Councillors (Cllrs) present: Mr Bob Battey (BB) - Chair; Mr Tom Richardson (TR) Vice Chair; Mrs June Sparrow (JS); Mrs Tracy Mee (TM), Mr Paul Creswell

Also in attendance: MrTomGrozdoski (TG) and six parishioners

24. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone attending.

25. Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

26. Declaration of Interests

There was no declaration of interest.

27. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record and signed.

28. Matters Arising

  1. Recreation Project

Cllr TR reported that due to the recent rain, everything was green and booming. The hedge round the plots had been cut and this had looked really good. Cllr TR pointed out that that slabs had been concreted under the three of the picnic benches, and the fourth bench would require the same. He also suggested that the broken concrete at the entrance to the children’s’ play area be repaired for health and safety reasons.


That TG and Cllr TR would seek quotations for:

  1. repairing the broken concrete
  2. concreting slabs for the remaining picnic bench

If quotations for each of the required works come to £100 or less, then TG and Cllr TR would appoint the contractor/s to complete the works.

b) Defibrillator

Cllr JS reported that the Defibrillator would be fitted on 19 July.


  • That Cllr JS would arrange for the parishioners to be notified about the defibrillator through the village flyer.
  • That Cllr JS would make an enquiry with Heartbeat about training for local volunteers.

29. Parishioners Time

The parishioner in attendance suggested that the Parish Council should look into creating a BBQ area within the recreational area, where parishioners would use disposable BBQs. The expectation by parishioners was for the BBQ to be paid by Parish Council. In addition to this the parishioners suggested that two tennis courts be built in Stoughton, which could also be used as a five a side football. They had also advised that there were some grants available that would help with financing the courts and they would also set up a management committee to manage the project. Cllr BB advised that there was a tennis court already in the village, which had been bulldozed by the Co-op and as the infrastructure is in place he advised that contact be made with the co-op to discuss the possibility of resurrecting the existing tennis court. Although Cllr were in support of the ideas raised by parishioners, they had raised some concerns with the size of the project, in particular with the costs involved and ongoing maintenance.

Some of the parishioners in attendance had raised their concerns about the new wooden gateway and that no communication had been made with them before this was installed. They felt that they should have been consulted directly or through the village flayer. Cllrs advised that the wooden gateway did not represent the village boundary and that the gateway did not require any planning permission, hence LCC had not consulted the parishioners. Cllrs raised concerns about speeding though the village as well as road drainage issue.


  • That the Clerk puts this as an agenda item for the next meeting
  • That the Parish Council considers the parishioners’ a full research when presented
  • That the Clerk contacts the Co-op to seek their views on resurrecting existing court
  • That the Clerk confirms with existing insurers if BBQ designated area for disposable BBQs would be covered under the existing insurance cover.
  • That the parishioners seek local people’s views on their proposal, in particular those that have their gardens backing onto recreational ground
  • That Cllrs would have a site visit to the area where the wooden gateway was installed too look at the issues raised by the parishioners.
  • That the Clerk would request a meeting with a Highways engineer, to discuss road signage, traffic speeding and drainage issues.

30. Planning Applications

Cllr JS advised that 15 Church Lane, 43 and 47 Gaulby Lane had been approved through planning.

Planning Ref. / Address / Outcome
16/00867/Ful / 16 Stoughton Lane / Recommend objection
16/00761/Ful / 13 Church Lane / Recommend approval
16/00242/FUL / 11 Church Lane / Recommend objection
16/00831/full / 34 Gaulby Lane / Recommend objection

31. Accounts

a)That the following invoices were processed:

Invoice / Description / Amount / Cheque No
Bill Richmond / Internal Audit / £100.00 / 621
HDC / Bin emptying / £114.10 / 622
Brian Mee / Grass cutting / £318.00 / 623
Turney Landscape / Grass cutting / £103.80 / 624

b) That thanks be expressed to Mr Richmond for his concerns raised about the contractual relationship between the Stoughton Community Garden Society and the Parish Council and that the Parish Council is looking into this.

32. Any other business

Cllr TM advised that litter bins sometimes have no liners in, so HDC should be notified.