STOKEClimsland parish council Agenda
A meeting of the stoke climsland parish council will be held on
Monday 16thApril 2018commencing at 8pmPm in the parish hall
SC 18/04/1 Apologies for absence:
SC 18/04/2 Declarations of Interest
SC 18/04/3 Public Session
SC18/04/4 Minutes: To approvethe Minutes of the meetings held on 19thMarch 2018.
SC18/04/5 Matters Arising:
- Trustees for Parish Hall:Update on meeting with the Duchy of Cornwall.
- Luckett Playground: update on transfer to Parish Council.
SC 18/04/6 Planning:
PA18/02290: Mr And Mrs M And J Findlay, The Old Shippen Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall PL17 8NR: Listed building consent for addition of oak framed lean-to extension on the south east elevation.
PA18/02286: Mr And Mrs M And J Findlay, The Old Shippen Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall PL17 8NR:Addition of oak framed lean-to extension on the south east elevation.
Refusals, Approvals and Appeals:
PA18/01329; Mr And Mrs N Warnock, Highfield Kingston Callington Cornwall PL17 8PQ: Construction of two storey extension and alterations. Approved.
PA18/01049: Dr Geoffrey Davison, Broadgate Engine House Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall; Listed building consent for proposed additions on top storey - division into 3 rooms using stud partition walls. Approved
Tree Preservation order at Old Mill: Land West of Old Mill farm, Stoke Climsland: All trees whatever species
SC 18/04/7 Items for Report and Discussion
- Report from Cllr Burden.
- Tree at the Duck pond in Venterdon :
- Venterdon bus stop.
- Callington library: Update on actions to retain Library.
SC 18/04/8 Highways and Maintenance:
SC 18/04/9 Correspondence:
SC 18/04/10 Finance
Payments: See attached schedule.
Receipts: none
SC 18/04/11 Items for Agenda for next meeting
SC 18/04/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting
7.30pm in Parish Hallon 21stMay 2018
Clerk: Mrs Louise Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY
Tel: 01579 370819
Payment Schedule:
Clerk Wages £ 424.00
Bookbusters invoice £ 150.00
Playsafety£ 189.00
Old School Room Hire£ 11.00
Cornwall ALC£ 502.87
Total £ 1276.87