Stettler Minor Hockey Minutes

December 13, 2012


Jason Hegberg
Katie Bainbridge
Kevin Burkard
Shanon Shingoose
Tracy Robinson
Fran Sharpe
Christa Cornelssen
Kristin Stahlberg

Meeting called to order at 7:15 pm

Minutes from November 8 were reviewed. Tracy Robinson moved to have them adopted as read, Kevin Burkard seconded.


Mites- CJ Oprea


Novice- Tracy Robinson

The novice tournament went well. One team from Calgary suggested that our teams should be listed as higher than novice house league. All Stettler novice teams did very well. There were reports of a few people not showing up to work their volunteer hours. Some of these people were done their required SMHA volunteer hours, so they felt that they did not need to work at the tournament.

Atom- Ivy Bredy


Peewee- Shannon Shingoose

The tournament is being organized. The C division still needs to find 2 teams, the B division needs to find 1 team. The coaches are looking for teams.

Bantam- Renee Anderson


Midget- Apryl Cassidy


Female- Cheryl Van Dusen


Brad Robbins/Dave Deaver

Brad Robbins has been approached by a few coaches and asked to do power skating with their teams. He is wondering if SMHA would cover the cost. *

Dave Deaver has been approached by a few coaches and asked to work with their goalies. He is also wondering if SMHA would cover the cost.

Glen Morbeck has been looking into hosting a few goalie clinics.

*2010 Power skating was provided by Annette Lee for divisions Atom and up at a total cost of $1050.

Respect in Sport and Coaching Deficiencies

As of Dec. 5th , 95 players were deficient with RIS. As of Dec. 6th , only 4 were deficient. The majority of parents had completed RIS, but a few errors were preventing the system from linking the child to the parent.

Coaching deficiencies: 3 Initiation teams (mites); 1 Atom team; 1 Bantam team. All coaching deficiencies have been resolved.

Players volunteering for credit at school

Should we have a limit on volunteers? As of now, there haven’t been many players asking to volunteer. SMHA may have to look at setting a limit on volunteers at some point in the future.


Red Deer Orthodontics is donating free mouth guards to all our Peewee and Bantam players. Teams need to schedule an appointment for fittings.

Roles and Responsibilities

SMHA roles and responsibilities of board members need to be addressed. The executive will meet in Feb. or Mar. to decided what needs to be amended at the AGM in April.


Teams who are playing for provincials need to pay a fee to SMHA for ice.

Team Success Update

Most teams are doing very well. Atom B and C have been struggling, but their coaches report good development within the teams.


There is a large puck from the novice WJHC tournament last season, that needs to be moved. Jason will talk to Lee Penner about displaying the puck somewhere in the arena.


Treasurer- Christa Cornelssen

Things seem to be going well. There have not been a lot of game cancellations- the ice seems to be being used.

There has been some confusion this season with teams trying to track down bank accounts. Christa suggests creating a list of team bank accounts.

VP Operations- David Zondag

Mites information was inputted late, but is now done. All teams and players are registered. There are no suspensions.

Some players addresses are still outstanding. Addresses are required by Hockey Alberta. Rural addresses must provide a legal land description.

VP Registrations- Neil McCallum


VP Programs/Permits- Kevin Burkard

All is well.

VP Development- Glen Morbeck


VP Administration- Len Hoac


(Kevin reported for Len) Volunteers are still needed for the casino. Len will be calling members who still need to fulfill volunteer hours.

Fundraising- Kristin Stahlberg

There are 7 key casino positions that need to be filled by Sunday. Kristin is looking for people. A few board members have offered to fill the positions, if needed.

Equipment Manager- Kevin Burkard

All name/sponsorship bars were purchased through ID Apparel this year. ID Apparel also attached all bars.

We seem to be missing a left trapper for novice. (Note: trapper was located after meeting)

Ice/Ref Allocator- Fran Sharpe

NCMHA is not happy with our scheduling. They have been receiving complaints about our Friday 9:00 pm game slot. Nick wants Fran to change the ice time. The ice time cannot be changed without changing all ice times for Fridays. Fran was advised to tell NCMHA that she cannot do anything about the ice times.

Holiday practices will be cancelled between Dec. 24 and Dec. 28. Advise managers to rebook practices they want during this time.

Evaluations were done for 6 young refs during the novice tournament.

Jason asked Fran to remind refs to be punctual when returning from intermission.

Christa asked if Mites could to rescheduled to make up for their lost ice time due to tournaments.

Website Coordinator- Andrea DeYoung


Open Discussion

Tracy Robinson asked why Novice ice is only scheduled until Feb. 17th. Novice always ends the second last weekend of February, which falls early this year. Tracy will book games for February 22., keeping in mind that the games may need to be cancelled for playoffs

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.