Summer Slide Pilot Project (SSPP)
Final Narrative Report
Due September 30, 2016
Feedback from the pilot sites is critical in order to determine the strengths and challenges of the Summer Slide Pilot Project and its future funding. Your responses to this narrative report and the accompanying data and financial reports are valued and appreciated. SSPP Site Coordinators, these reports should be completed jointly with your school principal.
Please submit this report electronically by completing the following information, as well as the Financial Report, and saving these forms to your computer. Attach the completed forms to an email and submit to Project Coordinator Staci Shaw at by September 30, 2016. Contact Staci with any questions at (208) 334-2150.
SSPP Site Coordinator Name: ______
Coordinator Email: ______
SSPP Site Principal Name: ______
Principal Email: ______
Part I – Stats at a Glance:
a) How many students in each grade attended the school library’s program at least once during the summer?
(Report this info based on the grade the student will be entering for the 2016-2017 school year and 2016-2017 student enrollment numbers.)
Below 1st grade: #____ 1st: #____ 1st: %____ 2nd: #____ 2nd: %____
3rd: #____ 3rd: %____ 4th and higher: #____ 4th and higher: %____
b) How many students cumulative for grades 1st-3rd, attended the school library’s program at least once during the summer?
(Report this info based on the grade the student will be entering for the 2016-2017 school year and 2016-2017 student enrollment numbers.)
1st-3rd: #______1st-3rd: %______
c) What was the total circulation of Read and Return books over the summer? ______
d) What was the total circulation of the library’s regular collection? _____
e) Please attach a copy of your weekly attendance and circulation (spreadsheet, word document, scanned notes—whichever method you used)
Part II – Narrative Questions:
1) Please briefly describe your summer reading family education event that you co-hosted with the public library. How many families attended? What went well, and what would you improve if you were to host parent information events in the future?
- Please briefly describe additional ways in which you informed parents about the pilot, and educated them about the importance of reading over the summer. Were these efforts successful? How do you know?
- Did you use the parent agreement/pledge template or similar document to inform parents about the project goals and details?
If yes: To which grades did you distribute the pledge forms? _____
How many were returned? _____ What percentage of the student population in those grades was your return rate? _____
Do you feel this impacted parent participation in the project? Please explain.
3) Please briefly describe how you worked with the public library to promote summer reading. Address challenges and share insights.
4) ICfL provided “Read and Return” books for each child to take home over the summer. Please provide feedback about the quality, appeal, and selection of the books.
5) Briefly explain how your school distributed the “Read and Return” books to the children. Please also address any challenges or share insights.
6) Did using the public library’s Summer Reading Logs help track the volume of reading accomplished over the summer?
7) What surprised you most about participating in Year Three of the pilot project?
8) What suggestions do you have to improve the process, timeline, program components, etc. of this pilot project?
9) Based on either your feelings or other evidence, did your students increase the volume of reading they did over the summer months because of participating in this pilot?
- If your students increased their reading because of the pilot, what project components had the most impact on the volume of reading?
- If your students did not increase their reading, to what do you attribute this problem?
10) Please provide an anecdote that supports keeping school libraries open during the summer.
11) Do you think the SSPP results demonstrated a need to continue the program next summer to your school stakeholders? Why or why not?
12) Do you plan on continuing your program next summer? If so, what resources/partners will/might you use as replacement funding?
13) Optional: Please provide feedback, address challenges, or share insights regarding the following: Attendance, circulation, Read and Return books, safety, programs/materials, parent involvement, other:
Part IV - Financial Report Form:
Itemization of how the $1,500.00 stipend was spent by your site.
This form can be found at:
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