Garcia

Office: ECA 207 webpage:

e-mail: Office Hours: MW 9:40-10:30 and TTh 12:30-1:30

The approach will be applied and problem-oriented. The course will be useful to students preparing for work in mathematical economics and finance. It will also be an excellent preparation for the probability examination of the Society of Actuaries.

Prerequisites: Calculus (MAT 270-272). Multiple integrals are used in the final chapters of

the text. Students who are taking MAT 272 concurrently with STP 326 will satisfy the prerequisite.

Text:Probability for Risk Management, Second edition by Hassett and Stewart

Grading:Exams: 400 pts (100 pts each)

HW: 100 pts

Final: 150 pts

The instructor WILL be using the plus/minus grading system.

Schedule: This is subject to modification by the instructor

Week / Month / Tue / Thursday
1 / January / 15 Ch1, 2.1-2.3 / 17 2.4-2.5
2 / 22 3.1-3.3 / 24 3.4-3.5
3 / 29 Catch-Up/Review / 31 TEST 1 (Thu-Fri)
4 / February / 5 4.1-4.3 / 7 4.4-4.5
5 / 12 5.1-5.2 / 14 5.3-5.5
6 / 19 Catch-Up/Review / 21 TEST 2 (Thu-Fri)
7 / 26 6.1-6.3 / 28 7.1-7.3
8 / March / 4 8.1-8.2 / 6 8.3-8.5
9 / 11 SPRING / 13 BREAK
10 / 18 9.1-9.3 / 20 Catch-Up/Review
11 / 25 TEST 3 (Mon – Tue) / 27 10.1
12 / April / 1 10.2 / 3 10.3-10.4
13 / 8 11.1 / 10 11.2
14 / 15 Catch-Up/Review / 17 TEST 4 (Thu-Fri)
15 / 22 11.3-11.4 / 24 12.1-12.2
16 / May / 29 Catch-Up/Review


: Withdraw Deadline: March 28th in person, March 30th online.

: Restricted Complete Withdrawal April 29th .

Look at ASU course catalog for policies regarding withdrawals and incompletes.


Any changes announced in class are considered as official rules for the class. Check my website for daily announcements and changes.

Exams: There will be four exams given during the semester. These exams will involve a mix of mechanical skills and conceptual reasoning. The best possible preparation for the exams is regular attendance and completion of assigned homework. Makeup exams are given only in the case of verified medical or other emergency, which must be documented. The instructor must be notified before the test is given.

Final Exam: The final is comprehensive. It will be given on May 6th, 4:40-6:30 pm. There will be no make-up's given for the final, and no finals will be rescheduled for personal reasons, including non-refundable airplane tickets.

Homework: Homework will be collected and graded. Students may work together on homework, but each individual student is required to write-up and turn in their own work. LATE HOMEWORK IS NOT ACCEPTED!

Ethics: It is highly unethical to bring to your instructor’s attention the possible impact of your grade on your future plans, including graduation, scholarship, jobs, etc. The instructor may exercise an option to withdraw you from the course if they think you are compromising the ability to assess your work independently of any other consideration.

Students found to be involved in academic dishonesty will be removed from the class and a grade of “E” for the course will be submitted to the registrar. The student will be advised to repeat the course with another professor, possibly at another institution. This is the least action taken. Further, more serious actions may be taken if the situation indicates that such actions are appropriate. We will act very harshly against cheating during quizzes or exams