Volume85 – Number 26
Monday – January 20, 2014 /
Steve Holman led us in singing “I Am Looking over a Four Leaf Clover” and “The Happy Wanderer.”
Steve Holman led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, & Four Way Test.
Brian Pozzi passed out a sign-up sheet to work the Chicken and Biscuit fund raiser on February 22 at the Freeport High School Cafeteria. This year an activity supporting Polio Plus will occur in conjunction with the fundraiser. Information relating to placemat advertising was sent out to all members by Michelle McNeely. She will be contacting Chamber of Commerce members via email as well. Club members are encouraged to participate. Those who participated in the placemat advertising last year still must contact Michelle.
Dee Kuhlemeier passed out tickets to members in attendance to sell. Each member received 10 tickets, but all are encouraged to sell more and/or purchase tickets to make a donation to a worthy cause. Also, Dee announced that posters are available for members to display in their place of business.
The first “Rotary Rocks” social is scheduled for January 23, 4:45 PM at Fieldstone. Come, bring a friend or significant other, and enjoy the company in a social setting. Each member will be responsible for their own refreshment purchases. Future Rotary Rocks Socials will rotate locations and be scheduled quarterly.
The Rotary District Mid-Winter Meeting is scheduled for February 15. It will be held at Kishwaukee College. If you are interested in attending, contact Linda Wilson.
Craig Beintema announced that three, very fine applicants for the short-term student exchange program have been selected. They are finishing their applications for the District. Once submitted, they will be matched for the exchange. Two of the three are hoping for Austria and Japan.
A donation was received from the Cathy Hartman Lydon Estate for $10,000. The donation is designated for the Children’s Shoe Fund and the Kids Christmas Event. What a wonderful and kind donation!
50/50 Raffle
Steve Holman’s ticket was drawn. He did not pick the winning marble. The pot grows! Now over $350!
After fining those who did not have their Rotary Badges on, Roberta Selleck quizzed the club on bits of trivia. The trivia covered the coldest day in Antarctica, the hottest year on record in the USA, Henry Ford’s speed record, and top NFL MVP’s. She even fined a table for consisting of all men. She made money for the “Boot,” and Ralph Elliott made sure it was collected. Good Job!
Happy News
A Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. is scheduled to occur at the Boys and Girls Club on the King Campus. Roberta Selleck invited club members to attend.
Dee Kuhlemeier got to visit with her grandchildren and announced her tenth is on the way.
George Walker announced that he put his wife and mother-in-law on a plane for Seattle. Mom-in-law is ninety and flying out to visit her brother who said he was too old to fly (80). I guess “Sis” showed him who is the hardiest!
Linda Wilson introduced Sherrie Bicksler, Director of the Freeport Pregnancy Center (FPC). Ms. Bicksler explained that the FPC was a ministry providing help and hope to the mothers of unborn children. The pro-life organization is located at the Freeport Medical Center on the corner of Exchange and Walnut. It offers free and confidential abortion alternatives to pregnant women. The services are supported by area churches and are available at the FPC Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Services are available before, during, and after the pregnancy.
The presentation was informative, well-organized, and easily provided. Thanks to Ms. Bicksler for the presentation and for Steve Kroeger’s assistance.
Submitted By:Craig Knaack
Next Meeting: January 27, 2014
Sergeant-at-Arms – Steve Jennings, Chair
Pledge/Invocation/Four Way Test – Joe Kanosky
Singing – Steve Holman
Fellowship - Dave Shockey
(See attachment for the January – March meeting planners)
January 23, 4:45 p.m.
Event: “Rotary Rocks” social @ Fieldstone
January 27
Program: Malcolm Eaton Enterprises
February 3
Program: Main Street Bistro-Downtown Freeport
Presenter: Craig Perkins, Chef and Owner
February 10
Program: Will discuss one of her travel adventures
Presenter: Ann Young
February 15
Event: Rotary District Mid-Winter Meeting @ Kishwaukee College
Contact: Linda Wilson
February 17
Program: The Butterfly Barn
Presenter: Phil Swalve
February 22
Event: Chicken & Biscuit Fund Raiser @ Freeport High School Cafeteria
Contacts: Brian Pozzi (work sign-up), Michelle McNeely (placemat advertising), & Dee Kuhlemeier (tickets & posters)
February 24
Program: Putting on a Rotary Christmas party in Xcalak, Mexico 2013
Presenter: Sherry/Frank Weldele
Web Resources
Our Noon Rotary Club Info and Newsletters
Rotary International
Our District 6420
Rotarians on the Internet
Rotary Clubs in the Area - Meeting Locations, Dates, Times
The Rotary Four-Way Test
Of the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the Truth?
2. Is it Fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?