Story County Human Services Council Meetingminutes

Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

St. AndrewsLutheranChurch (Behind Colorado Junction in Fellowship Hall)

209 Colorado Ave.; Ames, IA50014

WelcomeThe following people were present at the October 22, 2015 meeting: Mark Kubick, Nicole Sprecher, Joni Houck, Leah DeMarest, Laura Hannusch, Tamra Jurgemeyer, Ashley Kinkade, Melissa Ahrens, Rick Sharpe, Davice Henick, Kaylie Mcartney, Natalie Seibold, Andrea Mallarino, Mallory Johnson, Roberta Milinsky, Sue Wuhs, Kathryn Rosenthal, Pat Beese, Shannon Bardole, Jean Kresse, Kelly Leichlitee, Angie Schreck, Tricia Crain, Shari Atwood, Deb Schildroth, Cassie Clyde, Sarah Constable, Cynthia Lietlee, Melody Griesdorn, Cari McPartland.

Business meeting Nikki called the meeting to order. The minutes from September 24, 2015 were accepted. In the Treasurer’s report, Ashley indicated our balance of $1,099.67. Ashely stated she still had six checks to deposit. She also mentioned even if several people come from the same agency, it is still only one fee of $30.00. She reminded everyone to please get their forms in for the year.

There was no news from the ASSET Panel.

Old Business If you have any information you would like to share with members of SCHSC, you may enter this on our calendar found on the website. Please see Deb Russom for the password.

In the Passenger Transportation Plan, Shari Atwood stated there is a plan to add a minivan and also a replacement plan to get new vans. They are also in the process of purchasing a new bus. Please let Shari know if there are any needs that the Elderly or disabled would be able to benefit from. Shari passed out Cy-ride brochures and also stated there is now a new route called #10 Plum route. It is a 20 minute service that goes from ISU to University Blvd. to South 16 to Kmart, turns around and heads back to campus.

Shannon reported on the Story County Transportation agenda sheet. They are working on keeping open lines of communication. There are things that are being addressed but she stated it would be helpful to have a representative from each agency to be a liaison. There would be quarterly meeting and it would start in January. If anyone is interested, please see Shannon.

If anyone is interested to volunteer to be on the sub-committee of the Resource Guide to address updates, please let Nikki or Cassandra know. A chairperson would be selected from this group. There needs to be at least 4-5 people willing to serve on the committee. Marion and Cynthia stated they would stay on the committee.

If you are not getting emails, please give Deb Russom your email address and she will get you on the list.

Each month we have a theme to our meeting and people can sign up to speak. They are from the resource guide. There will be an opportunity to sign up to speak at each meeting. You can also email any of the members of the executive committee and let them know which theme you would like to represent.

New Business Representatives from the ASSET Panel, Deb Schildroth and Jean Kresse explained a brief overview of this committee and went over the requirements to this panel. There are four panels:

Panel 1 Panel 2Panel 3Panel 4

HealthBasic needsChildren’s ServicesPrevention

The term to serve in the panel is three years. They need a representative for panel 3 and panel 4. These people would come to the meetings and represent their agency. This panel was established in 1985 and it serves as a conduit between ASSET and the agencies. There was much discussion on this. One point was brought up that we usually do not see representatives from this panel at the SCHSC meetings. The question

Another point was in years past the translation of this panel has been lost. Maybe establish a restructuring of this to make it more effective.

Deb Schildroth stated to maybe have a primary person on the panel and then have an alternate so there would always be a representative at the meetings in case the primary could not come at that time.

Sue Wuhs has served on this panel and stated it is a very good resource for persons in Human Services. This is a good mix with administrative and volunteers. She would hate to see this disbanded.

Pate Beese also stated ASSET has listened to ideas and changes over the years and has worked to make a lot of changes.

In years past volunteers on ASSET also attended SCHSC meetings. This would be a good bridge between these two groups. One representative each month from ASSET could also attend SCHSC meetings. Everyone is welcome to take a look at the ASSET calendar. This lists the meetings and where they meet. There are six board meetings a year.

Deb Schildroth stated what she is hearing people want to keep ASSET going as a partnership. Deb and Jean could also meet with the new panel representatives to go over the expectations.

Nikki will email everyone again and encourage anyone that may be interested in being a liaison to Panel 3. We will have a small meeting in December to vote on a liaison to Panel 4.

Disability and Domestic Violence- Natalie Seibold represented Friendship Ark Homes to explain their new day habilitationprogram which started September 1. They serve 19 core members in their new program. They are called core members because they are the core of their agency. The new day hab program is community based and community focused. These are for individuals needing more structure in their day. There also is a waiting list to join other agencies for day habilitation. Starting in 2019, all day hab programs will have to be community based so Friendship Ark Homes decided to start now. 13 of these individuals are 1:1. Rates have been approved to have 1:1 staff because of their level of care. Friendship Ark feels very blessed by this so they can serve these individuals that need more assistance because of their level of care. The other 6 individuals are a 1:3 ratio. They are of higher ability and less need of assistance. When these individuals go into the community, they don’t go as a big group but smaller groups. They also look at what the core member’s passions are and what they would like to do.Some of the things they like to do in the community are cook at Collegiate Methodist Church for Food at First. To do this, they will meet at the library and research recipes, go shopping for the ingredients and then prepare the food. Ames Racquet and Fitness and generously donated six membership passes for some of the core members to use. Some of them even do laundry for a local preschool. These volunteering opportunities also extend to Nevada where the core members help at local churches cleaning and helping out at a free clothing give away store, Harmony Clothing Closet. If anyone has any ideas for more opportunities for the core members to help in the community, please contact Natalie Seibold at .

Nikki Sprecher spoke about Disability Services. The state is broke up in regions now with 10 counties in each region. Story County is in the Central Iowa Community Services region. Nikki handed out a brochure about their case management and service coordination for this area. They are a great resource to go to for help and additional support. Nikki or Kathy Johnson can help with all your questions or make referrals to other agencies. They can help get you in the right direction.

George Belitsos gave a presentation on Human Trafficking in our state. George was involved in helping to start SCHSC and served as president for two years. He became aware of Human Trafficking eight years ago. He is now part of Central Iowa Group Access against Human Trafficking. This group has monitored trafficking for years where kids would have survival sex where they would get food and shelter for sex. People were making money on this. This is the biggest growing crime in the United States. This affects children 18 and under. There used to be no laws against sex trafficking. As of six years ago, there are been laws made against this crime. Central Iowa Group Access Against Human Trafficking has been working with law enforcement and DHS advocating for these kids and helping to set up some of these laws. The biggest weapon is to make the public aware and to get involved. This is in Iowa and every county in Iowa. There has been a DVD made called Breaking Traffic with grant money to make people aware of this serious situation. On the DVD are stories of three kids who were trafficked. One of them is from Central Iowa. As of right now there is no funding through any agency or state funding for this problem. ACCESS recently received a check for $1,300.00 for helping these victims from Rotary. Information is getting out there of this problem and there is growing interest in helping these kids.

Agency Sharing

Stork’s Nest- Please don’t forget to sign the blue book for people using this to earn items.

MICA- The income guide has changed starting in November. To apply, please call for an appointment.

George Belitsos-The City of Ames is discussing a 3 million surplus from a local option sales tax. These dollars are to be used for Human Services. We should be looking into this.

YSS- Offering a class on Mental First Aid.

Jean Kresse- To date, United Way is at 60% of their goal.

Marion- There will be an informational meeting on the change of Medicaid at the Ames Public Library on November 21, 2015.

Shannon- Story County Transportation Brochures are here. See her after the meeting and it is always posted on the Website.

Mobility Matters- Conference is coming up. Information will be sent out at a later date.

ACCESS- October is Domestic Abuse Month. They have a new office. It is located at 613 Clark. Please call anytime. There are outreach lines or crisis lines, available for advocacy.

Cari- Sign up for bell ringers November 2-6 at Salvation Army. (Brochure was handed out).

YSS (Roberta)- Scoop a Soup at City Hall November 17th from 11:30-1:30.

Story County Extension- Always taking enrollments for nutrition and cooking.

Drake- Still taking applications for 3-4 year old head start.

Cassie- Leadership Ames is looking for a community project. Please contact Cassie with ideas.

LSI (Laura)- Disability Services project. (handed out a brochure). They have hourly support, community support, 1:1 support and respite. There will also be a Glow Run Blue Sky 5K on October 24 on the ISU campus.

Next SCHSC meeting: Thursday, December 3, 2015 THANKS FOR ATTENDING!

Co-Chairs: Cassandra Clyde,
Nikki Sprecher,
Secretary: Debra Russom,
Treasurer: Ashley Kinkade, / ASSET PANEL
Panel #1 – Health: Kathy Dinges (Eyerly Ball); Exp. 4/2016
Panel #2 – Basic Needs: Sarah Constable (HIRTA); Exp. 4/2017
Panel #3 – Children: Bob Reid (Campfire); Exp. 4/2015
Panel #4 – Prevention/Support: Susan Peterson (HSS); Exp. 9/2015
More Info @ ASSET Liaison Assignments @