SCHOOL YEAR: 2015-2016
Student Name:______
Mrs. Karen S. Lott, MMED
Director of Bands
1009 Clinch Street
Savannah, Ga. 31405
912-395-5900 Ext. 711214
text #: 912-472-2675 text message: @81178
Dear Parents & Students
Welcome to the DeRenne Middle School Band Program! I am excited and looking forward to another great year. Please realize that YOU are the future of the band program at DMS. I encourage you and your family to become actively involved in the program.
Most of you already know what it takes to achieve success as a member of the band. The success of the band program centers on pride, commitment to task, and the willingness to work hard to achieve our common goals. Learning to play an instrument can be a rewarding and enriching experience.
You will be challenged to grow musically and encouraged to participate in every performance event. Parents, you have an important role as well. Please make sure your child has an instrument in playable condition at all times, their necessary books and accessories in order to have a successful program. Following the rules set in the student handbook and classroom rules will lead to a great year.
I am looking forward in stimulating your musical skills to the highest potential. Let’s get started.
Mrs. Karen S. Lott, MMED
Director of Bands
DMS Band Handbook: Purpose
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a written policy on the organization and operation of the band program. Band is a group activity that depends upon the collaborative work of many individuals.
It is our goal to provide every student the opportunity for musical growth through the learning and creating of music. We also expect our students to achieve superiority, not only in band, but also in academics and daily life.
Handbook Contents
This handbook contains information regarding policies, grading, procedures, and events. Please watch for communication during the year for additional activities or changes in the schedule.
It is important that you read this handbook and return the information and signature forms to school as an indication that you have…
1. Read and discussed this information with you child.
2. Thoroughly examined the calendar sections for any conflicts.
Participation in the Band
Participation in the band is open to any interested beginner or intermediate band member. Students must be enrolled in band class during the school day. Note that students enrolled at this time will be enrolled for the entire school year. Band is not a normal Connections class where you are allowed to change at the end of the first semester; it is a year-long commitment. Please be aware of that and work toward being a successful participant all year long. There are also many after school programs that students at all levels may participate in.
Parent Responsibilities and Expectations
The Parents can be the key to their child’s success in the band program. One of your primary responsibilities is t provide a time and place for your child to practice at home. Children will not practice unless they are encouraged to do so.
You can assist your child by….
1. Making sure they have their instrument in playable condition at all times.
2. Making sure they practice at least 30 minutes when possible and take their instrument home daily.
3. You are responsible to provide or arrange transportation for your child to and from after school rehearsals or concerts.
4. You are responsible to maintain a calendar and notify the director of potential conflicts at least one week in advance of the event.
Band Boosters Club
The Band Boosters are the voluntary support parent group for the band program. The Band Boosters will help organize work involved with the students; assist the director on fundraisers, social events, concert programs and fieldtrips. All families are eligible and encouraged to join the DMS Band Booster Organization. The Boosters fee is $5 to join. This will help with any music, equipment or concessions needed for the year. Meeting will be held once a month – TBA. Check monthly calendar.
Instrumentation for Band
Students will be assigned an instrument according to their individual skill level. A music test and a mouthpiece audition/screening will help determine the best instrument for your child.
Students who play flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, or trombone will be responsible for providing their own instruments. You may purchase your instrument or rent an instrument through a music store. Portman’s music has a list of our school’s preferred instruments and will be able to assist you in getting what you need. If you are purchasing an instrument, please contact the director to make sure you are getting a quality instrument. Students playing oboe, bassoon, French horn, baritone, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, or tuba (in most cases) will be provided instruments by the school. Students who play school instruments will need to purchase their own mouthpieces. Percussionist will need to provide his or her own drumsticks, plastic mallets, yarn mallets, timpani mallets, and stick bag. Percussionists who do not obtain the proper materials will not be allowed to continue in the percussion section.
During the first nine weeks there will be NO PERCUSSION (Snare/Bass Drum) in sixth grade band. Auditions for percussion will be held in November. Students who will be placed on percussion will demonstrate proper behavior in class, independent learning ability, and a natural ability on the percussion instruments. Until percussion auditions, sixth grade students will need to master the Xylophones/bells and auxiliary in order to build their musical abilities.)
Band Ensembles
Beginning Band
The Beginning Band is comprised of beginning band students in 6th, 7th or 8th grades. Students are not expected to be able to accurately perform on an instrument in this class. The students will learn the proper playing techniques of their individual instrument.
Concert Band
Concert Band is comprised of intermediate middle school band students. Most students in this class have been playing their instrument for at least a year. In addition to the instruments that were in sixth grade band students will now be able to try bass clarinet, bassoon, tenor saxophone, and baritone saxophone.
Instrumental Ensembles
Throughout the year we may begin an instrumental ensemble consisting of a trio, quartet or quintet to perform on concerts in or out of school. That would depend on the individual musical readiness and abilities of the players.
Tutoring and After School Rehearsals
After school rehearsal/tutoring will be held on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 3:15 – 4:15. It is important that each student attend these rehearsals for enrichment and play with a full ensemble. Some classes may not have all the instrumentation so it is imperative that we meet after school.
Students who wish to audition for District Honor Band and All-State or perform for Solo & Ensemble must stay and practice with the director on Thursdays. Students who stay after school for tutoring must be promptly picked up at 4:15pm. Students who are left for an extended period of time will be turned over to campus police until their ride arrives. Other actions may be enforced.
Private Lessons
To enhance your child’s musical experience, we encourage all students to take private lessons when possible. Students can audition for scholarship to take private lessons from SONATA (Students of New and Talented Artist). If you interested your director will provide the information for you and your student to participate.
By the end of the school year, each DeRenne Middle School Band member will be able to: Demonstrate proper social development through large group interaction, self-discipline, assembly and maintenance of their instrument, correct method of breathing on a wind instrument, proper hand position, identify various articulation markings, ability to interact responsibly with others and produce a good characteristic tone on their instrument.
Each student will have the opportunity to earn 100 points weekly. Students who are on time to class, have their materials and instrument and remain on task will be awarded the full 100 points. Points will be deducted for non-participation in class. Students will be graded on scales, class participation, written assignments, and concert etiquette performances.
Students will receive grades in band class according to the following grading scale:
Formative Assessment - Daily Performance in Class (30%) – Daily performance includes actively participating in the activities that are taking place in the class, being prepared with all needed materials (instrument, method book, and pencil), and demonstrating behavior that elevates the learning environment. Written daily assignments or Special Projects (10%) will occasionally be given as well.
Summative Assessment – Written/Playing Test and Performances (60%) – Students will have bi-weekly playing test over material that we have worked on in class. Occasionally students will have a written test over musical terms, concepts, key signatures, and other information that is important to the performance on their instrument. Students will have advanced notice of these tests and the material that will be included. Students will have an exam at the end of each nine weeks that will be factored into this grade.
If the student is unable to take test because they do not have the appropriate materials for class or instrument is in the shop, a zero will be put in the grade book until they take the test. They will be given the opportunity to make up this test ASAP. It will be their responsibility to make arrangement for make-up test.
“The Five Basic Band Expectation’s”
1. When the Director steps on the podium, everything stops.
2. No food, drink, sunflower seeds, chips, gum or candy in the band room. No Cell Phone Use during band class/performances.
3. IF IT’S NOT YOURS – DON’T TOUCH IT! Do not play on other people instruments including instruments in the percussion section.
4. No Horseplay, fighting or foul language. Seat in your section with instrument and music ready to play.
5. Show respect to Director, sub-teacher, student leader and treat everything with the utmost respect.
Discipline Rules for Misbehavior
We do not anticipate major problems with our students because band is a “privilege” and students are there because they want to learn to play. If a problem does arise in class, rehearsal or other activity, students will be disciplined according to the school policy:
1st incident: Re-directive Conversation – Verbal warning
2nd incident: “Time Out” in class room or other teacher’s room with written assignment. Parent Contact.
3rd incident: 30 minute detention after school, teacher/parent conference.
4th incident: Written referral to office for Disciplinary Action
General Band Expectations
1. You must be on time for all classes and activities. “On time” does not mean in the general vicinity or socializing. It means to be in your chair, quiet and ready to begin rehearsal. Tardiness will not be tolerated. “Hanging out” in the instrument storage room, bathroom or cafeteria area is not allowed and will have consequences behind that.
2. Be prepared for class and rehearsal with all music, pencils, and instrument at your seat. Do not repair your instrument during band class this is to be done at home.
3. You must be in attendance at all performances. You are responsible for knowing about all band rehearsals, performances and other activities.
4. You must be in the appropriate band uniform for performances. Perform all your music well and do your best at all times.
5. Keep up with your monthly calendars for any changes or new events. Communicate with your parents.
Excused absences: All excused absences must have documentation from parent.
- Verifiable personal illness
- Death in the Family
- Recognized religious holidays
- Verifiable family emergency
Unexcused absences: Your work/performance must be made up and documentation from parent.
- Failure to remember a concert date or activity.
- Failure to bring note from parent note for an “excused absence”
- Failure to wear the appropriate concert uniform to a performance
1. Enter the band room in an orderly fashion and read the board for instructions.
2. Be in your section in rest position with all necessary equipment and supplies 2 minutes after you enter the room.
3. Show proper rehearsal etiquette by being a good team player. Study your part quietly while the director works with another section. Remain on task at all times and do not talk or interrupt the focus of rehearsal.
4. Raise your hands to ask questions if you need individual help.
5. All instruments should remain in cases with latches closed when not in use.
6. Return all materials to their appropriate place. Lockers should be kept clean and only instruments, music and books should be kept inside.
7. Leave the band room in an orderly fashion when dismissed by the director.
8. No one shall play, hold, or otherwise operate or handle another person’s instrument. This includes all piano, electronic and percussion equipment located in the band room. Remember – “If it’s not yours, don’t touch it”
9. Walk in a straight line when leaving the classroom. Restroom breaks will be given before or after class time.
10. Follow school policies for all weather and fire emergencies.
Students in the band program will have numerous opportunities to perform during their time at DeRenne Middle School. Some of these opportunities are at the school and some are off campus. Note that some fees will apply for participation.
Winter Holiday and Spring Concerts
All Concert and Beginning band students will participate at the winter and spring concerts. These performances will be held at DeRenne Middle School atrium and all parents and guests are invited to join.
Large Group Performance Evaluations – GMEA LGPE
The Concert Band will perform at the District One Large Group Performance Evaluation. This concert occurs in the spring and will be at Armstrong State University in March. Details of this performance will be given as the event gets closer. This event is MANDATORY FOR ALL CONCERT MEMBERS.
District One Honor Band and All-State Band Auditions – (fee $20)