27th April 2016
PRESENT: Camilla Baker, Mike Chadwick(Chairman and temporary Secretary),Nigel Entwistle,Cllr Carl Etholen, Roger Hagon, Rob Hawkins, Mike Jones,Vicki Nuthall, Chris Parkinson, Jenny Powis, Don Timms (Treasurer and Vice-Chairman), Doug Tucker.
APOLOGIES: Cllr Darren Hayday,Malcolm Penny. (4 other survey respondents referred to under item 18.4.8 had also replied positively, but were unable to attend the meeting.)
No. / Item / Action / Update18.1 / MINUTES OF LAST MEETING - The minutes of the Steering Group Meeting held on 19th January 2016were agreed as a true record.
18.2.1 / (17.2.1 Secretary role) Rob Hawkins was still undecided about takingon Secretary role. / Rob to let Mike C know of his decision
18.2.2 / (17.2.2 cheque signatories) Don had not yet been able to contact the widow of David Cripps to obtain the documents necessary to replace him as a third cheque signatory, since she spent a lot of time outside the village. He would continue to try. / Don to progress
18.2.3 / (17.2.3 hard copies of survey report) Hard copies were still available for Cllrs Hayday, Adoh and Saddique if they wished. There would still be a few left over. It was suggested one should be offered for the dentist’s waiting room. / Cllrs Hayday, Adoh and Saddique to indicate whether or not they would like a hard copy. Mike C to take copy to dentists.
18.3.1 / Mainly for the benefit of newcomers, who might be interested in becoming parish councillors, Vicki and Carl briefly described the Parish Council’s role and remit.
18.3.2 / Points highlighted included: the (increasingly) broad role; that, like other tiers of government, it had to work within prescribed rules; but that parish councillors receive no remuneration.
18.3.3 / Mike C explained how SCAF fitted: its legitimacy stemmed from village survey results; on some issues it could support Parish Council’s efforts; on others, which are not Parish Council responsibility, it could work independently; where necessary, it might seek to keep Parish Council “on track” if it felt that parishioners’ views were not properly being taken account of.
18.4.1 / 33 Bucks Free Press / 32 Parish Council website / 34 communication within parish / Rob had received no reply from Bucks Free Press to our letter about lack of Stokenchurch coverage, so he phoned. Ultimately, he had conversations with Will Burton (who was new to his role) and Andrew Colley, the outcome of which was that Mr. Colley said he would check which of the paper’s reporters notionally covered Stokenchurch, and to whom items might be sent. / It was agreed that, whilst the subject was fresh in their mind, we should send one or more news items – the forthcoming Run The Rock was suggested as suitable. / Rob, liaising with Vicki as necessary, to write and send item. / It is not thought the item appeared, at least not in hard copy version of paper. / It was also agreed to send a letter direct to Andrew Colley documenting what was agreed in the phone conversation. / Rob to send letter. / The new Parish Clerk (Fay) was receiving training on updating of the parish council website, which should assist in keeping the news section more up-to-date. / However, she could not be expected to collate and write the items. Reference was made to the past situation when the late David Cripps regularly compiled new content, and updated the website himself. / Vicki and other parish councillors present said they were amenable to someone outside the Parish Council composing and supplying content for the news page, but it would need to go through the Parish Council for approval and uploading. Ideally, this “someone” would be someone who regularly attended parish council meetings since these were a prime source of news items. No volunteers were forthcoming from amongst those present. / All to consider if they, or someone they know, might be interested in this role. / In the meantime, suggested news items could be sent on an ad-hoc basis, to Vicki / clerk. / This has successfully been done in relation to the changes to evening and Sunday bus services; but there was some delay in posting of the item and some inaccuracy in transcription.
18.4.2 / 29/30 Defibrillators / The Parish Council had not yet purchased the extra defibrillators for which funds had been allocated, because they were hoping to take advantage of the British Heart Foundation part-funding scheme. Siting was also still to be decided. / Regarding a further public familiarisation session, Don had contacted Ian Jones of the ambulance service (who had delivered the first session), but was told there was no capacity to do so for the foreseeable future. / Carl suggested other possible routes to secure a trainer, including via Paul Rogerson of the Rural Community Defibrillator Group, or Geoff Clarke of the ambulance service who apparently also does training sessions as a volunteer. Nigel pointed out that whoever does the training for the Medical Centre’s (non-public) defibrillator, may also be a possibility. / Don to follow up. / Original trainer Ian Jones got back to Don, now offering a specific date, which Don has accepted: Tuesday September 13th at 7pm at Longburrow; bookings via Don. / Nigel said there was a need to remind people of location of defibrillators, alongside how to use them. / In discussion, concern was expressed about the incident reported in the BFP where the ambulance service would not give the access code – although the full circumstances were not known.
18.4.3 / 06 Motorway noise / No-one present knew when the public exhibition of noise barrier designswould happen, but the M40CEG were due to give an update at the Annual Parish Meeting. / At the APM, significant progress was reported, and public announcements and the exhibition would occur after the EU referendum in June.
18.4.4 / 09/10 Bus and coach services / Carousel were taking over the evening and Sunday services from June. In brief, a mid-evening return trip would replace the late night journey. The Sunday service would become a 40 (i.e. not serving Lane End) on a regular 2-hourly headway. / Carousel had checked the practicality of extending the short journeys to the BusinessPark, but reported that they could not turn there without reversing, so the suggestion could not be progressed. / In a recent exchange with Mike C, Carousel had reported an “encouraging start” to the enhanced daytime service, although further passenger growth would be needed to justify extra resource long-term. Mike C wondered if concessionary passholders might be willing occasionally to pay, to assist with viability – this idea was not received positively! / They were not in a position to say anything about precise impact of Oxfordshire’s scrapping of all bus subsidies from July, but did not anticipate much, if any, change to the 40, which was largely commercial already. / Full details of July changes are now on Oxon CC website: the 40 and 275 will continue unchanged despite loss of Oxon. subsidy; AND, as part of other changes, the Oxford-Watlingtonservice operated by Carousel associate Thames Travel will be extended to Chinnor (albeit curtailed at Cowley), and apparently timed to provide workable connections at Aston Rowant / Lewknor!
18.4.5 / 21 Youth Club / As Chair of its committee, Nigel reported that, for the second year running, the Youth Club had received a donation of £2500 from a local company, sufficient to cover the rent; this might be another possible news item for BFP / parish website, although it wasn’t clear how much exposure the company wanted. / Nigel to consider producing news item. / A further £700 was needed for the year to cover other costs. / Mike C to send Nigel information on possible LAF funding opportunity. / The District Councillors have made a donation from their “community fund”. / Although recent publicity efforts had had a limited impact, the falling number of attendees was still of concern. Vicki wondered if a different day to Friday might be better; Nigel said he would take this to the committee.
18.4.6 / 25 Parking / Roger asked for the latest regarding parking outside CJ’s, where he had observed several dangerous incidents. Vicki said that approval had now been given by Transport for Bucks for bollards to be installed, at a cost of circa £23K, half contributed by Parish Council. However, timing was uncertain, due to the need for further design work. / Vicki also reported that pillars would be installed on the corner of George Road to prevent incursion on to the grass and paved areas. There were still severe problems there because yellow lines were ignored by many, partly due to lack of enforcement. The Parish Council was still awaiting a response from parking enforcers NSL about their promised plans to include it on their rounds. Carl offered to assist. / Carl to chase TfB / NSL. / Some enforcement has taken place, both of yellow lines, and of parking across driveways at school times. / On-street parking by several car traders has now become a very significant problem.
18.4.7 / 31 Delegation of grass cutting etc / Agreement had been reached with Wycombe District Council and Bucks County Council for the Parish Council to take over their responsibilities for grass-cutting, vegetation trimming, sign-cleaning and a few other tasks, across the parish (except for 50+ speed limit zones). This would take effect from this financial year. A sum of circa £10K per year would be paid for the first three years, but would then cease. The Parish Council were considering two quotes from contractors or an in-house option. / The outsourcing option was chosen and a contract has begun.
18.4.8 / 35 Potential Parish Councillors / As agreed, the c28 survey respondents who had ostensibly expressed potential interest in becoming a parish councillor had been invited to this meeting. Responses had been received from 6, of whom one (Roger) was in attendance, 4 were unable to attend but wished to be kept informed (so have been added to the circulation list), and one had left the area. / Mike C said he would probably send out a similar invitation for the next SCAF meeting, but that was probably all that was appropriate, unless an actual parish councillor vacancy arose. He also suggested that, if a vacancy did occur, it should be publicised more widely than has happened historically. / In discussion, it emerged that the Parish is legally allowed to have up to 12 Parish Councillors, but has opted for some time to restrict the number to 11.
18.4.9 / 18 Speeding / Vicki confirmed funding for more advanced speed signs (the smiley-face type) was in the Parish Council budget. / Carl said that the Community Speedwatch initiative was being used quite successfully in other parts of his wards; one drawback was that even repeat offenders could only be sent letters, not given penalty points. / Nigel, who was no longer involved with the Neighbourhood Action Group, believed that the only truly effective approach was catching people by cameras. Hence periodic police enforcement exercises (like the one recently) were to be welcomed, and should continue. / Mike J (as the parish’s rep. on the NAG) to raise at NAG.
18.5.1 / Mike C explained that he had put this item on the agenda prior to the publication of BCC figures about the primary school selection process. In fact, these had showed that the vast majority of pupils had been allocated their choices. Anecdotally, Vicki believed there also was no problem in relation to StokenchurchSchool.
18.5.2 / Seen as much more of a problem was the situation with secondary schools, and especially the interaction with home-to-school transport: this was increasingly costly, and often not available at all, if pupils didn’t attend the nearest “suitable school”. / [No action identified, but we perhaps should re-visit? And should we be submitting comments to current consultation?? / BCC are consulting until 15th July on further changes to home-to-school transport
18.6.1 / Doug had had a less-than satisfactory experience with TfB regarding his reporting of a large pothole at the junction of Slade Road and Marlow Road: response was slow, then they seemed to perversely deem it “not dangerous”. Carl offered to “chase”. / Carl to speak to TfB / Repair was made soon afterwards – not known if this had anything to do with Carl!
18.6.2 / Vicki told us about some significant recent Parish Council decisions, partly driven by the perceived need to make savings: the bookings clerk had left for another job but was not being replaced; the caretaker had been made redundant, and it was intended to convert the upstairs flat into meeting space; new hall hire rules had been introduced.
18.7 / DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 27th July 2016, 7.30pm at Longburrow