Lydia Kiwanuka, booking enquiries. Tel: 07949 972 923
Stillness Infant After School Clubs – Autumn Term 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are now enrolling children for clubs to start on Wednesday 6 September to Wednesday 20 December, less Half Term Holiday Monday 23 to Friday 27 October.
Your child will be collected from their class at 3.20pm for their session that runs from 3.20 to 4.30pm. It is important that your child has a PE kit on the day. The cost of each club for the term is £60.00
All cheques made payable to Lewisham Community Sports, name of your child written on the back please.
Please complete the grids below, detach and return the reply slip with payment to the School Office by Friday 8 September. Keep this top section for your own records. NO FEES NO PLAY!
Day / CLUB Y = School Year / @£60.00 foreach club / EXTENDED SCHOOL CLUB
Monday / Multisports / If you would like your child to attend for occasional use or in an emergency the charge is £6.00 from the end of school until 4.30pm, £12.00 until 6.30pm or £50.00 per week.
This includes a healthy snack at 4.30pm.
Girls only sports (at King’s ground)
Rollerskating (bring own skates)
Tuesday / Dance & Games
Wednesday / Gymnastics
Thursday / Gymnastics
Football Y2
Friday / Fun club Y2, Y1, Reception
Football Y1
Important; If your child has special medical needs, ensure details are given to the club tutor. Keep this top bit for your own records.
REPLY SLIP Stillness Infant After School Autumn Term 2017 Clubs.
Day / CLUB Y = School Year / Please tick(a)@£60.00 each club / Please write any comments or suggestions in the space below.
Monday / Multisports / Cheques made payable to Lewisham Community Sports.
Girls only sports (at King’s ground)
Rollerskating (bring own skates)
Tuesday / Dance & Games
Wednesday / Gymnastics
Thursday / Gymnastics
Football Y2
Friday / Fun club Y2, Y1, Reception
Football Y1
Child’s Name………………………………… Class…………. Cash/Cheque Enclosed ………
Parent/Carer’s Name……………………….. Signature ……….…… Date ……/……/2017….
Contact Numbers………………………….….. and ………………………………….
Emergency Collection: Name……………………………….. Phone………………..……