Agency file no.
Approved: Yes No
Awaiting information:
Review date(s):
Section 2SFo8
Kindergarten Inclusion Support
Packages – Disability
Application Form (SFo8)
Complete the Kindergarten Inclusion Support plan before this application form to determine whether or not support additional to existing resources is required.
Kindergarten Inclusion Support Packages – Disability – Application Form (SFo8) page1
Kindergarten Inclusion Support Packages – Disability – Application Form (SFo8) page1
Part 1:Applicant and Child Details
Name of the Children’s Service lodging this applicationPhone / Email
Postal address / Postcode
Location address / Postcode
Name of kindergarten teacher completing this form
(in consultation with the Program Support Group)
Name of early childhood teacher for the year the child is attending the funded kindergarten program (if known)
Is the kindergarten administered by Early Years Management? / Yes No
If yes, provide details of the Early Years Management organisation and authorisation to submit this application
Name / Authorising Officer
Role / Phone
Address / Postcode
Signature / Date
Has the early childhoodteacher previously successfully applied for a Kindergarten Inclusion Support package? / Yes No
If yes, in what year?
What support was provided?
Specialist training and consultancy / Yes No / Details
Minor building modifications / Yes No / Details
Additional staffing / Yes No / Details
Have additional attachments been included? / Yes No
If yes, please list
Late application
If late application, date of commencementReason for late application
Child’s Details
Family name / Given nameDate of birth / Gender / Male Female
Street address
Suburb / Postcode
Email / Local Government Area
In which country was the child born? / Australia Other / Other country
Does the child speak a language other than English at home?
(in consultation with the Program Support Group) / Yes No
If yes, please specify the language.
Is the child of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (choose only one box)
Yes, Torres Strait Islander
Yes, Aboriginal
Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
No, neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander
Has the child previously been supported bya Kindergarten Inclusion Support package? / Yes No
If yes, was the support provided to the kindergarten submitting this application? / Yes No
In the year the child will be attending the funded kindergarten program
Will the child be receiving Early Start funding at this kindergarten? / Yes No Is this application to support this child in a funded program for 4-year-old children in the year prior to school? / Yes No
If yes, will this be the child’s second year of a funded program for 4-year-old children prior to school? / Yes No
If yes, has exemption from school been approved?
If yes please also providein the text box below the reasons for the exemption and the child’s second year in a funded kindergarten program for 4 year old children prior to school. / Yes No
Privacy Notice for Parents / Guardians / Carers*
Please read this notice before you complete the application form. You are encouraged to keep this information.The Department of Education and Training (the Department) will protect your privacy along with the confidentiality and security of personal information you have provided. We comply with the Information Privacy Act 2000, the Health Records Act 2001 and other relevant Acts.
Why do we ask you for information?
We collect personal information when a kindergarten applies for KIS package to support a child with a disability, developmental delay orcomplex medical needs to attend kindergarten. This information is collected to clarify:
- eligibility of the application
- the high support needs of the child identified in the application for KIS package applications needs
- the TYPE of additional supports identified as required by the kindergarten
- the LEVEL of additional supports identified as required by the kindergarten.
The Regional Advisory Group has representatives from:
- the Department
- the non-government organisation which delivers the Kindergarten Inclusion Support packages program
- other relevant professionals (Early Childhood Intervention, health and/or education). Refer to Section 9 in the Guidelines, Information and Application Kit – Disability for information regarding the composition of Regional Advisory Group.
Disclosure of information
Some information which does not identify individual children is used to:
- analyse and report the performance of the program within, and to,the Victorian State Government.
- analyse and improve Department-funded programs for children with disabilities/additional needs.
All information about your child is kept secure and confidential. We respect your right to privacy and will only release information about your child with your written consent via the Program Support Group. However, there are times when we are required by law to disclose information about your child. In most circumstances we will let you know if we are required to do this. All Department staff handling information are required by law to respect your privacy. Any information that is not required will be destroyed.
Accessing information
A copy of your application is kept at the Department’s regional office and the organisation funded to provide the Kindergarten Inclusion Support in your region. This can be made available to you on request. Please refer to AppendicesA and B: Guidelines, Information and Application Kit – Disability for contact information.
If you choose not to tell us something
If you choose not to tell us something that we need to know to make decisions about supports for your child, we may be unable to provide your child’s kindergarten with the support they seek.
* Any of the following people can sign the Privacy Declaration:
- a person with parental responsibility for ‘major long term issues’ as defined by the Family law Act 1975 (Cth)
- an officer delegated to exercise the powers and functions of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under sections175(1)(b).(2) & (3) of the Children,Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic).
- a carer authorised under a Department of Health and Human Services Instrument of Authorisation to make decisions about ‘major long term issues’ as defined by the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)
If none of the above people are available, an informal carer may sign this form. An informal carer is a relative or other responsible adult with whom the child lives and who has day to day care of the child. Informal carers should sign an ‘Informal Carer Statutory Declaration’ to confirm their status. This is available at
Privacy Declaration by Parents/ Guardians / Carers
Please tick () correct box.
Name of childI We do do not approve this application being made by the kindergarten to assist the access and participation of my child at kindergarten.
I We have have not given consent to the people listed in Section 2 as members of the Program Support Group.
I We have have not been given a copy of the Information Privacy Statement that forms part of this application.
Parent/guardian/carer 1
Title / Mr Mrs Ms / NameSignature / Date / ____ / _____. / ______
Parent/guardian/carer 2
Title / Mr Mrs Ms / NameSignature / Date / ____ / _____. / ______
Details of Early Childhood Programs Child Attends
For the year prior to the child attending the funded kindergarten program, list the early childhood programs that the child attends. Include a contact person, phone number and attendance details.
er early c
Details of early childhood programs
Name of early childhood intervention program/serviceContact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Other (e.g. Early Start, three year old activity group/child care/occasional care)
Contact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Other (e.g. Early Start, 3-year-old activity group/child care/occasional care)
Contact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Other (e.g. Early Start, 3-year-old activity group/child care/occasional care)
Contact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Details of Early Childhood Programs Child Will Attend
For the year the child will attending the funded kindergarten program requesting support in this application, list the proposed early childhood programs that the child is expected to attend.
Kindergarten Program
Anticipated total available hours per week of a funded kindergarten program for 4-year old children in the year prior to schoolIf applicable, what are the total hours per week of Early Start Kindergarten funding?
Proposed session times the child will attend
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayOther early childhood programs (if applicable)
Name of early childhood intervention program/serviceContact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Other (e.g.Early Start, three year old activity group/child care/occasional care)
Contact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Other (e.g.Early Start, 3-year-old activity group/child care/occasional care)
Contact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Other (e.g. Early Start, 3-year-old activity group/child care/occasional care)
Contact person / Phone number
Total hours attended by child per week
Kindergarten Inclusion Support Packages – Disability – Application Form (SFo8) page1
Part 2: Details of All Persons Completing This Application
By signing this form I agree to be a member of the Program Support Group and I declare that to the best of my knowledge this application:
- is complete
- addresses all relevant guidelines in the Kindergarten Inclusion Support Packages – Disability: Guidelines, Information and Application Kit
- accurately represents the kindergarten program and the developmental abilities and needs of the child.
Name of parent/guardian/carer 1 / Mr Mrs Ms
Street address
Suburb / Postcode
Home phone number / Mobile / Business phone
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Name of parent/guardian/Carer 2 / MrMrsMs
Street address
Suburb / Postcode
Home phone number / Mobile / Business phone
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Name of professional 1
Service/Agency name
Role / Phone
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Name of professional 2
Service/Agency name
Role / Phone
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Name of professional 3
Service/Agency name
Role / Phone:
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Name of professional 4
Service/Agency Name
Role / Phone
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Please copy this page and attach to the application if further details and signatures are required.
Kindergarten Inclusion Support Packages – Disability – Application Form (SFo8) page1
Part 3: Eligibility Criteria
Please refer to the checklist indicators in the Kindergarten Inclusion Support Packages – Disability: Guidelines, Information and Application Kit, which describes the child’s need for support in the following areas.
3.1 (a) Child’s diagnosis/areas of developmental delay
3.1 (b) Child is undergoing continuing assessment by a person with a relevant qualification
3.2 Reasons for support
If the child is eligible under more than one criterion, tick the corresponding boxes. Complete only questions that are relevant.Child is at significant risk of injury to self or others (complete 3.3 below)
Child is extremely restricted in their capacity for movement (complete 3.4 below)
Child has exceptional support needs requiring immediate medical intervention for life threatening situations (complete 3.5 below).
3.3 Child is at significant risk of injury to self or others
Describe the child’s behaviour that will need to be taken into account by the kindergarten program to ensure that the child is included in the program; that he/she and others are safe and the risk of injury is minimised?Please indicate:
- What behaviours are predictable?
- Are there any known ‘triggers’ for those behaviours?
- What works well in managing those behaviours?
- When might the child require extra supervision in the kindergarten program?
- Please include details such as frequency and duration of events and where these behaviours have been evident e.g. home, child care,.
3.4 Child is extremely restricted in their capacity for movement
Describe the child’s physical abilitiesWhat equipment will be used by the child to help them move around the kindergarten and participate in the program?
When will the child require assistance to move at the kindergarten?
Give examples of any other support required to help the child to participate in the kindergarten program
3.5 Child has exceptional support needs – medical
Describe the child’s medical conditionWhat kind of support will the child need at kindergarten?
How often and when will the child require medical intervention at kindergarten?
Give examples of any other support required to help the child’s to participate in the kindergarten program
Section A:
Only to be completed if section 3.5 above has been completed
GENERAL MEDICAL ADVICE FORMfor a child withexceptional support needs that require immediate medical intervention for life-threatening situations
This form is to be completed by the child’s medical practitioner and provides a description of the health condition and first aid requirements for a child with exceptional support needs. This information will assist the kindergarten in developing a Child Health Support Plan, which outlines how the kindergarten will support the child’s medical needs.
Name of kindergartenChild’s name / Date of birth
MedicAlert number
(if relevant) / Review date
Description of the child’s medical condition and recommended support and care
Level of support requiredInclude how closely this child needs to be supervised and how frequently health support procedures are required
Type of support
Describe health support requirements, including procedures, preparation of equipment, environmental changes,
positioning, and care and transfers
General supervision for safety
For example, observable symptoms that signal staff should stop the procedure
Description of child’s medical sign/symptoms and first aid response
Observable signs/symptoms / First aid responsePrivacy Statement
The kindergarten collects personal information so as the kindergarten can plan and support the health care needs of the child. Without the provision of this information the quality of the health support provided may be affected. The information may be disclosed to relevant early childhood educators and appropriate medical personnel, including those engaged in providing health support as well as emergency personnel, where appropriate, or where authorised or required by another law. You are able to request access to the personal information that we hold about you/your child and to request that it be corrected. Please contact the kindergarten directly or FOI Unit on 96372670.Authorisation
Name of medical practitionerProfessional role
Contact details
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Name of parent/guardian/ carer 1
Contact details
Relationship to child
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
Name of parent/guardian/ carer 2
Contact details
Relationship to child
Signature / Date / _____./ _____./ ______
First Aid
If the child becomes ill or injured at kindergarten, the kindergarten will administer first aid and call an ambulance if necessary. If you anticipate the child will require anything other than a standard first aid response, please provide details on the next page, so special arrangement can be negotiated.
Kindergarten Inclusion Support Packages – Disability – Application Form (SFo8) page1
Section B:
Only to be completed if section 3.5 above has been completed
This plan outlines how the kindergarten will support the child’s health care needs, based on health advice received from the child’s medical practitioner. This form must be completed for each child with an identified health care need (not including those withanaphylaxis as this is done via an Anaphylaxis Management Plan, see:
This plan is to be completed by the early childhood teacher, in collaboration with the parent/guardian and members of the Program Support Group, as appropriate.
This plan should be developed based on medical advice documented on the General Medical Advice Form.
Kindergarten / PhoneProposed date for review
Describe the complex medical needs identified by the child's medical/health practitioner?
Other known medical conditions
When will the child commence attending kindergarten?
Detail any actions and timelines to enable attendance and any interim provisions
Contact information
Name of parent/guardian /carer 1 / MrMrsMsRelationship to child
Home phone number / Mobile / Business phone
Name of parent/guardian/ carer2 / MrMrs Ms
Relationship to child
Home phone number / Mobile / Business phone
Name of other emergency contact(if parent/guardian not available)
Relationship to child
Home phone number / Mobile / Business phone
Medical /Health practitioner contact
Name / Business phone
List ALL those who will receive copies of this Child Health Support Plan
- Child’s family
- Other
- Other
- Other
The following Child Health Support Plan has been developed with my knowledge and input