Present : Councillors Hayes (Chairman), Allen, Dickins, Millington, the Clerk (Mr D Stowell) and 1 member of the public.

58/08 Public Open Forum - At the invitation of the chairman, Mr Derek Pitts reported that the proposal outlined at the last meeting had been delayed due to illness of a key participant. He now anticipates that a cage within which food will be placed, will be set up by this weekend. Mrs Webster has a friend at Rushden who is prepared to take the peacocks when caught, and hopefully they will have left the village by the time of the next meeting.

As Mr Pitts had no other matters he wished to raise, he then left the meeting.

59/08 Declarations of Interest - as to personal and prejudicial interest in relation to any agenda item -

None were declared.

60/08 Minutes of Meeting held 18 June 2008 - were approved and signed.

61/08 Matters arising

Insurance for Village Social Committee Events - The question as to whether events can be organised under the Parish Council banner so that they are covered by the PC insurance policy and, if so, whether there is any restriction on what the proceeds can be used for is still being investigated. Continuing Action : Clerk

62/08 Co-option of councillor to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mr R C Convine.

Expressions of interest from John Taylor and Jonathan Young were noted.

It was resolved unanimously that Jonathan Young be co-opted to fill the vacancy.

Action : Clerk to thank Messrs Taylor and Young for their interest and to inform them of this decision.

63/08 Finance

Closure of External Audit and receipt of External Auditor's report - the Clerk reported that Moore Stephens had completed the audit for 2007/08 and had issued an unqualified opinion that the information contained in the annual return is in accordance with the Audit Commission's requirements.

The following payment was approved :

Cheque 100251 - Moore Stephens, audit fee - £50.00 + £8.75 VAT = £58.75

Quarterly Budget Review - The Clerk presented a statement of receipts and payments to 30 June 2008 which were in line with the budget. He also tabled copies of the cash book, bank statement and a bank reconciliation at 30 June which were examined and accepted as evidence that the accounts are being correctly maintained.

64/08 Roads, footpaths, verges, trees

Play Area - the Chairman stated that he would strim behind the goal post in the near future.

Flooding across Spaldwick Road - in heavy rain flooding still occurs around the area where the culvert passes under the road. Action : Clerk to ask CCC to dig out the grips.

Hedge outside April Cottage - the hedge has been trimmed recently by CCC's contractor.

Repair of damage to edge of Village Green - The Chairman stated that he had not been able to speak to the owner of the Old Chapel recently, but would do so when he gets the opportunity.

Proposed relocation of Post Box - The Clerk reported that he is awaiting a reply regarding when Royal Mail intend to carry out the work.

Overgrowing hedge at corner of The Lane and Church Lane - Cllr Allen reported that the occupants of Stow Inn had been away since the problem was highlighted. They have now agreed to cut the hedge back within the next few days. They have also offered to trim the shoots from the base of the trees on the green.

2009/10 Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Schemes - it was resolved that a bid be submitted for interactive speed signs. Action : Clerk to prepare bid.

Speeding - The Clerk reported that he had spoken to the Parish Clerk at Tilbrook in an attempt to ascertain how the interactive speed signs recently erected there had been provided. She was unable to help and suggested asking District Councillor Jonathan Gray, who had been the prime mover in the project.

65/08 Peacocks - this matter having been adequately covered by Mr Pitt's statement (58/08 above), no further discussion took place.

66/08 Health and Safety / Risk Assessment

The following outstanding actions will be cleared in the near future :-

Picnic Table - Cllr Allen will rub it down and repaint if necessary

Bird faeces on swing seat - Cllr Hayes will clean the seat.

67/08 Planning

The following new planning applications were considered :

0801885FUL and 0801883LBC

Extension to dwelling, Ram House, 2 Church Lane, Stow Longa - it was resolved to recommend approval, there being no undue impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties and that the external appearance of the extension is designed to harmonise with the existing building.

The following HDC Decisions were noted :

0801498FUL - Erection of industrial units (revised scheme), plot 6 Harvard Industrial Estate, Permission Granted.

0801537FUL - Erection of single storey extension, 2 Rookery Cottage - Permission Granted

Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order noted - L/TPO/243 (2008), 19 Spaldwick Road.

68/08 Correspondence

Local Development Framework : Core Strategy : Submission

This has been received in the form of a CD - agreed not to comment.

Post Office closure proposals - 7 offices in Huntingdonshire have been proposed for closure. Catworth, Great Gidding and Holme will receive an alternative mobile service; Great Gransden, Ramsey St Mary and Earith will continue in partnership with local businesses; Great Stukely will not be provided with an alternative service.

Accessibility Action Plan ; Parish Questionnaire - after a brief discussion, the Clerk's offer to complete the questionnaire was accepted. A suggestion by Cllr Dickins that the bus stop signs should carry timetables will be included. Action : Clerk

Huntingdonshire Flood Forum : 15 October at Pathfinder House - agreed not to send a representative.

69/08 Any Other Business

Sewerage Scheme - Cllr Dickins has asked Anglian Water for a written statement regarding their programme.

Church Sign on Green - Members agreed to look at it before the next meeting.

Action : Clerk to include any repairs on next meeting agenda.

Ray Convine - The Chairman proposed that Mr Convine's long service should be recognised in some way. He invited members to make suggestions. In the meantime he would send a "thank you" letter.

70/08 Date of next meeting

Monday 1 September 2008 8 pm at the Vicarage Room

In the absence of any other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.10 pm