Steward Certification and Revocation,
MAPE Communicator and Steward Training Notice Policy
Board of Directors Revision Date: July 2010
Delegate Assembly Revision Date: 9/23-24/2016
Summary: Procedures to certify MAPE stewards, create MAPE communicators, track steward training and changes in steward status, and remove certification of stewards.
Related Information: Robert’s Rules of Order newly revised
Steward/Communicator Affirmation Form:
· The Steward/Communicator Affirmation Form allows for the designation of:
- MAPE steward.
- MAPE communicator.
· And is to be signed by:
- Members who complete basic steward training.
- Current stewards or MAPE communicators who wish to change their designation.
· Updates will be sent to the state by MAPE staff that reflects:
- New stewards.
- Change in status of existing stewards.
· Updates will be sent to the chief steward and local leadership by the Statewide First Vice President that reflects:
- New stewards.
- New MAPE communicators.
- Change in status of existing stewards and MAPE communicators.
- Members with a signed Steward Affirmation Form on file at MAPE who wish to change their status must contact MAPE staff or the Statewide First Vice President and sign a new form. Upon receipt of the signed form, the Statewide First Vice President will take the appropriate steps to inform local leadership and ensure that changes are reflected in the steward lists.
Certification of Stewards:
· Stewards shall be certified as agents of MAPE upon the successful completion of MAPE's beginning steward training course and by signing the Steward/Communicator Affirmation Form choosing the option of steward.
· The state will be informed of the name and agency of affirmed stewards who have chosen to participate in grievance and investigation handling.
· Members who complete MAPE's beginning steward training course and choose to be a MAPE communicator instead of a steward on the Steward/Communicator Affirmation Form will not have their names forwarded to the state.
· The list of stewards on the MAPE website will be kept current.
Training Notice
At the point that members register for steward training of any level, the Statewide First Vice President will inform the chief steward of the member’s region. At the end of the scheduled training, the chief steward will again be informed of the members who completed training.
Revocation of Steward Certification:
· All written complaints, filed against a steward and relating to a breach of MAPE Steward Code of Conduct, will be investigated by the Statewide First Vice President and the chief steward of that region, unless the chief steward is the subject of the complaint or the person lodging the complaint. The First Vice President will determine if the charges are founded and if the violation warrants action.
· Complaints will be resolved informally unless the seriousness of the complaint could lead to removal of the steward’s certification. Examples of informal resolution include training, monitoring and counseling. If the First Vice President determines that the charges do not warrant suspension, the accused steward will be informed of the charges or the investigation.
· The First Vice President may (if appropriate) suspend the activities of the steward before, during or after the investigation depending on the severity of the charges. If the steward is to be suspended, the First Vice President will inform the accused steward, in writing, of the suspension and the reason(s). The steward shall be advised they must immediately stop the performance of all steward duties pending the outcome of the investigation. The chief steward of the affected region and the State of Minnesota will be informed that the steward is not active and does not represent MAPE.
· The First Vice President will present the results of the investigation to a decision team comprised of three Employee Rights Committee (ERC) members and two ERC alternates appointed by the first VP. This decision team will vote on whether the charges warrant loss of certification.
· If the decision team by majority vote decides to revoke the steward’s certification, the First Vice President will inform the steward, in writing, of the revocation of their certification and the reason(s). The steward shall be advised they must immediately stop the performance of all steward duties. The chief steward of the affected region and the State of Minnesota will be informed that the steward is not active and does not represent MAPE. The letter will also advise the steward that they have 30 days from the date of the letter to appeal the revocation decision to the ERC. The request for appeal must be in writing to the First Vice President at the MAPE office.
· If the decision team does not obtain a majority vote to revoke certification, the suspended steward shall be informed immediately and in writing that their suspension is lifted. The chief steward of the affected region and the State of Minnesota will be informed that the steward is active and does represent MAPE.
· If no written request for a hearing before the ERC is received in the MAPE office within the allotted 30 days, the steward’s revocation of certification as a MAPE steward will be final and the state will be so informed.
· All revocations will be reported to the ERC at the next ERC meeting. The chief steward of the revoked steward’s region will be immediately informed of the revocation by mail or e-mail.
Appeal to Employee Rights Committee (ERC)
If a steward who has had their certification revoked files a written appeal to the Statewide First Vice President at the MAPE office within 30 days of the date on the notice of revocation, the ERC will hear the appeal at its next scheduled meeting (if possible). The ERC will hear the appeal under the same rules as apply to an arbitration appeal, with the decision team presenting their findings. If the ERC votes (by majority exclusive of the decision team) to uphold the decision to revoke the steward’s certification, the steward's certification will be revoked. If the ERC votes (by majority exclusive of the decision team) to not uphold the decision team’s revocation, the steward will be reinstated as a MAPE steward.
Appeal to MAPE Board of Directors
If the ERC upholds the decision to revoke the steward’s certification, the member may appeal the decision to the MAPE Board of Directors at the next scheduled meeting (if possible).
1. After one year and each year thereafter, a member who has had their steward certification revoked may make a request in writing to the statewide First Vice President for reinstatement as a certified steward.
2. The First Vice President may reinstate a steward’s certification with approval of the ERC.